Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 451: I’ve met Senior Nuwa

Chapter 451: Meeting Senior Nuwa

 Speaking of which, since Lin Yuan mastered the power of twin shadows, this is the first time that he has allowed his shadow clone to die in the outside world.

 At the moment when the twin shadows were killed, Lin Yuan immediately suffered a corresponding backlash!

A tearing pain suddenly spread from Lin Yuan's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, as if his brain was being torn into pieces!

However, Lin Yuan now has no time to immerse himself in this pain.

 After all, this is the opportunity he finally got by sacrificing Susanoo and the twin shadows in one go!

 Lin Yuan bit down on the tip of his tongue. The smell of blood instantly filled his mouth, and at the same time, he forcibly cheered up.

Subsequently, without any hesitation, Lin Yuan directly turned over his hand and took out the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter from the system space!

After pouring the power of the stars into the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter, Lin Yuan quickly transformed his power into the power of the seal!

“Burn my blood, offer my spirit, sacrifice my soul…”

Lin Yuan poured more than half of the power in his body into the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter.

 Because he still has half of his strength left to defeat the dragon-horned old man in front of him!

 “Hmm? What is this?”

After the power of the ban became more intense, the old man Longjiao who was performing the 'Dragon Juetian Dance' finally noticed what was happening on Lin Yuan's side.

  However, by the time he noticed it, it was already too late!

Lin Yuan sacrificed Susanoo and the twin shadows in one go, just to prevent the old man Ryukaku from paying attention to his actions and give him the winning blow!

"bring it on!"

Lin Yuan’s eyes were burning, as if there were flames dancing in his eyes!

"seal up!"

As Lin Yuan uttered this word, the surging power of the seal instantly blocked the direction of the old man Longjiao!

 Suddenly, even the expression of the old man Longjiao suddenly changed!

 Because, he could feel that under the seal of the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter, his aura was slipping away at a speed visible to the naked eye!

 “This boy… actually has such a secret skill?!”

 Feeling the breath of his falling, the old man Longjiao was extremely shocked.

However, before he could recover, Lin Yuan was already ready to attack!

Xuan Lei Purple Pearl bloomed with extremely dazzling purple thunder in front of Lin Yuan!

 Subsequently, the four ominous thunder shadows condensed and formed next to Lin Yuan.

 Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu!

Four dark purple thunder shadows of ferocious beasts, with ferocious faces, surrounded Lin Yuan. Just looking at them was enough to give people a sense of visual oppression.

However, Lin Yuan's actions are not over yet.

Of course he knew that the four evil thunder shadows condensed from Xuan Lei Purple Pearl alone were not enough to defeat the dragon-horned old man in front of him!

 He needs more, more powerful power!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all, and directly activated the stars in his body, pouring all the power of the stars into the four fierce thunder shadows beside him!

 For a moment, extremely dazzling stars bloomed above the four fierce beast thunder shadows!

 The purple thunder light intertwined with the silver-white starlight, which was so beautiful that it was so mesmerizing.

 It’s just that the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is!

At this moment, under these four fierce beast thunder shadows that have been blessed with the power of the stars, what is contained... is a terrifying energy fluctuation!

 Success or failure, it all depends on this!

If this move is ineffective, then Lin Yuan will no longer have any chance to defeat this old man with dragon horns!

 “Boom, boom, boom—”

Four fierce beasts and thunder shadows blessed with the power of the stars, under the control of Lin Yuan, all blasted towards the direction of the old man Longjiao. The energy pouring out from them seemed to be enough to annihilate the entire space. !


However, what Lin Yuan did not expect was that when the four ominous thunder shadows crashed down, a deafening roar of a dragon exploded in his ears like thunder!

I saw the old man with dragon horns in front of me, his figure kept expanding, and finally turned into a dragon shape!

 A nine-clawed golden dragon covered with red gold dragon scales!


After the old man Longjiao revealed his true form, the seal set by Lin Yuan using the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter also cracked and shattered with a crisp sound. Lin Yuan was shocked. The backlash of the broken ban directly caused his brain to roar, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood.

The four evil thunder shadows, which were blessed with the power of the stars, blasted the body of the nine-clawed golden dragon in front of them.

 However, it did not leave even a trace on the opponent's dragon body.

 “This is too strong...”

 Lin Yuan wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Although his nearly devastating blow failed to hurt the opponent, Lin Yuan was certain that just now, the power used by the dragon-horned old man was definitely more than 30% of his strength.

“You have passed this level.”

After revealing his true identity, the old man with dragon horns... no, to be more precise, the nine-clawed golden dragon, cast his eyes on Lin Yuan and said with a smile.

“I didn’t expect you to be able to force me to reveal my true identity. I’m really formidable.”

 The eyes of the old man Longjiao showed a slight hint of approval.

At that critical moment, if he didn't reveal his true identity, he might really be injured by Lin Yuan's offensive.

 “Thank you, senior.”

 After hearing the other party admit that he had passed the level, Lin Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Okay, let’s accept the inheritance.”

The old man Longjiao regained his human form and waved his hand: "It won't be too late to discuss other matters with me after you have accepted the inheritance."

Subsequently, before Lin Yuan could say anything more, the scene in front of him changed rapidly!

 The original magnificent palace disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant.

 Instead, there is a dark nothingness, just like the chaotic scene when the heaven and earth first opened.

 “Is this the place where I receive the inheritance...”

Lin Yuan looked at the surrounding scene and found nothing special, not even any energy fluctuations at all.

 At this moment, a bright light group suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Nearly ten thousand years have passed. Has anyone finally passed the test and successfully arrived here?”

  A clear and melodious female voice sounded from the light group.

 “I have met...Senior Nuwa.”

Lin Yuan was startled, and he immediately raised his hands toward the light group and said respectfully.

 (End of this chapter)

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