Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 131: You are not alone, fighting alone! 【Second update

Chapter 131 You are not alone, fighting alone! 【Second update! 】


Song Wenhui's punch, carrying a huge force, suddenly hit Meng Changge's chest!

 The sound of the falling fist is like muffled thunder!

 Everyone present can hear it clearly.


Under such a huge force, Meng Changge was forced to open his mouth and coughed out a large mouthful of blood. His body flew out and landed on a tree trunk five or six meters away!

"team leader!"

Seeing that Meng Changge was severely injured, two teammates, Ye Lanshan and Shen Haoran, hurriedly surrounded him and pressed the button of the rescue device in his arms!

Under Song Wenhui's almost full-force punch, Meng Changge's sternum was dented directly, and he had obviously lost the ability to continue fighting.

 “What are you waiting for?!”

Ye Lanshan turned his head, looked at the others, and roared loudly: "Why don't you take action?!"

With his violent shout, all the new warriors around him woke up from a dream and rushed towards Song Wenhui to kill him!

 For a moment, Song Wenhui was like a lion surrounded by wolves, isolated and helpless!


Meng Changge opened his eyes with difficulty and coughed up two mouthfuls of blood again.

Even after suffering such a degree of trauma, he still managed to remain conscious, which was considered to be a strong will.

"we won."

Meng Changge raised his head with difficulty, twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled silently.

Ye Lanshan gritted his teeth and nodded firmly: "Yes, we won!"

The "win" mentioned by Meng Changge does not mean that he defeated Song Wenhui.

 It means that he finally succeeded in putting the other party into a desperate situation!

  After all, the new martial artists gathered here all come from different martial arts universities.

 Everyone is fighting for the glory of their own school!

 In this case, it is simply impossible to truly unite everyone’s strength.

Meng Changge had formulated the rules long before taking action!

 In this battle to besiege Song Wenhui, all the martial arts universities must contribute!

 Everyone is a supervisor.

If it is found that any warriors from any martial arts university do not perform their best in accordance with the rules, then after Song Wenhui is eliminated, the next target...will be these warriors who have not tried their best!

 But even so, someone must stand up and officially launch this battle!

As an organizer, Meng Changge is undoubtedly the best choice.

 He is the most suitable person to be the leader and stand in front of Song Wenhui!

Don’t he know that he is not Song Wenhui’s opponent?

Of course he knows!

 After all, so many people have been defeated at the hands of the other party.

 In this friendly competition, Song Wenhui's name is simply a symbol of undefeation.

 But Meng Changge still chose to fight without hesitation!

Even though he was severely injured by Song Wenhui, he still didn't care!

 Because he did it!

As long as Song Wenhui's trouble is solved, more people from Southeast Martial Arts University will be able to survive to the end in the survival battle!

Meng Changge coughed out another mouthful of blood, but still had a smile on his face: "Everything is for the glory of Southeast University!"


Yanjing Wuhan University, Control Room.

 The team leaders from various Wuhan universities all gathered here, looking at the big screen in front of them with different expressions.

 What was broadcast on the screen was the scene of the battle for survival.

These images were all transmitted back through aerial drones, allowing them to observe the battle situation in real time.

"Senior Li, that kid from Jingwu was targeted too badly." Wang Zhanlin looked at the scene in front of him, shook his head, and said, "What was a good fight for survival turned into a melee among these guys. "

There seems to be a bit of schadenfreude in Wang Zhanlin's tone.

 After all, although Song Wenhui is excellent, he is also a student of Yanjing Wuhan University.

 If he is eliminated, it will be a good thing for Mowu.

Li Tianchou snorted dissatisfiedly: "It's not like those guys from Southeast Wuhan University did a good job!"

ˆThrough the surveillance returned from the aerial photography, Li Tianchou had already understood the whole thing!

If it weren’t for the tricks played by people from Southeast University, how could Song Wenhui have fallen into such a desperate situation!

Li Tianchou's face was gloomy, and he said coldly as if to comfort himself: "Forget it, it's not the first time that Jingwu has been targeted anyway."

“If you think our Jingwu students can be defeated so easily, then I have nothing to say!”

 No one expected that the situation would develop in this direction.

 Song Wenhui, the most powerful person, has become the target of public criticism!

There is no doubt that after he fell, people who lost their common goal and came from different martial arts universities will fall into an even more chaotic war!

Everyone knows who Li Tianchou is targeting with his words.

However, the principal of Southeast Wuhan University turned a deaf ear.

 Because this plan was originally formulated by him.

Meng Changge and the others are only responsible for execution.

  What I have to say is that Meng Changge's performance completely exceeded his expectations.

This young man paid the price for his stubbornness.

Just to fight for their Southeast Martial Arts University and the glory that belongs to them!


 hilly area, middle section.

 Chaos has officially broken out.

Under siege, Song Wenhui was like a roaring lion, charging almost crazily among the crowd!

Facing so many warriors from various martial arts universities, even Song Wenhui did not dare to stand up and directly covered his whole body with Qi and Blood Armor!

Watching him fight is simply a pleasure.

  No matter how violent his attack was, Song Wenhui's control over his own strength was still very subtle!

 Every time a strike is struck, a new warrior around Song Wenhui will inevitably lose the ability to fight!

 His attacks are always just right.

 Don't waste any effort, don't waste any energy!

 His control over power is even greater than that of Fang Nian!

 This is not a one-on-one battle after all. Facing such a large encirclement, Song Wenhui must save his own energy and blood as much as possible!

Watching Song Wenhui fight in this way, even Lin Yuan had a slight understanding of power control.

However, let’s go with the situation in front of us.

Even a seventh-level martial arts master may not be able to escape defeat!

 Song chance.

 As time went by, cracks began to appear in the Qi and Blood Armor on his body!

However, at this moment, several figures rushed directly into the battlefield and launched an attack on the people around them without any explanation!

 The two characters "京武" are printed on their martial arts uniforms!

“Hey, I told you... don’t bully others too much.”

“Yanjing Wuhan University, our captain is not the only one fighting alone!”

 A figure walked out slowly and said calmly!

 (End of this chapter)

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