Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 413: A half-cut candle may not burn someone to death

Chapter 413 A half-cut candle may not be able to burn someone to death

Wei Jingguo raised his head and said calmly: "I'm afraid you won't need to worry about this, right?"

I have to say that the Dark God Lord’s vision is indeed very vicious, and he can see through his hidden weaknesses at a glance.

 He is indeed an old man who is about to die.

 It is no exaggeration to say that half of his feet have already stepped into the coffin.

Logically speaking, the lifespan of a strong man like him should not be so short.

 But the Lord of Darkness is right. The cultivation resources on the earth are really limited and cannot help him take the final step, break through the shackles of the Supreme King, and reach the next brand-new realm.

There is nothing more regrettable than this in this world.

You happen to have climbed to the top of the world to covet that palace. You stand in front of the door and wander, and you can vaguely see the light coming from the palace.

However, the golden door was tightly closed from beginning to end.

 But Wei Jingguo was unwilling to do so.

 He was unwilling to accept that he would never be able to break through the final limit in his life.

To others, the Supreme Realm of Heavenly King is the most powerful state, but to Wei Jingguo, it is just a shackle that restrains him from moving forward.

 After making the decision, Wei Jingguo informed the Ministry of Military Affairs of his thoughts.

At that time, the answer given to him by the Ministry of Military Affairs of China was: "China has become truly powerful and you no longer need to worry about guarding it."

Of course, the Ministry of Military Affairs knew what Wei Jingguo was worried about. He was worried that if he failed to break the mirror, China would lose a powerful guardian and foreign enemies would be watching.

However, Wei Jingguo never thought that with the joint efforts of everyone, China has become truly prosperous and powerful, and has become a blue dragon that truly dominates the world chessboard, and no wolf dares to covet it anymore.

 After putting down his burden, Wei Jingguo finally made a decision.

 He gave up everything and chose to break through the situation at all costs!

 Finally, he succeeded. He finally took the last step and opened the golden door at the pinnacle of martial arts!

From that moment on, he truly transcended the realm of perfection and became the most powerful martial artist who had never been seen before or who would come after him!

However, everything in this world comes with a price.

 All the gifts given to you by fate have already been marked with a secret price.

Although Wei Jingguo broke through to the ‘Star Realm’, it also brought hidden diseases to his body that were difficult to heal on its own.

Since he broke through forcefully, after the breakthrough, Wei Jingguo's body directly turned into a bottomless pit, and began to crazily devour his own energy and longevity.

 This is also the reason why Wei Jingguo has a lot of strength, but he ages so quickly.

After the breakthrough, Wei Jingguo took action to solve several disasters for China, then lived in seclusion in Tianwu Pavilion and became a guardian of the pavilion.

He took action to show his strength to other countries and let the whole world know that as long as Wei Jingguo is still in China, no force will be allowed to covet China!

Wei Jingguo certainly has this deterrent power, because he is the only one in the world who is above the Supreme King.

 In an era when martial arts was respected, Wei Jingguo was as powerful as a nuclear weapon.

 The reason why he chose to live in seclusion was because his life span was no longer enough to support him from fighting uncontrollably.

Only by living in this world can he help China deter other countries. And this has also been Wei Jingguo’s long-cherished wish and mission.

 He has seen the extreme situation and has no regrets in this life.

From now on, he will live only for China.


“Star Realm, is this the name of my current realm?”

Wei Jingguo chuckled: "It's named after a star, so it's really impressive."

Then, his eyes fell on the Dark God Lord again: "If I'm not wrong, you should also be in the Star Realm, right?"

"What's the matter? Even if we are both in the star realm, do you think you can kill me?"

The Lord of Darkness sneered disdainfully, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Wei Jingguo with contempt: "You still want to kill me with your half-drained body?"

Facing the ridicule of the Dark God Lord, Wei Jingguo just smiled indifferently: "Who said that a half-cut candle cannot burn anyone?"

 “Hahahaha...well said.”

“Then let me ask you for advice, how capable you are as a dying man!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the Dark God Lord suddenly rose up, turned into a black stream of light, and rushed towards the direction of Wei Jingguo!

 “Find a place to hide yourself.”

Wei Jingguo turned his head and gave Roderick an order. Then he also flew out of the air and faced the Dark God Lord in front of him!

The moment Wei Jingguo flew out of the sky, thousands of feet of golden light suddenly surged around him. These golden lights were exactly the same as the golden light that Lin Longshou unleashed when he took action.

 Think about it, as Wei Jingguo is Lin Longshou’s teacher, the energy they use is naturally from the same source.

Not long after, the figures of Wei Jingguo and the Lord of Darkness collided in the air!

The two sides were fighting like dragons in formation, fighting among the clouds. The dark energy as black as ink was intertwined with the dazzling golden light, and a heart-stopping energy fluctuation broke out!

Suddenly, a huge vortex seemed to be formed at the center of the battle between the two!

 Some of the weaker Heavenly Kings were even blown away by the aftermath of the energy that spread out from the vortex!

 “Senior Wei Jingguo, you really are still a precious sword.”

 Before the two of them fought, Roderick had already dodged aside.

At this moment, he was watching the battle between Wei Jingguo and the Lord of Darkness, and a touch of fanaticism could not help but ignite in his twinkling eyes.

This is the attitude that the invincible strong man in his heart should have!


With a muffled sound, the Dark Lord's right fist hit Wei Jingguo's chest like a meteor!

 For a moment, the latter's body flew upside down like a kite with its string broken, and even his sternum was sunken!

However, Wei Jingguo did not receive this punch in vain. Before he was blown away, he seized the opportunity decisively, raised his hand to condense a golden holy sword, and stabbed it into the chest of the Dark God Lord!

After piercing the latter's body, the sword's edge ignited with hot golden flames, and began to burn the Dark God Lord crazily!

 In the first round of confrontation, neither side could get any benefit from the other side!

 (End of this chapter)

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