Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 113: On the bench again! 【Second update! 】

Chapter 113 Another substitute! 【Second update! 】

 The confrontation between Lin Yuan and Xie Wu was a sight for everyone to watch!

This is...a truly evenly matched battle!

What no one expected was that Lin Yuan, holding a sword in his hand, was even more powerful!

 His sword skills are proficient and sharp!

When used in Lin Yuan's hands, it looked even more ruthless!

Several times, Xie Wu was almost seriously injured!

However, Xie Wu’s spear moves are also extremely fierce!

 After all, an inch longer, an inch stronger!

 An inch short, an inch dangerous!

Lin Yuan’s sword is dangerous enough, Xie Wu’s spear is powerful enough!

Although Song Wenhui is strong, his strength is more like a crushing strength. No one can reach the point of being evenly matched with him.

The battle between Lin Yuan and Xie Wu is extremely enjoyable to watch, it is simply a visual feast!

You must know that in the outside world, sixth-level warriors are already respected as little masters of martial arts!

  The duel between two little masters with all their strength is naturally exciting!

At the end of the battle, both of them tried their best!

Lin Yuan finally used the insight of Sharingan to catch Xie Wu's flaw and put the blade to the opponent's throat.

"you lose."

Lin Yuan looked calm and spoke calmly.

Although Xie Wu is a respectable opponent, it does not mean that Lin Yuan will give up because of this.

 Because...he wants to win!

 It’s not just about winning.

 But winning can prove a lot of things.

 He said that if he wants to fight against five, he must win five games in a row on this arena!

"I lost."

Xie Wu looked slumped, but in the end he calmly accepted this fact.

 If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to excuse yourself.

 If you are not as skilled as others, you will be defeated!

Being able to defeat him even though his energy and blood strength is lower than his own only shows that Lin Yuan... is indeed very strong.

Both of them stood on the field covered in blood.

However, there is only one winner.

 Lin Yuan!

 He pulled the alloy sword away from Xie Wu's throat.

 The latter bowed slightly and walked slowly down the arena.

 The loser leaves, this is the most basic rule.

Lin Yuan was holding an alloy sword, covered in blood, but standing in the center of the arena with a calm face.

"The winner of this competition is... the first-year freshman from Mowu, Lin Yuan!"

 After the host announced the final winner.

 The whole audience burst into applause!

 The previous doubts all turned into applause, which echoed for a long time above the martial arts arena!

Lin Yuan looked around at the crowd and grinned: "Thank you very much."

 There is nothing to say.

 He has proven himself.

 Then, he turned to the referee and said: "Okay, it's time for me to admit defeat. I won't fight in the next game."

It's not that Lin Yuan doesn't want to fight, but that he can't continue fighting.

 In the battle with Xie Wu, Lin Yuan had tried his best.

 Whether it was the injuries on his body or the exhaustion of his physical strength, there was no way he could continue fighting.

After all, Lin Yuan is not like Song Wenhui, who is the strongest among the new students.

 Being able to win five out of five games is already his limit.

 Under the applause of everyone, Lin Yuan also slowly walked off the arena.

In this personal battle of the freshman fraternity competition at a prestigious school, two people’s names are destined to be deeply remembered.

 Song Wenhui, Lin Yuan!

 The interesting thing is that their identities are particularly different.

 One is the captain of Jingwu, and the other is the substitute of Mowu.

 An interpreter of what a true genius warrior is, making people feel truly powerful!

 The other one uses his actions to make everyone's blood boil.

 …  “Everyone, the next step is up to you.”

 After stepping down from the stage, Lin Yuan smiled casually.

 After these days of getting along, the relationship between them has changed from strangers to familiarity.

Of course, only Xu Xinning is still in a hostile relationship with him.

“Well done, let Shen Xiao take you to the infirmary first!”

Mowu captain Fang Tianji stood up, smiled and patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder, and then asked Shen Xiao to take him for treatment first.

Xu Xinning on the side said sourly: "What's so great, isn't it just one versus five?"

Of course, no one else heard what he said.

 Because it’s really not possible for everyone to win one versus five.

Even if Xu Xinning dislikes Lin Yuan, he has to admit it.

 “Let’s go, I’ll go with you to receive treatment.”

Shen Xiao on the side also stood up, supported Lin Yuan, and walked to the medical room.

 There, there will be professional medical practitioners who will treat his injuries.

Even though Lin Yuan was covered in blood, he seemed to be seriously injured.

 In the medical room, it doesn't even take two or three hours for him to fully recover!

 “Then let’s go.”

Lin Yuan is not pretentious. Since he has free treatment opportunities, he can just enjoy the medical standards of Yanjing Wuhan University.


 In the auditorium.

 Chen Ji and Yun Tingting’s hands were almost red.

 They were so excited.

 When the whole audience was applauding for Lin Yuan.

They wanted to let everyone know that Lin Yuan, the one-on-five player on the field, was their friend!

 They even fought together once!

 “Lin Yuan is really...too strong.”

Chen Ji couldn't help but sigh: "Since his rise, he seems to have been creating miracles."

 “What? Are you envious?”

Yun Tingting laughed and joked from the side.

 “How can I not be envious?”

Chen Ji sighed and said sincerely: "It would be great if I could be as strong as Lin Yuan. One versus five, how handsome!"


Yun Tingting did not hesitate to expose Chen Ji's unrealistic fantasy: "You'd better go to sleep, you can have everything in your dreams."

“Speaking of which, you are really fickle. I remember, didn’t you always admire Shen Xiao?”

"Alas...forget about Shen Xiao and Lin Yuan, these two are monsters. Mortals like us are really beyond our reach!"

Chen Ji sighed and said: "It has only been a while, but these two people have already left us far behind."

 “Okay, don’t make things difficult for yourself.”

Yun Tingting directly changed the topic: "I don't know who Mo Wu will send in the first game."

Chen Ji guessed: "Could it be Shen Xiao?"

"It can't be him, I think he just took Lin Yuan to the medical room."

Just as the two of them were guessing, the second player from the Magic City Wuhan University slowly entered the arena.

 "Modu Wuhan University, substitute member, Xu Xinning!"

 After this player spoke, not to mention his opponent, even the audience in the auditorium was stunned!

 Why... another substitute? !

What’s wrong, are you addicted to substituting in Mowu? !

 (End of this chapter)

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