Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 403: ‘Blood Emperor’ Roderick!

Chapter 403 ‘Blood Emperor’ Roderick!

After hearing what this handsome vampire said, a sneer appeared on the lips of the Dark God Lord: "Then I would like to hear what price you want me to pay."

The handsome vampire showed his fangs again, smiled and said: "Of course I will **** all the blood from you!"

"Oh... I think for an ugly guy like you, even blood should smell fishy, ​​right?"

“Thinking about it this way, I have no interest in your blood anymore, so I’ll just let you die as an apology.”

Having said this, the handsome vampire grinned: "By the way, before killing you, I hope you can remember my noble name - Roderick!"

“A humble being like you should be proud to know my name.”

Rodrick's tone was calm and elegant, as if he was a born noble and was stating an undoubted fact.

Although his words were arrogant, no one present found them abrupt.

  On the contrary, after hearing his name, everyone's eyes showed more or less disbelief!


The unparalleledly handsome vampire in front of me is actually the legendary uncrowned king of the blood race, the ‘Blood Emperor’ Roderick!

For this uncrowned emperor of the vampire race, there is very little effective information from the outside world, most of which are groundless rumors. Many people have even never heard of the name 'Rodrick'.

However, among these rumors, there is one... that is true.

That is, Dracula once announced that the noble ‘Blood Emperor’ Roderick had intended to ennoble him as a blood prince.

 In the world of vampires, the hierarchy is divided by titles.

 The stronger the vampire is, the higher the position he can obtain.

Like a prince-level vampire, even among the vampires, they are considered to be at the top of the pyramid!

 But Dracula's declaration revealed a lot of information to the outside world!

 The first point is that the ‘prince’ is not the highest class among the blood clan’s forces. Above it, there is the existence of the ‘blood emperor’!

And Roderick, who is revered as the ‘Blood Emperor’, even has the right to be canonized as a prince!

 The second point is that vampires have always been a group that respects strength.

Since the weight of the 'Blood Emperor' is higher than that of the 'Prince', it naturally means that Roderick's strength is superior to that of all vampires!

 Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to gain the recognition of the entire vampire race!

Furthermore, a proud person like Dracula always has a look of reverence when mentioning Roderick's name, which is enough to show how powerful the latter is.

However, although they can infer that Roderick is the strongest person in the vampire clan, most of the kings still know very little about him.

 After all, Roderick is too mysterious.

 For so many years, he has never appeared in the outside world and has been living among rumors.

Today, Nan Yunjing finally had the honor to meet this mysterious king of the blood clan, and he couldn't help but feel a huge sense of disparity in his heart. Because in Nan Yunjing’s heart, the ‘Blood King’ Roderick should be an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, with wrinkled skin, a gloomy face, and an angry self.

But he didn't expect that the king of the blood clan would appear in front of him in the image of a cynical and dissolute nobleman.

This is completely different from the Roderick he imagined.

However, compared to Roderick’s image, what Nan Yunjing is more concerned about is his strength.

 After all, the person who is qualified to lead the powerful force of the vampire race cannot be an ordinary person!



The Lord of Darkness looked at him playfully, and sneered quietly: "If you dare to say such words in front of me, I should really admire your courage."

“As a reward for your courage, I will make your life worse than death.”

After the Lord of Darkness said these words, the surrounding atmosphere dropped to freezing point in an instant, and the atmosphere immediately became tense!

However, before the two of them could take action, another golden door engraved with simple patterns appeared out of thin air in front of everyone's eyes!

Although the door in front of you is made of pure gold, it does not show any dignity at all. Instead, it reveals a strong ancient meaning, as if it has gone through endless years of wind and frost.

Looking at the golden gate that came out of thin air in front of him, even Wang Zhanlin was slightly confused and couldn't help but ask: "Which force is coming this time?"

Nanyun Jing shook his head and answered bluntly: "I don't know either."

It is related to the life and death of the entire human race. Almost most of the forces with names are rushing towards New York City. Nan Yunjing has no time to speculate about what the golden gate in front of him corresponds to. Which side is powerful?

However, Wang Zhanlin's confusion did not last long.

 Because the ancient golden door in front of you opened soon!

 A tall figure stepped out of the golden gate first and appeared in everyone's sight.

However, after this figure appeared, Wang Zhanlin's breathing stagnated obviously.

 Because what appeared in front of him was not an ordinary human being at all, but a monster-like alien with a dog head and a scepter in hand!

Then, another huge beast shadow stepped out from the golden door, and it was also a sphinx-faced monster!

After seeing these two figures, Wang Zhan and Lin Dang even deduced the identity of the other party: "I didn't expect that even the Egyptian Pharaohs would come..."

The stranger with a dog's head and human body in front of him is none other than the current pharaoh of the Egyptian Pharaoh Society and the supreme ruler of Egypt, Nebuka II!

 And following him was the sphinx from mythology and legend, the Sphinx!

In ancient Egyptian mythology, the Sphinx is described as a winged monster, divided into three types: a sphinx, a sheep-headed lion, and a gryphon. The Pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, Ha He also built a stone statue in the image of the Sphinx, which was later called the 'Sphinx'!

In Greek mythology, the Queen Hera sent the Sphinx to guard the cliffs near the city of Thebes, stopping passers-by and testing them with riddles taught by the Muses. Those who could not answer the questions would be killed by this peerless beast. The beast swallowed it up in one gulp!

 (End of this chapter)

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