Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 260: The terrifying Lin Yuan

Chapter 260 The terrifying Lin Yuan

 The person in front of me is... Lin Yuan? !

 The man in black clothes could not help but reveal a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Logically speaking, shouldn’t Lin Yuan still be in the secret realm of the Abyss Realm? How would it appear here? !

 However, as far as he knew, apart from Lin Yuan, Lin's father and Lin's mother seemed to have no other children.

Thinking of this, the man in black clothes said calmly: "Xu family guest guest, Song Qinghong, may I ask your surname?"

 “You don’t need to identify yourself.”

Lin Yuan took a step forward and said with cold eyes: "I'm not interested in the names of dead people."

He didn't even need to think about it, he could guess that the man in Xuanyi in front of him must be a lackey of the Xu family.

However, the other party should never, absolutely should not, should not attack his family!

As soon as Lin Yuan arrived here, he saw the scene of his father being slapped, and his eyes almost burst open!

At this moment, Lin Yuan had only one emotion in his heart.

 That is the extremely violent... murderous intention.

When the man in black clothes slapped him, he was already a dead person in Lin Yuan's eyes.

 “The tone is really loud.”

Song Qinghong's eyes flashed with a cold light: "So what if you are Lin Yuan, a mere martial arts master, how dare you speak nonsense in front of me?"

 It is not surprising that he would have such thoughts.

After all, as far as he knew, when Lin Yuan first entered the secret realm of the Abyss, he could only break through to the realm of a martial arts master.

From Song Qinghong's point of view, it was impossible for Lin Yuan to grow up enough to compete with him in just six months.

 In this case, what else do you have to fear?

Bringing Lin Yuan back to the Xu family together will make him even more likely to be rewarded by Xu Tianwu!

Thinking of this, Song Qinghong couldn't help but feel hot in his heart.

This is unexpected surprise!

However, Lin Yuan said nothing and walked directly in the direction of Song Qinghong.

“Since you insist on seeking death, I can only help you!”

Song Qinghong snorted coldly, and the blue Qi and blood instantly covered his whole body, condensing into Qi and blood armor, and walked up to face Lin Yuan!



When he was less than ten meters away from Lin Yuan, Song Qinghong suddenly took a step forward!

With this push, the marble beneath his feet suddenly cracked!


Song Qinghong shouted loudly, and his right fist was like a cannon hammer, blasting towards Lin Yuan!

 Eighth-level venerable?

After feeling the pressure of Song Qinghong's energy and blood, Lin Yuan's eyes showed a slight strange color, and then became cold again.

I really didn’t expect that the Xu family would send an eighth-level venerable to deal with his family!

 Seriously...damn it!

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan's right fist also turned into thunder and met Song Qinghong's fist head-on!

 Punch to punch!


The two sides clashed with fists, and the air waves were instantly released in all directions!

Song Qinghong's expression changed immediately after he felt the power coming from Lin Yuan's fist. How could a martial arts master possess such a level of power? !

No, this guy definitely can’t be just a martial arts master!

 This punch definitely has the power of an eighth-level venerable!

Thinking of this, Song Qinghong asked sharply: "You have become a revered person?!"

Lin Yuan looked at him with a half-smile, and asked in a cold voice: "When did I say that I was just a master?"

 Song Qinghong's eyes were filled with murderous intent: "Even if you are a venerable, you must die here today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint blue light suddenly bloomed on Song Qinghong's right arm!

 Obviously, he has activated his energy and blood to the extreme!

The gang of gangsters around them stared blankly at the scene in front of them, too shocked to dare to speak.

 Is this... the strength of a high-level warrior?

This is a bit too scary.

They even suspected that if these two people were allowed to completely let go and ignore the aftermath of the battle, they would even burn the entire villa to the ground!

 “Have you gone all out?”

Lin Yuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a burst of dazzling lightning also appeared above the fist!

Today, not only does he want Song Qinghong to die, he also wants to completely crush his self-esteem and make him die in endless pain!

 “Then let’s compare...whose strength is stronger!”

When the thunder light suddenly appeared, Lin Yuan had already activated the power of the thunder fruit to its extreme!

 The blue thunder collided with the faint blue energy and blood.

 The next second, Song Qinghong's energy and blood were forcibly suppressed by the thunder above Lin Yuan's fist!

 “What state have you reached?!”

It’s no wonder that Song Qinghong is so unbelievable, because no matter what he says, he is still the best among the eighth-level venerables.

 But now, he was forcibly crushed by Lin Yuan in a pure strength confrontation!

 “It doesn’t matter what state I am in, as long as I can kill you!”

Lin Yuan was not polite. He still had some strength left. When the fists collided, he whipped his kick again and swept towards Song Qinghong in front of him!


With a muffled sound, Lin Yuan's whip hit Song Qinghong's waist and abdomen fiercely.

The latter groaned and fell heavily against the wall, feeling that his internal organs were about to be kicked out of place by Lin Yuan.

Just as Song Qinghong was struggling to get up, a huge purple palm directly suppressed him.

That huge force forcibly suppressed him, making it impossible for him to stand up.

You must know that Lin Yuan's own Qi and blood have reached 330,000 points.

 And the shadow he condensed using Susanoo naturally possesses even more terrifying power.

It is completely easy to suppress Song Qinghong.

At this moment, the expression on Song Qinghong's face has changed from the previous shock to horror. He never thought that Lin Yuan would appear here!

What he didn't even expect was that Lin Yuan, who had returned from the secret realm of the Abyss Realm, would have such terrifying strength!

At this moment, Lin Yuan lowered his head and spoke quietly: "If I remember correctly, the one you slapped my dad in the face just now should be your right hand, right?"

As soon as he heard this, Song Qinghong felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and the cold hairs all over his body stood up instantly!

“I wonder if you have ever experienced the feeling of watching your right hand being burned away?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a cluster of dark flames ignited out of thin air in front of Lin Yuan's eyes!

 (End of this chapter)

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