Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 520: Ten Thousand Swords Return to Yuan!

Chapter 520 Ten Thousand Swords Return to Yuan!

Li Chaoge originally thought that there was only a slight gap in strength between himself and the real genius.

He obviously did not expect that there was such a big gap not only in strength but also in vision!

At this moment, Li Chaoge was extremely curious as to how Lin Yuan was able to see through Feng Chumo at a glance and still have some trump cards!

Feeling Li Chaoge's expectant gaze, Lin Yuan coughed twice and said leisurely: "Well, actually it's not difficult to judge that this guy has a trump card."

“Think about it, this guy is just like Madman Wu. He always looks for fights with people and wants to attack people when he sees them. If he was beaten to death so easily, how could he still be alive now?”

Li Chaoge: “???”

 Fuck, that makes sense!

 Co-author: How did you reason that Feng Chumo still has a trump card? !

Li Chaoge was simply shocked!

He discovered that it wasn't that he had a poor vision at all, but that his brain couldn't move as fast as Lin Yuan...

 Suddenly, Li Chaoge felt even sadder!

 It turns out that it is so sad to be crushed by someone in terms of IQ!

However, Li Chaoge did not feel sad for long and started to watch the battle again.

 But now when I watch the game, the feeling is a little different!

Although Feng Chumo was still suppressed by Li Tianran, Li Chaoge didn't care at all and was waiting to see when this guy would use his trump card.

This feeling is as if someone has spoiled the ending in advance.

However, Li Chaoge did not believe that Feng Chumo would definitely win.

Even if he has a trump card, doesn’t Li Tianran have a trump card?

 At that time, it’s just a matter of who has the stronger trump card!


“As expected of Dean Li’s son, after being transformed into a demon, his strength is indeed extraordinary!”

Feng Chumo grinned and faced Li Tianran's offensive with great difficulty.

 The Fengyuan Sword Formation formed in front of him again and again, and then was torn apart by Li Tianran's claws again and again!

Over time, the ten flying swords that formed the Fengyuan Sword Formation became somewhat dilapidated!

 “Get out! I am Li Tianran, not anyone else’s son!”

 A cold light flashed in Li Tianran's eyes!

Then, he suddenly swung out his claw again. Before the Feng Yuan Sword Formation could gather into shape, his claw directly tore a **** mark on Feng Chumo's arm, which was as deep as the bone!

 Associating him with his father, the contemporary dean of Demon Seminary, is one of the things that Li Tianran hates the most in his life!

Since Li Tianran has been practicing, he has never received any shadow from his father, and he has fought his way up all by himself!

 This is what he is proud of!

 He is fierce and does not rely on anyone!

 “Hahaha, okay! I appreciate you!”

Feng Chumo laughed loudly: "In that case, I won't hold back anymore! I have a move, I wonder if you dare to take it!"

Li Tianran's eyes were slightly sharp, and he said with a sneer: "I know you have a trump card! Just use it!" "If you don't use it anymore, leave it in the grave, and you won't be able to use it anymore!"

 Li Tianran’s body was filled with murderous aura!

 He really had murderous intentions towards Feng Chumo!

 At their level, ordinary discussions are no longer of much use.

 Since we have to fight, it is a battle of life and death!

 No matter what the outcome is, they must be rushing to kill the opponent!

If you don't even dare to have the intention to kill, how can you talk about being a genius?

 Li Tianran is like this, Feng Chumo is even more like this!

 His battle with Li Tianran was also done with the intention of going all out, but with the indifference of life and death!

If this were not the case, no matter how many strong men fought, they would not be able to temper themselves!

 “In that case…then take it!”

 Feng Chumo's eyes suddenly glowed!

In front of his eyes, the sword box rose into the sky, and one flying sword after another rose into the sky from the sword box, towering over Feng Chumo's body!

 Hundred Swords Box, in the box... there are naturally enough flying swords!

Each flying sword carries an extremely fierce killing intent, as if it will drink blood and return in the next second!

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Li Tianran, who had always had a cold look in his eyes, changed his expression drastically!

"This is... Kendaozi's 'Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Origin'? Damn it, when did you..."

Li Tianran’s tone was filled with a hint of disbelief!

Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Origin... This is the unique skill of Ken Daozi!

 Jian Daozi is Feng Chumo’s teacher!

 The black hole level peak powerhouse!

A monk of this level is naturally extremely powerful in his unique skills!

However, Li Tianran heard that Jian Daozi once said personally that the threshold for practicing the "Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Origin" requires a black hole level!

 But how is this Feng Chu Mo displayed? !

“Hey, are you scared? I learned this from my master after a lot of effort!”

“That old guy, no matter how hard it is, is not willing to teach me Wanjian Guiyuan. He must say that I am too ambitious and want to bite off more than I can chew!”

“There is no other way, I can only learn secretly! But this old guy may not have the opportunity to use Ten Thousand Swords to Return to Origin several times throughout the year. Fortunately, I am extremely talented, and I finally learned a lot..."

While Feng Chumo laughed, one flying sword after another began to tremble, and the sword body rang low like a copper bell!

The first step in the return of ten thousand swords is to make all these hundreds of flying swords resonate!

Only in this way can this move become more powerful!

Even though Feng Chumo smiled happily and proudly, he couldn't hide the paleness of his face!

 After all, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Origin is indeed a killing move that requires a black hole-level monk to execute!

Feng Chumo is in a star-level realm, and if he wants to forcefully use Ten Thousand Swords to Return to Yuan, he is more or less unable to do so!

However, in order to win this battle, he was worth it!


Feng Chumo shouted, and hundreds of flying swords soared into the sky at the same time!

After soaring several thousand meters into the air, these hundred flying swords flew down towards the direction of Li Tianran, like falling stars!

 A flying sword fell!

 Like beams of silver light piercing the world from the sky!

The only difference is that these beams of silver light are so powerful that even if an ordinary star-level monk wants to resist, he will probably be pierced by a sword on the spot!

The Ten Thousand Swords used by Feng Chumo returned to Yuan Dynasty, but he sacrificed a hundred flying swords!

This is the most powerful killing move he used to kill Li Tianran when he reached his limit!

However, although Li Tianran looked solemn, he was not someone who just waited to die!

Facing the hundreds of flying swords that fell from above his head, Li Tianran raised his head and let out a shocking wolf howl!

 (End of this chapter)

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