Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 159: Successful sneak attack! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 159: Successful sneak attack! 【Second update! 】

I have to say that Lin Yuan’s words instantly brought great hope to Li Fenyou!

If you can find the specific location of He Shengtu, then you can change from passive to active!

However, Li Fenyou soon fell into doubt again.

You know, even she couldn't find any trace of He Shengtu. Lin Yuan was just a freshman. How did he find him? !

Under her suspicious eyes, Lin Yuan quickly gave the answer: "Because, I can see him."

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan without hesitation.

  The blood-colored pupils full of eerie beauty made Li Fenyou's heart suddenly tremble.

Lin Yuan's eyes seemed to have a breathtaking power, as if his eyes were connected to the Nine Nether Purgatory.

She looked at Lin Yuan's Mangekyō Sharingan and asked softly: "Is this your superpower?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's right."

It would be too troublesome to explain the origin of the Mangekyō Sharingan. It would be better to just let Li Fengyou regard it as his power.

 You must know that the effect and power of supernatural powers will also increase as the host's strength increases.

Normally, Li Fenyou would never believe that a warrior who had just entered the seventh level could easily see through the disguise of an eighth-level master after using his supernatural powers.

 But after seeing Lin Yuan's Mangekyō Sharingan, Li Fenyou unconditionally believed what he said.

Li Fengyou took a deep breath and said anxiously: "Time is running out. If you can really see the specific location of He Shengtu, please tell me now!"

Lin Yuan nodded and said softly: "He is at 60 degrees north by west, about 1,400 meters."

 “So close?”

Li Fengyou was stunned for a moment. He subconsciously wanted to turn his head to look, but was immediately stopped by Lin Yuan.

"do not look!"

Lin Yuan spoke in a deep voice and explained: "He is a person with mental power and his perception is particularly keen. You must not be discovered by him. We already know his location."

Li Fenyou blinked her beautiful eyes and quickly realized Lin Yuan’s plan!

 In the past, the enemy was in the dark, but they were in the light, so they were passive everywhere.

 Well now, they already know the location of He Shengtu, but the other party knows nothing about it!

If you don't seize this point and completely gain the first-mover advantage, then the information Lin Yuan provided to you will be in vain!

  “You boy, you are really insidious.”

The corners of Li Fenyou's mouth curved up, and he smiled softly.

Lin Yuan touched his nose helplessly. He provided information to Li Fenyou, but she actually said that she was sinister.

  “Are you sure the location you provided is accurate?”

“Don’t worry, I guarantee with my personality that the error will never exceed five meters!”

 Lin Yuan still has absolute confidence in the Mangekyo Sharingan.

 Li Fengyou rolled his eyes and said angrily: "What's the use of vouching for your personality? If you're capable, just vouch for your little girlfriend. I think you quite like her!"

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 “Okay, I won’t joke with you anymore.”

The corner of Li Fenyou's mouth once again curved with a cold expression: "This guy has been hiding his head and tail until now, and I spent so much effort to find him."

"Of course my meeting gift must be generous!" Listening to Li Fenyou's words, Lin Yuan couldn't help but shudder, and deep in his heart, He Sheng Tu observed three seconds of silence.


Lin Yuan guessed right that He Shengtu had indeed been observing them secretly.

To be honest, He Shengtu was slightly surprised by Lin Yuan's appearance.

 Because he had never noticed Lin Yuan's existence before and had no idea where this kid came from.

However, after he sensed Lin Yuan's strength, he quickly stopped paying attention to him.

 After all, Lin Yuan now only has the strength of the early seventh level.

Even though He Shengtu looks very young, He Shengtu doesn’t care.

  No matter how high your martial arts talent is, you still cannot pose any threat to him unless it is transformed into your own strength.

 He Shengtu calculated the time and it should be soon.

 After waiting another seven or eight minutes, it would be time for him to come forward to negotiate with Li Fenyou.

 Using an entire train of hostages in exchange for the beast spirit crystal in her hand.

Thinking of this, He Shengtu's heart felt hot, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

 However, at this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly spread in He Shengtu's heart!

You must know that as a spiritual warrior who mainly cultivates spiritual power, He Shengtu's intuition is also extremely sharp!

 The next second, without hesitation, he rose directly into the air!

At this moment, a blood arrow that was extremely powerful and still burning roared through the sky, as if it could tear the void apart!


 As it shuttled in, this **** arrow also burned to the extreme!

With a loud noise, the blood arrow exploded, causing the energy and blood fluctuations to surge like a tsunami, as if it was enough to destroy everything!

Although He Shengtu reacted quickly, the blood arrow exploded too fast and was extremely powerful. Even if he chose to escape at the first opportunity, he still could not completely survive.

As a spiritual warrior, his physical strength is not as good as that of Qi and blood warriors of the same level.

Under the force of the exploding blood arrow, He Shengtu's right leg was dripping with blood, and it was heart-wrenching!

 “Damn it, **** it!”

 He Shengtu was shocked and angry!

What makes me angry is that I was unexpectedly attacked!

 What was surprising was that the other party actually found his location!

In He Shengtu’s view, this is simply impossible!

 Could it be's that boy? !

He Shengtu's eyes were slightly sharp, and he looked directly at Lin Yuan who was following Li Fengyou.

You must know that before this kid appeared, Li Fenyou didn't know where he was at all, running around like a headless fly.

 That’s right, it must be related to this guy!

He Shengtu barely managed to avoid most of the attacks, but the queen ant under him was not so lucky.

The huge ant queen, whose movement speed is already slow, basically received all the damage caused by the exploding blood arrow!

 Its head was hit by the explosion of energy and blood, and a huge and ferocious wound was torn out!

Fortunately, the gold-devouring ant queen has thick skin and thick flesh. If it were an ordinary eighth-level beast, under the power of Li Fenyou's arrow, it would be half disabled even if it were not dead!

After the arrow succeeded, Li Fenyou seemed a little dissatisfied and snorted coldly: "I only lost one of his legs, which is an advantage for this guy."

 (End of this chapter)

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