Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 420: Star-eating beast!

Chapter 420: Star-Eating Beast!

“Boy, where did you get this ‘Star-eating Beast’?!”

After staring at Xiaoyou for a long time, the Dark Lord finally turned his attention to Lin Yuan again and asked in a cold voice.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer: "What do you think of your eyes? You are not a star-devouring beast. Can't you tell that this is a dragon?"

"Choo Choo Choo!"

After hearing what Lin Yuan said, Xiaoyou also whistled a few times in cooperation, as if he was proudly echoing what the former said.

Hillbilly, you have no knowledge, you have never even seen a dragon!

 After being refuted by Lin Yuan, the Dark Lord frowned slightly.

 Because he could feel that Lin Yuan didn't seem to be lying.

This guy...seems like he really doesn't know what the Star-Eating Beast is.

However, under this situation, the Dark Lord still believes that his judgment is absolutely correct!

The dragon beast in front of me is undoubtedly the Star-Eating Beast!

 Because...he had seen with his own eyes how powerful the Star-Eating Beast was a long time ago!

The Lord of Darkness still remembers that when he first entered the Star Realm, in order to earn training resources, he even joined an extremely dangerous mission.

 The ultimate goal of that mission is to capture a ‘black hole-level’ star-devouring beast!

Of course, it is impossible for the client to entrust such a difficult task to star-level monks like them.

In this mission, the Dark God Lord and his group of star-level monks are nothing more than cannon fodder.

Those who are actually responsible for the capture operation are three other black hole-level monks who are in the same realm as the Star Devourer Beast.

Logically speaking, the client can be regarded as fully prepared.

However, that mission ended in failure.

 Nearly 90% of all the stellar monks were killed in battle!

 Only the Dark Lord and a dozen or so others escaped.

As for the three black hole-level monks, all of them were killed without exception!

That was also the first time that the Lord of Darkness... saw the legendary 'Star Devouring Beast', and how terrifying it really was.

When the star-devouring beast expanded to its extreme size, it was as big as half a planet. Its eyes were as cold as icebergs. When it opened its huge mouth, it seemed to truly possess It is as powerful as swallowing stars!

 Haunted, terrible!

Moreover, according to the data, this is just a newly adult Star Devouring Beast.

If this star-devouring beast is allowed to grow for a while, with the upper limit of the talent of this race, it can even break through to the extreme of immortality!

This is why the client wants to capture this star-devouring beast even at such a huge cost.

 A starry sky behemoth with unlimited growth possibilities, who can resist such temptation?

However, even though this star-devouring beast has only just reached adulthood, it already has black hole-level strength, and even used its own power to forcibly kill three cosmic monks of the same realm!

Since then, the Star Devouring Beast has left an indelible impression in the heart of the Dark Lord!

At this moment, the dragon beast in front of him, next to Lin Yuan, exuded an aura similar to that of the star-devouring beast he had seen before!

Moreover, the Lord of Darkness also knows that the image of the Star-Eating Beasts is always changeable. Some Star-Eating Beasts are as big as stars, while some are just in normal form, and some Star-Eating Beasts are like insect beasts with long... They are covered with scales, and some of them are as smooth as jade, with no trace of scales at all.

 Hence, it is impossible to distinguish the Star-Eating Beast from its external appearance. This is also the mystery of this race. Only breath is the only criterion for distinguishing star-devouring beasts.

 Because even though the Star Eater Beasts have different images, their auras are surprisingly consistent and extremely unique.

Just like this, the Lord of Darkness determined the identity of Xiaoyou at the first sight!

Thinking of this, the Lord of Darkness couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

He obviously did not expect that he would be so lucky to be able to find the existence of the Star Devouring Beast on such a remote planet!

Compared to the infinite potential of the Star Devourer, the value of a resource planet is nothing at all, it can be said to be a drop in the bucket!

  In other words, in the eyes of the Lord of Darkness, even the entire earth combined... may not be as valuable as Xiaoyou!

The Dark God Lord's eyes flickered, and he immediately said in a deep voice: "Boy, tell me the origin of the pet beast next to you, and I can let you live."

" long as you are willing to tell me, I can let everyone present and not kill anyone!"

 After the Dark God Lord spoke these words, everyone present was slightly stunned.

 Because, since the war started, this is the first time they have seen the Dark Lord make concessions on his own initiative!

 This made them all feel a little curious.

What is the origin of the pet beast next to Lin Yuan? !

However, they wanted to know, but they didn’t know that Lin Yuan wanted to know more than they did...

 Lin Yuan is now in a state of complete confusion.

 What is the Star Eater?

  Why did the Lord of Darkness lose his temper so much?

Although Lin Yuan was extremely confused in his heart, fortunately, his brain was still relatively clear. By deducing the words of the Dark God Lord, he roughly understood some of the other party's thoughts.

Lin Yuan can be sure that Xiaoyou is definitely the cub of the Ice Demon Armored Dragon and has nothing to do with any star-devouring beast.

 This point can be said to be undoubted, because he had witnessed Xiaoyou hatching from the ice blue dragon egg.

So, in this case, the problem should be with that mysterious black pendant.

Lin Yuan still clearly remembered that the moment the black crystal in the black pendant came into contact with the dragon egg, it instantly turned into liquid and merged into the dragon egg!

 And this is the only variable in Xiaoyou.

 Similarly, it is also the only place where it is possible to be connected with the star-devouring beast mentioned by the Lord of Darkness!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan smiled and asked: "It's not impossible for me to answer you, but what I want to know more is, what is the star-devouring beast in your mouth?"

The face of the Lord of Darkness immediately darkened. He stared at Lin Yuan and asked coldly: "Are you bargaining with me?"

Lin Yuan shrugged and said with a meaningless smile: "If you want me to answer your question, you can't even answer my little confusion, right? Then you are too insincere."

 (End of this chapter)

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