Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 155: Beast spirit crystal! 【Third update! 】

Chapter 155 Beast Spirit Crystal! 【Third update! 】

Moreover, the mysterious man wearing a black cloak in front of him is definitely a very powerful telekinesis master!

 Otherwise, the "blindness" he created would have been completely invisible to Lin Yuan's Mangekyo Sharingan.

However, the fact is that if Lin Yuan had not been vigilant and sharp enough, he would have almost been deceived by the other party's deception!

Being able to do this only shows that the opponent’s mental power is extremely strong!

According to Lin Yuan's speculation, at least it is at the level of the eighth-order venerable!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan did not hesitate, held his breath and concentrated, and entered a state of silence!


The mysterious man who was sitting upright on the head of the ant queen frowned slightly and glanced directly in the direction of Lin Yuan.

It's just that Lin Yuan entered the invisible state in advance, so he didn't find any clues.

But just now he clearly felt as if someone was watching him secretly.

  Could it be... is it my own illusion?

The man frowned, then smiled and threw the thought away.

 He is quite confident in his mental strength.

 Unless the opponent's mental power is higher than his, otherwise, it will be impossible to see through the mental power barrier he has created, and naturally it will be impossible to find his location.

As far as he knows, there are no mentalists above the eighth level on this high-speed train.

Although Li Fenyou possesses the strength of an eighth-level venerable, she is a Qi-blood warrior and her mental power is not very strong.

It is precisely because of this that he is so confident that he sits blatantly on the queen ant and personally sits behind the ant tide.

However, what he didn't know was that when he glanced over, Lin Yuan, who had just entered a state of seclusion, was about to be soaked in cold sweat!

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan suddenly thought that the other party might notice him, so he hid his figure in time and restrained his aura.

If it had been only a second or two at night, Lin Yuan would have been discovered by the other party and killed.

Although Lin Yuan has already broken through to the seventh level Grandmaster.

 But facing the eighth-level venerable, he was still as weak as an ant.

You must know that the threshold for an eighth-level venerable is 200,000 points of qi and blood, or 200,000 hp of spiritual power!

 Now Lin Yuan only has 102,000 points of energy and blood.

 At least double the difference!

Once discovered by the other party, Lin Yuan will die!


Beside the train, Li Fenyou frowned and looked at the old man in front of him with a pair of beautiful eyes: "You just said that the other party was targeting you."

“That is to you know who is behind this?”

  “So be it.”

The gray-haired old man in front of him said: "My name is Lin Genshan, and I am the director of the Seventh Yanjing Scientific Research Institute. The things in this wooden box are the results of five years of research by our scientific research institute. "

“The person who controls the swarm of gold-eating ants to attack the train must be here for the contents of the box.”

 After he spoke these words, everyone was in awe!

 Director of the scientific research institute!

You must know that even in this era of prosperous martial arts, technology is still valued by people.

 Technology that has reached its peak can still play a huge role! For example, the ‘Vulcan Cannon’ recently developed by the Yanjing First Research Institute can even burn an eighth-level alien beast to ashes instantly with one shot!

 It's just that the energy required to charge the Vulcan Cannon is also quite large.

 Scientific research institutes are usually supported by the state, so they are basically concentrated in the capital Yanjing.

 According to their importance, they are divided into ten levels from the first scientific research institute to the tenth scientific research institute!

 The top five scientific research institutes in the series are all headed by king-level experts!

 The importance is evident!

As for the five scientific research institutes at the bottom of the sequence, although they may not have king-level experts in charge, they still have extremely tight defenses!

 What no one expected was that the gray-haired, seemingly ordinary old man in front of them was actually the director of the Seventh Research Institute!

 As for the wooden box in his hand…

 After a moment of shock, the three of them quickly turned their attention to the wooden box in Lin Genshan's hand.

The wooden box itself has nothing special, but it contains a forest-green crystal!

"What's this?"

Luo Tong blinked and asked in confusion.

 His doubts were also the doubts of everyone present.

Lin Genshan opened his mouth and replied: "This is a special life crystal. We extracted the essence from a special plant and mixed it with a certain proportion of the blood of alien animals."

“I can’t reveal the specific recipe to you here.”

"However, what I can tell you is that this kind of life crystal is extremely precious. Our research institute named it...'Beast Spirit Crystal'!"

“Beast spirit crystal? Is this what you have been working on for the past five years at the Seventh Research Institute?”

Luo Tong looked at the forest green crystal and continued to ask: "Does this thing have any special function?"

 He could feel that this crystal contained extremely majestic vitality!


After talking about the fields in which he is good at, Lingenshan's old face with crisscrossed ravines inevitably showed a bit of pride.

He said calmly: "This beast spirit crystal is not for human warriors, but for alien beasts!"

“After taking it, not only can the grade of the alien beasts be improved, but the growth potential of the alien beasts can also be increased!”

“And, most importantly, the ‘Beast Spirit Crystal’ we developed has no side effects!”

 After taking it, it is a crystal that can increase the level and growth potential of exotic beasts without any side effects!

After Lin Genshan’s explanation, everyone quickly understood how precious the beast spirit crystal in his hand was!

The efforts of the Seventh Scientific Research Institute over the past five years have indeed been in vain.

 They spent five years developing something quite terrifying!

If beast spirit crystals could be mass-produced...

Lin Genshan seemed to see what everyone was thinking. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Although the beast spirit crystal is a scientific research product that our Seventh Scientific Research Institute is proud of, there is still a rather serious problem. Defects."

“The raw materials for making beast spirit crystals are too precious and cannot be mass-produced.”

“Until now, the only finished product we have produced is the one I have in my hand now…”

 (End of this chapter)

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