Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 147: Crisis, ant tide! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 147 Crisis, ant tide! 【Second update! 】

He wanted to suppress the distracting thoughts in his heart, but this uneasy feeling became more and more intense in Lin Yuan's heart.

 Outside the car window, the sun sets quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the last glory of the afterglow slowly turned into the drowsiness of sunset.

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly felt that the car under his feet began to shake slightly!

 Sure enough, something is wrong!

Lin Yuan turned his head suddenly and looked out the car window again.

I saw a line of brown-yellow ‘tide’, rushing towards the direction of the carriage!

 For a moment, Lin Yuan's pupils suddenly narrowed.

What's this? !

Lin Yuan suddenly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan. With his enhanced vision, he was finally able to see the distant scene clearly.

This seems to ant tide? !

That line of ‘tide’ is entirely composed of countless yellow-brown ants!

Moreover, this kind of ant is not a different ant, but more similar to a strange beast that evolved from ants!

 Because, in Lin Yuan's sight, every ant beast was at least the size of an adult's head!

 Just an ant beast, not terrible.

 The ant beasts can be overwhelming, like a tide, and can easily give people a numb and suffocating feeling.

Lin Yuan made a rough estimate. There were at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ant beasts in the front row!

 Otherwise, such a terrifying momentum would not have been possible!

 “Damn it, what happened?”

Lin Yuan's face suddenly darkened.

This ant tide appeared out of thin air, giving him an unprecedented sense of crisis!

He did not hesitate and directly shook Chu Yu awake beside him.

The latter woke up from sleep, and asked in a slightly cute voice: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lin Yuan said in a deep voice: "Something's happened!"

At this moment, Li Fenyou finally discovered this anomaly. She stood up suddenly and said, "All students, please be alert!"

With Li Fenyou's loud shout, many classmates who were sleeping suddenly woke up and soon noticed the ant tide outside the window!

 “Oh my god…what is this? An ant tide?”

“It’s so scary, it’s like a tide, and there’s no end in sight.”

“Damn, what’s going on? Our train is surrounded by ants?”

 For a time, even if the carriage was filled with the best of the new students of magic and martial arts, they could not help but feel panicked and frightened by the vision in front of them.

Looking at the chaos in front of him, Li Fenyou frowned and quickly made a decision: "Everyone, calm down and stay alert. I'll go find the train conductor!"

 After finishing speaking, Li Fenyou directly asked Fang Tianji to manage the order in the carriage, while he strode toward the power room with rapid strides.

Although everyone was a little panicked, everyone was a warrior after all, and they tried their best to stay calm even when faced with the threat of the ant swarm.

Furthermore, the number of ants is so huge that even if you leave the train, you may not be able to escape the ants!

No one knows where this ant tide came from or why it attacked the train.


 At this moment, the train stopped completely.

 Li Fenyou also returned to the carriage and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, please note that at the speed of the train, it is no longer possible to escape from the ant swarm."

“So, everyone, get off the train and prepare for battle!”

"You must always remember that you are students and warriors at the same time. Protecting civilians is the bounden duty of all warriors!"

 Everyone fell silent. Li Fengyou took a deep breath and said calmly: "Of course, in addition to being warriors, you are also students of magic martial arts."

“I and several other teachers will do our best to protect you!”

“Once your life is in danger, don’t hesitate to call for help immediately!”

 After finishing speaking, Li Fenyou walked directly to the middle of the car and opened the door.

The ant beasts were traveling very fast. In just a few minutes, the ant swarm was only a few kilometers away from the train!

 Since Li Fenyou has said so, there is only one battle left!

Everyone took a deep breath and chose to get off the train.

Isn’t it just an ant beast? What's the big deal!

Even though they were thinking this, everyone knew that once they got off the bus... they would most likely die in the ant wave.

 They are just a group of warriors who have not even reached the seventh level.

Facing such a huge ant tide, if you are not careful, you will die!

Even if a single ant beast is not very strong, the fact that many ants can kill an elephant is really not just talk.

Even Li Fenyou, who is an eighth-level venerable, can’t guarantee that she can keep everyone safe under such a dense ant tide!

However, despite this, the vast majority of people still resolutely chose to get off the car!

 Because there are still civilians on the train.

 Li Fengyou is right.

 They are warriors.

 Protecting civilians is their duty!

 In this situation, no one would choose to be a coward.

 But…there are exceptions.

Even though everyone got off the train, Xu Xinning was still curled up in his seat, his face turned pale, and his voice was trembling as he said, "I'm going to die... I'm going to die..."

"I won't go...I, I am the future head of the Xu family, I can't die here!"

 “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die…”

Looking at this guy who was almost **** with fear, Fang Tianji frowned, kicked him with hatred, and angrily said: "Why did Mowu recruit such a coward like you!"

Fang Tianji kicked hard. Xu Xinning turned around and said loudly: "If you want to die, don't hold me back!"

“I won’t get off the car anyway, even if you beat me to death, I won’t get off the car!”

 “You are not a coward, you still have the qualifications to survive!”

Xu Xinning has decided that it is safest to stay on the train!

Fang Tianji looked at him deeply, sneered and said, "A person like you is really not worthy of being a warrior."

 After finishing speaking, Fang Tianji walked off the train without looking back.

Xu Xinning turned around, looked at the ants outside the car window with a pale face, and murmured in a low voice: "A bunch of idiots who want to die!"


 Outside the train, everyone from Mowu has already assembled.

Everyone is simply divided into groups. Facing such a large number of ants, the effect of teamwork is definitely much better than fighting alone.

 They can also take care of each other.

At this moment, the ant tide is only three kilometers away from the train!

 At this moment, Li Fenyou finally moved.

Her steps were slightly stepped, and her body suddenly rose into the air.

 The whole person's body seemed to be surrounded by... burning blood!

 (End of this chapter)

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