Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 206: ‘Storm Eagle’ Vader! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 206 ‘Stormy Eagle’ Vader! 【Second update! 】

Lin Yuan raised his hand and took advantage of the situation to take the black Demonic Lion Beast in front of him into the pet space.

His current mental strength is not very high, so if he wants to use another **** to conquer the abyssal beast, he must first consume the opponent to a near-death state.

 So, every time after subduing a beast, Lin Yuan must put it into the pet space to recover its injuries.

 “Xiaoyou, it’s time to go.”

Lin Yuan waved again, and Xiaoyou flew over immediately.

 Then, he looked at Lin Yuan expectantly: "嘤嘤嘤!"

Lin Yuan glanced at it and said angrily: "I have never seen a dragon as greedy as you."

Even though he said that, Lin Yuan still took out a blue ice abyss frost fruit from the system space and threw it to Xiaoyou.

The latter let out a cheerful low, then jumped up, quickly picked up the fruit, and swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls.

Lin Yuan laughed and scolded: "You are just like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit! If you eat it like this, can you taste the fruit?"

Xiaoyou grunted dissatisfiedly, and lay lazily on Lin Yuan's shoulder as if he was satisfied.

However, it has to be said that the Ice Abyss Frost Fruit can indeed speed up Xiaoyou's growth.

 It has only eaten the fourth one, and it has already successfully broken through to the level of a seventh-level alien beast!

 Actually, it's not that Lin Yuan doesn't want to feed it. Anyway, these ice abyss frost fruits are of no use to him, so he will give them to Xiaoyou sooner or later.

Lin Yuan was just afraid that if Xiaoyou had to eat one every one or two days, he might not be able to digest it.

Now it seems that I have too many worries. Apart from Xiaoyou wanting to sleep after eating, it basically has no impact.

Just as Lin Yuan was about to leave, he suddenly felt a slight fluctuation of energy and blood from his right side.

 “Is anyone fighting?”

Lin Yuan's expression turned stern, and his body suddenly turned into a bolt of thunder, and he quickly rushed towards the direction where the energy and blood fluctuations were coming from.

Now Lin Yuan hopes to meet more sages from foreign countries.

 The most important reason is that Lin Yuan tasted the sweetness from Oleg.

 A space ring contains materials worth thirty million.

In the eyes of Lin Yuan now, these foreign sages, far from being warriors, are clearly mobile material warehouses!


 “Give up, Vader!”

“Even if I die, I will never give the ‘Tianling Yuan Po’ to you!”

As Lin Yuan gradually approached the direction of the energy and blood fluctuations, an angry female voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Lin Yuan was slightly startled.

 Because this voice felt extremely familiar to him!

This seems to be...the voice of Teacher Li Fenyou! At this moment, another old man's voice sounded faintly.

"Li Fengyou, in the words of you Chinese people, that is, 'He who understands the current affairs is a hero.' Since you don't have the strength to defend the 'Tianling Yuanpo', why should you continue to resist stubbornly?"

"Anyway, after we kill you, we can still get that thing. It's just a matter of time."

After the old man's voice sounded, Lin Yuan was immediately sure that the female voice from before was Li Fenyou's voice!

 It sounds like Teacher Li Fenyou is in some kind of crisis and is being hunted!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan's eyes couldn't help but become cold, and even a bit of murderous intent could not help but escape!

 He still has a good impression of Li Fenyou.

Furthermore, Lin Yuan also knew that Li Fenyou took good care of him and introduced him to the secret realm of Yuanjie along the way.

If Li Fengyou was really being hunted by a foreign lord, Lin Yuan would never sit idly by and watch.

 The next second, Lin Yuan suddenly increased his speed and rushed over at an even faster speed!

With the bonus of the Thunder Fruit's ability, Lin Yuan's speed is as fast as thunder!

 In about thirty or forty seconds, he suddenly saw the figure of Li Fenyou in front of him!

She looked extremely embarrassed. Not only was her face extremely pale, but even the blood was like a stream, quietly sliding down her skin and falling on the ground drop by drop.

After seeing Li Fenyou's miserable appearance, Lin Yuan's face suddenly turned cold, and anger suddenly sprang up in his heart.

 Then, he turned his head and looked behind Li Fenyou.

As expected by Lin Yuan, behind Li Fenyou, there were three people like tarsal maggots, following closely behind, obviously chasing her!

Moreover, Li Fenyou had introduced him to the three people who were chasing her.

That bald old man is the ‘Storm Vulture’ Vader, an eighth-level superpower from Northern Europe!

The brown-haired young man next to him is the most famous pride of heaven in Northern Europe, Ymir the "Holy Spear", a 27-year-old eighth-level venerable!

In addition to these two people, there is also a middle-aged man with a gloomy face and an extremely cold look!

If Lin Yuan remembered correctly, this stern middle-aged man should also be from Northern Europe and was called the "Iron Thorn"!

 "Iron Thorn" Anderson!

 Three martial arts masters got together and forcibly chased Li Fenyou. It is no wonder that they were able to push the latter to this point.

At this moment, Wade spoke again, and he said calmly: "Li Fengyou, we have always respected you, the Chinese Venerable."

“If you hand over the ‘Tian Ling Yuan Po’, we can let you go!”

At this moment, Li Fenyou turned his head suddenly, and a bright smile bloomed on his face: "If you are confident, just kill me!"

 “If you don’t kill me first, you will never get this ‘Tian Ling Yuan Soul’!”

After Li Fenyou said these words, the expressions of the three people suddenly darkened.

They obviously didn’t expect that Li Fenyou, a woman, could have such a decisive and violent temper!

Ymir's expression changed for a while. He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Vade, what are you talking to her about? Just kill her!"

"Ymir is right, there is no need to talk nonsense with this woman, as long as we kill her, the 'Tianling Yuanpo' will belong to us!"

Subsequently, ‘Iron Thorn’ Anderson also spoke in a subtle way.

After Ymir and Anderson spoke one after another, Wade stopped insisting. He slowly opened his arms and said calmly: "In that case, let this matter end here! "

 After Wade opened his arms, suddenly, winds and clouds surged from all directions, and a roaring storm suddenly descended in front of his eyes!

   I've been late for a lot of updates recently, I'll start making up from tomorrow, sorry everyone!



 (End of this chapter)

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