Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 555: Human Emperor Fuxi!

Chapter 555 The Human Emperor Fuxi!

After the gilded long stick in his hand was completely broken, the old ape froze on the spot, with a look of despair on his face.

The other party was able to forcibly annihilate the weapon in his hand without hurting him, which is enough to show that the other party's control of power has reached an extremely precise level.

 Even...can be said to be as thin as a hair.

 A being of this level would only be able to kill him in an instant.

“Senior, this monkey is indeed a bit impatient, please don’t blame me.”

After the old ape was completely subdued, the white-robed old man from Silver Star Academy also stood up and spoke with great respect.

The old ape man glanced at the old man in white robes. He was slightly startled at first, and then his eyes quickly revealed a hint of gratitude.

He knew better than anyone how much pressure the old man in white robe would bear if he dared to speak out at such a moment.

 After all, what they are facing is a level of strength that far exceeds their existence.

As long as the other party is unhappy, they can be wiped out in an instant!

The reason why the old man in white robe dared to stand up was mainly because he believed that the mysterious strong man who appeared here was not killing innocent people indiscriminately.

This can be seen from the fact that she only smashed the old ape's weapon, but did not take his life.

"Well, don't say whether you blame him or not. I came here today to pick up my apprentice."

"As for whether you should kill him or not, I have to ask my good disciple for his opinion."

While speaking, a figure with icy muscles and jade bones slowly walked out of the void, with a faint smile hanging on that beautiful face.

 After this mysterious powerful man appeared, almost all the monks present couldn't help but hold their breath.

 Because the strong woman who appeared in front of them was so beautiful!

 Moreover, it is not the beauty of temptation, but the kind of beauty that is almost perfect!

 Facial features, figure, temperament...all are just right, as if carved from a perfect mold!

You must know that after reaching a certain level of strength, you can easily change your appearance.

 But...the spiritual beauty engraved in the bones is quite difficult to imitate.

 The mysterious strong woman in front of her gave people such a feeling.

Just like a white lotus, it emerges from the mud but remains unsullied, washes through the clear ripples without being demonic, and is so sacred that no one can bear any blasphemy.

 Subsequently, this goddess-like being took a step forward and was in front of Lin Yuan in an instant!

This step contains the law of shrinking the ground into an inch. In just one step, he has taken nearly 10,000 meters away!

 “Good disciple! You are a good teacher... From now on, you will not be bullied again.”

A bright smile bloomed on Nuwa's face. She stretched out her hand and rubbed Lin Yuan's head.

 The moment she smiled, it seemed as if the whole world was eclipsed by her smile!

 Most of the monks present fell into despair under her smile.

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan's determination was still strong enough, and he had once seen Nuwa's beautiful face through Nuwa's spiritual consciousness, so he was able to avoid losing control.

 Otherwise...what normal man can withstand being teased like this by a fairy-like goddess?

However, it has to be said that although the appearance of Nuwa's deity is consistent with that of Nuwa's spiritual consciousness, her temperament is more otherworldly and more similar to a god.

 Perhaps...this is also related to her supreme strength.

Lin Yuan smiled and said calmly: "Master, I am not a person who kills indiscriminately. Anyway, these people have not caused any substantial harm to me, so just let them go."

Nuwa nodded, smiled and said: "Since my good disciples have said so, I will let them go!"

At this moment, a rich male voice sounded in the void, and said with a teasing smile: "I really didn't expect that the disciple you accepted is actually quite principled and a kind-hearted person."

 After this voice came out from the void, everyone felt a chill coming down their spines.

No one discovered that there was another extremely powerful person hiding in the void!

“Huh, what’s the use of being kind? Kind people are more likely to be bullied!”

Nuwa put her hands on her hips and said dissatisfiedly: "But from now on, even the master of a realm will never bully my disciples!"

 After Nuwa said these words, all the monks couldn't help but be stunned.

If they heard correctly, what Nuwa said...should be the Realm Lord, right?

As long as she is here, not even the world lord can bully her apprentice?

Regardless of whether what she said is true or not, just having the courage to say these words is enough to show that Nuwa's strength has reached a certain level!

Originally, these monks thought that this mysterious female monk was just an ordinary cosmic powerhouse.

Now it seems that her true strength may not be comparable to that of ordinary cosmic-level monks!

After Nuwa said these cruel words, Lin Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment and said awkwardly: "Thank you Master for your kindness, but so far... no one has been able to bully me. ”

 After Lin Yuan said these words, all the monks present felt bitter.

 Yeah...who dares to bully this evil star!

The last monk who dared to bully your disciple would probably have grass on his grave that was three feet high!

"Hahahaha...sister, this apprentice you have accepted is really interesting."

With a burst of hearty laughter, a tall and handsome figure walked out of the void and came to Lin Yuan in the same step.

 “Meet Senior Fuxi.”

After seeing the other party, Lin Yuan did not hesitate, bowed and held his hands in a respectful tone.

 Of course he knows the identity of the other party!

 After all, the only one who can call the Great God Nuwa my sister is the Human Emperor Fuxi!

Although Lin Yuan was not sure how powerful Human Emperor Fuxi was, he guessed that he should definitely be above Nuwa.

 Otherwise, Fuxi would not be able to control Nuwa because of his out-of-the-box character.

“She has a sweet mouth, so I’ll give you some greeting gifts.”

Fuxi glanced at Lin Yuan and raised his right hand casually.

Suddenly, countless golden radiant Qi and blood powers poured into Lin Yuan's body like threads!

I have to say that Lin Yuan has been practicing for so long, and this is the first time he has seen the power of golden qi and blood!

 It can be pure the power of these qi and blood is!

Moreover, after this part of the golden energy and blood poured into Lin Yuan's body, his body did not even feel the slightest rejection of this part of the energy and blood!

Looking at Lin Yuan who looked surprised, Fuxi smiled and explained: "You and I are from the same human race, and we have many similarities in the cultivation path of Qi and Blood."

"Moreover, the power of this part of Qi and blood that I gave to you is extremely pure, without any impurities." "So, when your body accepts this part of Qi and blood, it will naturally not produce any rejection force. There are no side effects either.”

 “That’s it, thank you, Senior Fuxi, for clarifying my doubts.”

Lin Yuan thanked him again, closed his eyes at the same time, and began to enjoy the pleasure brought by the integration of this golden energy and blood into his blood!

At the same time, Lin Yuan's own Qi and blood level is also constantly evolving and improving!

Three hundred thousand…five hundred thousand…one million…one million and two hundred thousand!

 At the end of the absorption, this part of the golden energy and blood actually increased Lin Yuan's energy and blood power by a full 1.2 million points!

Even Lin Yuan did not expect that the golden blood given to him by Fu Xi would have such a significant effect.

Just as Lin Yuan was about to express his thanks again, Fuxi interrupted him directly: "Okay, there's no need to thank me. The reason why the effect is so remarkable is because you have a good foundation and a solid foundation. It's all your own credit."

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Subsequently, before Lin Yuan could speak, Xiaoyou flew out directly and flew in front of Fuxi with a fawning look on his face.

 Obviously, after this little guy saw Fuxi gifting Lin Yuan golden blood, he was also very greedy and wanted to ask for some from Fuxi.

Even Lin Yuan couldn't bear to look at such a shameless behavior.

If possible, he really didn't want to admit that Xiaoyou was his pet beast.

"Oh? The cub of the Star Devourer? It should still be in the growth stage...the bloodline is quite pure."

Fuxi is indeed a top-notch person with peak strength, and he can actually see through Xiaoyou's true identity at a glance.

 Then, Fuxi laughed and said, "Boy, this star-eating beast is following you, so it must have eaten a lot of good things, right?"

“You can have such strength when you first enter the growth stage. You cannot do this with pure blood alone.”

Lin Yuan nodded seriously and said angrily: "Yes, this little guy is a gold-swallowing beast. He has eaten many good things from me."

"Choo Choo Choo!"

As soon as Xiaoyou heard this, she immediately became unhappy and began to retort angrily.

 What it means is, weren’t the treasures you found brought by me to find them with you? !

“Since your pet has so much potential, I’ll give it a gift as well.”

Fuxi smiled and was about to raise his hand to gather a new force of energy and blood.

At this moment, Nuwa raised her hand to stop him, shook her head and said, "I will give this little guy the greeting gift."

“You have already given my disciple a lot of energy and blood. If you continue to condense it, I’m afraid the foundation will be damaged.”

Hearing what Nuwa said, Lin Yuan felt a little more grateful to Fuxi in his heart.

 It seems that gifting one's own Qi and blood, even if one is as powerful as Fuxi, has to pay a certain price.

As for Xiaoyou, she didn’t think much about it at all.

This little guy, as soon as he heard it, he would have something delicious to eat. He was enjoying himself carelessly, flying around Nuwa and Fuxi, as if they were its real owners.

 “You greedy little guy, let me have a good time.”

Nuwa smiled and glanced at Xiaoyou, pointing a little empty.

 In an instant, golden energy quickly condensed in front of Nuwa's fingertips, like a floc.

Although these golden energies were very similar to the power of Qi and blood that Fu Xi had previously condensed, Lin Yuan could feel that they were not the same kind of energy at all.

The energy that Nuwa condensed was extremely pure and full of vitality, which made Lin Yuan feel extremely familiar.

This energy... is the power of creation that Lin Yuan once inherited from the Kunlun Ruins!

It’s just that compared with Nuwa’s, the creation power in Lin Yuan’s body can only be regarded as a seed that has not yet sprouted!

After feeling the surging energy contained in the power of creation, Xiaoyou's eyes almost stared straight, and even his saliva started to flow from his mouth!

 “Okay, little guy, enjoy it!”

After completely condensing the power of creation into shape, Nuwa flicked her fingers and flicked it directly in front of Xiaoyou.

The latter didn't make the slightest move. He opened his mouth and swallowed the ball of light containing the power of creation into his mouth.

 For the Star Devourer, this is the fastest way to devour energy!

 Suddenly, the aura around Xiaoyou began to rise rapidly!

As Xiaoyou's momentum increased, its face gradually began to show a look of exhaustion, and finally it slowly closed its eyes!


Lin Yuan was slightly stunned, obviously not understanding what happened.

Nuwa chuckled and explained: "Don't worry, this little guy is just too full to hold up. It has already devoured a lot of good things before and has not yet digested them completely. Now after the creation of the world, The force entered its body and completely activated the remaining energy. The little guy couldn't digest it for a while, so he could only fall into a deep sleep temporarily. "

 “So that’s it.”

Lin Yuan nodded and finally understood.

 Simply put, Xiaoyou is too full and needs to take a nap to digest it properly!

Afterwards, Nuwa spoke again: "Perhaps next time your star-eating beast wakes up, it will have combat power comparable to that of a black hole-level monk. If you train it well, one day, it may even break through to the cosmic level." !”

"By that time, this little guy...can definitely become your right-hand man."

 Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Then let's look forward to that day."

After saying this, Lin Yuan changed the topic, looked directly at Nuwa and Fuxi, and asked: "Forgive me for asking, what are the strengths of Master and Senior Nuwa?"


Nuwa thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "To be honest, I can only be regarded as a cosmic level."

 (End of this chapter)

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