Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 115: The individual competition is over [Second update! 】

Chapter 115 The individual competition is over [Second update! 】

 Since there is no need to think about the individual competition anymore.

Then Lin Yuan simply prepared for the next schedule.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Xiao replied: "After the individual battle, there will be a team battle and a survival battle."


Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously interested.

 Then, Shen Xiao continued to explain: "The mode of team battle is a three-on-three battle!"

“Each school needs to form two teams to compete in three-three games.”

Lin Yuan asked: "Do we still need to draw lots?"

Shen Xiao shook his head and said, "No need."

“The order of team battles is determined by the ranking of individual battles.”

“The first will fight against the second, the third against the fourth, and so on.”

“In short, the strong versus the strong, the weak versus the weak.”

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently.

 Sure enough, after the individual competition, the competition system began to become extremely cruel.

In other words, if they rank first or second in Mowu's individual competition, they are basically destined to fight against Jingwu's team.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan asked again: "How are the points for the team battle calculated?"

Shen Xiao said: "If one team wins, it will get five points. If both teams win, it will get ten points!"

 Ten points?

 It seems that the score of the team battle is slightly lower than that of the individual strategy.

However, individual battles need to be completed fourteen times, and team battles only need to be played for two times to be considered over.

“By the way, did Principal Wang tell you?”

Lin Yuan asked in surprise: "What did you say?"

Shen Xiao said: "The candidates for the team battle have been decided."

Lin Yuan was slightly startled: "Has it been determined? Which three people are they?"

“The first team is Fang Tianji, Yu Fan and Wang Lin.”

“The three of them are all sixth-level warriors.”

Shen Xiao paused for a moment and continued: "As for the other team, it's you, me, and Chu Yu."

 “And Chu Yu?”

Lin Yuan was shocked.

Wang Zhanlin must be too ambitious.

 Even Chu Yu dares to be sent on the field?

This old guy, is he really not afraid of taking the blame?

If he loses this battle, Wang Zhanlin will probably be scolded to death by Mowu students!

Lin Yuan couldn't help but ask: "What on earth does this old guy think?"

Shen Xiao said quietly: "I wonder if you have heard of the story of Tian Ji's horse racing?"

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 That's when he finally reacted.

   Are they being treated like the inferior horses?

Shen Xiao said: "The principal's meaning is very simple. He feels that in a small team battle with Jingwu, he can only win once."

“So, he simply concentrated all his apparently strongest combat power into one team.”

“As for us, it’s best if we can win. If we can’t win, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just give it away for free.”

Lin Yuan: "...Even so, I still don't quite understand why the principal would let Chu Yu join the team battle."

Shen Xiao said silently: "Because the principal thinks that letting Chu Yu play can stimulate your fighting power and make you more vigorous..." Lin Yuan: "???"

 What a considerate principal.

However, since the principal has already decided, it is useless for Lin Yuan to object. It is better to accept this fact calmly.

Furthermore, Wang Zhanlin didn’t say that they had to win the game. If they really couldn’t beat them, they could just admit defeat.

  They were already regarded as inferior horses anyway, so losing to Jingwu's team was not a shame.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan felt relieved and asked again: "What about after the team battle?"

“After the squad battle, it seems to be a survival battle. The specific rules have not been announced yet.”

Shen Xiao said: "However, according to past practice, the score of the survival battle is generally quite high, and it is the highlight of the freshman fraternity competition."

Lin Yuan nodded: "I understand."

“So, you should take a good rest for a while. We will need you to play in the team battle in a few days.”

Shen Xiao said calmly: "Even if you may not be able to win, you still have to go all out."

"makes sense."

Lin Yuan laughed.

 As a warrior, you must go all out.


 The personal battle lasted for two days in total.

 In the past two days, although there were also exciting new warriors appearing.

 But in terms of shock level, few people can surpass Song Wenhui and Lin Yuan.

 For a time, all the people in China and everyone who paid attention to this event were talking about the two of them.

  Even, there are many posts analyzing the combat power of the two of them on the Internet.

Lin Yuan randomly selected a few posts and looked at them, and found that they were basically full of nonsense, purely to attract people's attention.

 It was just as Lin Yuan expected.

In the battle between Tianzhe and Wuhan University, Mowu still won cleanly.

 Final score, five to seven!

Mowu defeated seven people and scored seven points!

 Zhewu only defeated five people and scored five points!

 It is worth mentioning that in this round of battle, Shen Xiao also got the opportunity to play.

 As a peak fifth-level warrior, he successfully defeated a sixth-level warrior with his superb sword skills!

This battle made all the spectators present firmly remember his name!

 Mowu, Shen Xiao!

 Wang Zhanlin’s personal disciple!

 The descendant of the Divine Sword!

 After two days, the individual competition was officially over.

Among the ten martial arts universities, only three have truly achieved 14 individual points!

Yanjing Wuhan University, Modou Wuhan University and Southeast Wuhan University!

 Actually, Zhejiang Wuhan University was also qualified to get 14 points.

It’s a pity that Tianzhewu University chose Jingwu and Mowu...

 In the end, I only scored a measly nine points in the individual competition.

Due to ranking issues, although these three schools all scored 14 points, Yanjing Wuhan University ranked first, Modou Wuhan University ranked second, and Southeast Wuhan University ranked third.

However, Southeast Wuhan University not only has no objections to this ranking, but is as happy as the Chinese New Year!

You must know that in the next team battle, between the first and second place, it will be a life-and-death battle!

Although Southeast Wuhan University was second last year, this year Yanjing Wuhan University and Modu Wuhan University are both ridiculously strong!

You know, last year, which school had a strong player who could challenge one to five or one to six?

Let alone one-on-one, even the feat of a fifth-level warrior like Shen Xiao defeating a sixth-level warrior can be directly praised to the sky!

 But this year, monsters of this level are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain!

Anyway, they are at Southeast Wuhan University, and they want to be a quiet and handsome man this year.

Even if I beat them to death, I don’t want to face the perversions of Jingwu and Mowu!

 (End of this chapter)

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