Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 564: Leaving the altar, he was ambushed!

Chapter 564 Leaving the altar and being ambushed!

 For a moment, even Lin Yuan was slightly in a daze!

Depend on!

real or fake? !

This is the blood extracted from a black hole-level monk!

 When it comes to you, it turns into a blood thread thinner than a hair? !

If this is the case, how many more monks do you need to kill to fill up the token with the ghost face of Shura carved on it?

 Thousands of people?

 Also talk about...tens of thousands? !

Lin Yuan simply couldn’t imagine this number!

He now understands that the existence of this Shura Token is simply to make him a mass murderer!

This ghost place is so evil!

Lin Yuan looked at the Shura Token in his hand and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

What is the use of this **** thing? !

I have already filled up the engraved side, and I didn’t notice any special changes happening to the token.

This thing...could it be a decoration?

Lin Yuan's mind was spinning a thousand times, and there were endless speculations about this Shura Token!

“Didn’t the Black Mist Demon Lord tell me that if you kill other monks in this Shura land, you can get rewards according to the rules of heaven and earth?”

 “Why am I almost killing people, and I haven’t even seen a reward! What a nonsense!”

Lin Yuan complained quite depressedly.

 He always felt that...the Black Mist Demon Lord was deceiving him!

“Forget it, let’s not think about these things for now. Let’s recover our strength first, and then we can find a way to leave here later.”

Lin Yuan shook his head, put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, sat cross-legged, and began to try to restore the energy, blood and mental power in his body.

If you don’t restore your energy to its peak level and go out rashly, you will suffer big losses if you encounter some powerful opponents in a fight!

About half an hour later, Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light appeared in his eyes.

 Obviously, he has restored his condition to the best through this half hour of adjustment!

 Next, it’s time to think of a way to get out of here.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan's figure directly took off into the air and flew towards the distance!

I don’t know how long I have been flying, but an invisible space barrier suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yuan!

Based on Lin Yuan’s experience, he quickly deduced that the barrier in front of him was the space channel connecting the outside world!

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all. After taking a deep breath, he took Xiaoyou directly into the space channel in front of him!


 This is a **** world.

 The sky above our heads is a scarlet blood color, and the earth under our feet is also a scarlet blood color, as if it has been soaked with endless blood!

Right here, there are several black hole-level monks gathered in front of a space passage.

"Boss, you said it's been almost an hour, why hasn't anyone come out yet? These monks who entered the land of Shura, can't they be so useless? It's been so long, and there's still no winner. Come back?"

“Who knows, just wait patiently. The more people inside die, the more precious the Shura Token in the hands of the person who comes out will be!”

"Yeah, I don't know how many people will come out this time. It's best if only one comes out. If that person kills all the monks who entered the Shura Land in the same group, then the Shura Token in his hand will at least be "Asura general" level! "Tsk, tsk, general level Shura tokens can be exchanged for a lot of good things!"

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, someone seems to be coming out, get ready for battle!”

“Jiejie, Jiejie, these monks are unlucky when they encounter us who have been stationed here in advance! If they are lucky, they might actually be able to get a general-level Shura Token!”

"Let alone the general level, even if we get a few soldier-level Shura Tokens, our trip will be considered worthwhile!"

 While these people were discussing, the space passage in front of them suddenly began to fluctuate violently!

After the fluctuation for about four or five seconds, a lone figure slowly walked out from the space passage in front of him.

 For a moment, everyone was stunned!

 There is really only one person!

 It seems that it was the man in front of him who slaughtered all the monks in the same group with him!

 In this way, the Shura Token in his hand has at least been upgraded to the general level!

Thinking of this, the monks gathered outside the space passage all showed a bit of greed and ferocity in their eyes!

  No matter what, they must get this general-level Shura Token!

 “Kill this boy!”

I don’t know who took the lead and shouted loudly. These monks, like evil wolves, rushed towards Lin Yuan to kill him!


Lin Yuan, who had just left the space channel and hadn't even figured out what was going on, instantly felt that countless murderous intentions were locked on him!

 These people...are here to kill him? !

After realizing the other party’s intention, Lin Yuan opened the Samsara Eye without hesitation!

 “Shenra Tianzheng!”

 The powerful repulsive force instantly forced the monks who wanted to get close to fly away!

 Want to kill him?


 “Be careful, this guy is weird!”

Someone noticed something strange about Lin Yuan and said in a deep voice.

 They swarmed before, purely driven by greed.

When you calm down and think about it carefully, the kid in front of you has massacred all the monks in the same period. How can he not be strong!

 However, another monk opened his mouth and cursed: "What a weird ass! There are so many of us, but we are afraid of him!"

 Subsequently, he rose up and rushed towards Lin Yuan's direction again!

While charging away, a spear of yellow sand suddenly condensed in his hand and pierced Lin Yuan's neck!

 “I don’t know whether to live or die.”

Lin Yuan snorted coldly, and his figure instantly turned into a thunder shadow. With absolute speed, he went around the monk's back, condensed a ball of thunder light in his hand, and pressed down on his back!


  The exploding thunder exploded under the roar!

Nearly violent energy poured into the monk's body instantly, exploding his body into pieces!

After the monk died, his blood was absorbed into the Shura Token by Lin Yuan!

After witnessing the tragic death of his companions, the monks in front of Lin Yuan were also shocked by the former's decisive character and extremely powerful strength!

This guy's strength is... surprisingly strong!

 (End of this chapter)

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