Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 449: The last level, the old man with dragon horns!

 Chapter 449 The last level, the old man with dragon horns!

Perhaps for other people, this fourth level of the inheritance trial is indeed extremely dangerous.

 After all, under the siege of wolves, even the slightest mistake may lead to an irreversible situation.

 Fortunately, this situation will not happen to Lin Yuan.

 “Then next… is the final level of the inheritance trial.”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality as much as possible.

 After all, facing this unknown final hurdle, he still felt somewhat uneasy in his heart.

Shi Jingtian didn't say much. He was like a guide in this mysterious cave.

Soon, he took Lin Yuan to the entrance of the fifth level.

 “Here we are, right here.”

Shi Jingtian patted Lin Yuan's shoulder and said calmly: "I won't be able to go with you in this last hurdle. I wish you good luck."

Lin Yuan smiled casually: "Don't worry, I will definitely come out alive."

Shi Jingtian nodded: "I hope so."

 Then, Lin Yuan directly opened his legs and stepped into the barrier in front of him.


With a tremor in the surrounding space, the scene in front of Lin Yuan changed again.

This time, he appeared in the center of a golden palace!

Lin Yuan glanced around subconsciously. The surrounding environment was more magnificent than he imagined. Even if it was pure gold, it did not have the slightest sense of kitsch. Instead, it faintly revealed an incomparable sacredness. Feel.

This palace gave Lin Yuan the feeling that it was a temple that served the gods in ancient times, solemn and majestic.

 At the very front of the palace is a red gold throne.

Lin Yuan looked around and found that on the red gold throne, there was actually a red gold chi dragon with nine claws carved on it!

 This really shocked Lin Yuan.

You must know that in ancient times, the image of dragons was quite particular.

Take the Ming Dynasty, which was at its peak, as an example. At that time, only the emperor's dragon robe was worthy of being embroidered with the 'five-clawed golden dragon'.

As for the dragon robes of princes and vassal kings, they can only have "four-clawed golden dragon" tattooed on them, otherwise it will be regarded as transgression.

If an ordinary minister has great merit, he will also be given a robe with a "three-clawed golden dragon" embroidered on it.

However, this can be regarded as a python robe at most, but cannot be called a dragon robe.

It can be seen that in ancient times, how deep people's respect for dragons was!

But the red gold throne in front of Lin Yuan was carved with a nine-clawed golden dragon. This was enough to prove how noble the person who was qualified to sit on this red gold throne was.

While Lin Yuan was deep in thought, a sound like rolling thunder suddenly exploded in his ears.

"Three thousand years have there finally another inheritor who is qualified to come to the old man?"

Just as Lin Yuan glanced around, trying to determine where the sound came from, a figure suddenly appeared on the red gold throne in front of him: "No need to look for it, I'm right in front of you."

Lin Yuan looked up and found that sitting on the red gold throne was an old man with a long beard and a majestic face.

 It is worth mentioning that there are two dragon horns growing on the forehead of this bearded old man.

 “I’ve met the seniors.”

Lin Yuan cupped his hands and said respectfully: "Senior, are you the gatekeeper of this level?" "Well... that's right."

The long-bearded old man's temperament seemed a bit lazy. He leaned on the dragon chair behind him and replied casually: "It is the old man's duty to guard this place and help select the people who will inherit it."

“In that case, it’s okay for you to call me ‘Guardian’, but... I don’t like this title very much, so you can just call me Senior.”

 “Okay, senior.”

Lin Yuan nodded, and then asked tentatively: "Senior, I wonder what the test is in this last level?"

 “What is the test...”

The old man Longjiao touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and said thoughtfully: "I don't know what to test you for a while, but I will decide later. The specific test for you depends on the old man's mood. Bar."

 Lin Yuan: “???”

 God depends on your mood!

Is this final level of the inheritance trial really so casual? !

Then, before Lin Yuan could speak, the old man Longjiao spoke again: "Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's summon the little dragon cub you brought with you first, so that I can see it!"

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "How did senior know that I have a dragon beast?"

“Hmph, everything in this mysterious cave cannot be hidden from old eyes.”

The old man Longjiao said with a slightly contented expression: "If you don't even have this little bit of fun, then it would be too boring for me to stay here."

 “So that’s it.”

 Lin Yuan nodded, and immediately summoned Xiaoyou directly from the pet space.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Looking at the splendid palace in front of him, Xiaoyou soon became excited, making a crisp whistling sound while flying up and down in the palace.

 “Senior, I’m sorry, this little guy has such a noisy temper.”

Looking at Xiaoyou who was restless as soon as he came out, Lin Yuan smiled sheepishly at the old man Longjiao.

However, the latter obviously didn't care about these small things. He waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It's not a bad thing to be more lively."

Lin Yuan found that when he said this, the eyes of the old man Longjiao had been falling on Xiaoyou, without moving even an inch away.

There is an indescribable eagerness in his eyes.

However, Lin Yuan did not think that the old man Longjiao had any wrong thoughts about Xiaoyou.

 Because, Lin Yuan could read the emotions in his eyes.

 In his eyes, there is only an appreciation for the rough jade, nothing else.

 “This little dragon cub is truly gifted.”

The old man Longjiao looked at Xiaoyou flying in the air with kind eyes, and couldn't help but chuckle and said: "Although the dragon bloodline in this little guy's body is a little mixed, it seems that there is another mysterious one. Even the old man has never seen the existence of his bloodline. It is really a rare thing..."

Even Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment after hearing what the old man Longjiao said.

He obviously didn’t expect that this old man with dragon horns had such vicious eyes, and he could see through Xiaoyou’s true identity at a glance.

 (End of this chapter)

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