Chapter 472 Fighting!

The ones standing in front of the brothers Kaos and Airos were naturally the two brothers Shi Jingtian and Shi Potian, as well as Wei Jingguo!

Lin Yuan’s original plan was for the three of them to join forces to deal with a stellar powerhouse.

It's just that there were some mistakes in Lin Yuan's judgment.

He obviously did not expect that this time, there would be not just three star-level experts coming to Earth, but four in total!

 In other words, the burden on Wei Jingguo's shoulders suddenly became much heavier!

Although the situation is three versus two, the side of Chaos and Elos is the one with the absolute advantage.

 After all, these two brothers are both stellar powerhouses, and they are also the best among stellar powerhouses!

Although there are more people on Wei Jingguo's side, the strength of Shi Jingtian and Shi Potian is obviously one level weaker than the other's, and they only have the strength of the Supreme King.

You must know that when we fought against the Dark God Lord, the Dark God Lord who had not activated the Darkest Heavenly Demon Body was already able to defeat Lin Longshou and Gabriel without any power to fight back!

However, although no one expected that an unplanned accident would happen, at this moment, the arrow was already on the string and had to be fired!

“I’ll hold the one on the left, and you two will join forces to deal with the one on the right!”

Wei Jingguo took a deep breath and quietly arranged the plan: "Listen up, our task is very simple, we just need to entangle the two of them!"

“When Lin Yuan or Cang resolves the battle, they will come back to help us right away!”

 The strength of the three of them is not strong to begin with, so... Wei Jingguo also knows their position in this battle very well!

 “What? Haven’t you discussed the countermeasures yet?”

Seeing Wei Jingguo whispering over there, Kaos couldn't help but laugh: "I advise you not to waste your efforts and get out of the way. I don't have to kill you!"

 “Make way for you, don’t even think about it!”

Shi Potian had the most impatient temper. After Kaos opened his mouth to provoke him, he rushed forward without hesitation, and hit the latter's head with his fist as hard as a rock without hesitation!

However, Kaos smiled coldly: "Silly big guy, just relying on brute force is useless."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ring of fire suddenly appeared around Kaos!

The scorching ring of fire, packed with extremely majestic energy, directly pushed Shi Potian away!

With the resistance of the ring of fire, Shi Potian's body flew backwards for hundreds of meters, and then he barely stabilized!

“Now do you understand the difference in strength between you and me? With your little strength, if you try to defeat me, you will die miserably.”

Chaos raised his head slightly, his eyes full of disdain and arrogance.

Shi Jingtian turned his head and spoke softly to Wei Jingguo: "I will join forces with Potian to entangle this person, and you can concentrate on dealing with the other one!"

Originally, Shi Jingtian wanted to think carefully about who to choose as his opponent. Now it seems that this is no longer necessary, because Shi Potian has already stepped forward!


Wei Jingguo nodded, and after responding, he immediately killed Aellos!

 The battlefield was divided in an instant!

 Chaos controlled the flames, constantly bombarding the two brothers Shi Potian and Shi Jingtian!

I have to say that there is indeed a significant gap in strength between them!

Under Kaos's offensive, the two of them had no room to fight back. They couldn't even touch the corners of each other's clothes. They were almost always passively being beaten.

 Fortunately, the bodies of these two brothers are rocks, and their most advantageous characteristics are that they are hard enough and tenacious enough!

Even if they were forced to withstand Kaos's offensive, the two brothers did not retreat even half a step!

 And their willpower is as strong as their bodies!

 As long as they are still alive, they will never let Chaos interfere with the battle between Lin Yuan and the Lord of Darkness!

 “Get out of here!”

 Chaos and his brothers have been fighting for nearly dozens of breaths, and even his patience is about to be worn away!

He raised his hand, and a scorching pillar of fire instantly condensed out of his palm, and then forcibly blasted onto Shi Jingtian's body!

However, what made him helpless was that as soon as Shi Potian was repulsed, another guy quickly entangled him, leaving him no room to escape!

You know, in the eyes of Kaos, the two brothers Shi Potian and Shi Jingtian are just planet-level!

Being entangled with such two ant-like planets for so long, in the eyes of Chaos, it is simply a shame and a great humiliation!

 Actually, Shi Potian's recklessness made him accidentally choose a suitable opponent for the two brothers.

If it was Eros who was dealing with them, I'm afraid that by casually attaching a few layers of frost to their bodies, they would be able to forcibly freeze their bodies in place, making them unable to move at all!

Chaos are originally aggressive cultivators, and they are good at defense. The former will naturally be able to do nothing to them in a short period of time!

 It is no exaggeration to say that the two brothers, Shi Potian and Shi Jingtian, are just using their lives to delay time!

 On the other side, Elos is also in a similar situation.

 His opponent is Wei Jingguo!

Logically speaking, his strength should be far superior to the waning old guy in front of him.

 But in the eyes of Ellos, this old guy is as slippery as a loach!

Wei Jingguo has extremely rich combat experience. He knows that he cannot be Eros's opponent, so he does not choose to confront the opponent head-on, and is always in a state of wandering.

Once Eros wants to attack, Wei Jingguo will avoid the fight immediately and will never attack the former's moves head-on.

 But once the other party wants to get rid of him, Wei Jingguo will get entangled with him like a leech, just like a maggot attached to the bone, clinging to Elos!

However, fighting in this way was extremely taxing on Wei Jingguo. He was just tensing up and walking on a tightrope on the edge of the cliff!

 If you are not careful, you may fall into an abyss!

However, although on the surface, Aellos has been held back by Wei Jingguo.

 But in fact, when Wei Jingguo used his lifelong combat experience to fight against Airos, the latter was also observing his fighting style.

In the eyes of Elos, everyone’s fighting pattern has traces to follow.

 Once he finds out the pattern, it means... In this battle, he has completely grasped the opponent's weakness!

 (End of this chapter)

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