Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 102: Luck is also part of strength! 【Third update

Chapter 102 Luck is also a part of strength! [Third update, please vote for recommendation! 】

 After all spectators have arrived.

The host slowly walked up to the center of the arena.

 He ​​took the microphone and said a few simple opening remarks, and read out the general rules of this one-on-one competition.

Then, without wasting any time, he directly raised his left hand and said, "Below... we invite freshmen from ten famous schools, Wuhan University, to enter!"

 For a time, the whole audience burst into applause!

 The first one to enter is naturally the freshman from Yanjing Wuhan University!

Under the guidance of a mentor, the ten Jingwu people slowly walked out of the preparation area, stood on the arena, and bowed slightly towards the audience.

Every one of these new students in Jingwu has an inexplicable energy in them.

They stood on the stage like a sharp sword unsheathed!

 This is the new style of Jingwu!

 “Yanjing Wuhan University, captain, Song Wenhui!”

“Yanjing Wuhan University, deputy captain, Fang Nian!”

“Yanjing Wuhan University, main member, Xiong Hui!”


“Yanjing Wuhan University, substitute member, Lin Yanji!”

The ten freshmen from Jingwu gave a brief introduction one after another, and then walked off the stage on the other side.

However, after the new students from Yanjing Wuhan University came to power, they were not followed by Wudu University in the Magic City, but Southeast Wuhan University!

 Because the order of entry is not determined by the reputation of the major martial arts schools.

Rather, they are sorted according to the rankings of the ten famous schools in the last fraternity competition!

Modu Wuhan University encountered Waterloo last year and only ranked fourth.

  In other words, in this opening ceremony, the new students of Mowu can only wait until the fourth round to play!

After the introductions of Southeast Wuhan University and Tianzhe Wuhan University.

  It is finally the turn of the Magic City Wuhan University!

 Under the leadership of Li Fenyou, everyone slowly climbed onto the arena.

 “Modu Wuhan University, Captain, Fang Tianji!”

 “Department of Wuhan University, Vice Captain, Yu Fan!”

  "Magic City Wuhan University, main team member, Shen Xiao."

 When he arrived at Shen Xiao's place, his tone suddenly became deeper.

 It is really not suitable for a person of his character to speak in such a heated scene.

 It's really... ruining the atmosphere.

Fang Tianji and Yu Fan were the captain and vice-captain selected by Wang Zhanlin based on their strength, and no one had any objections.

These two people had already reached the level of sixth-level warriors when they entered school!

Fang Tianji, his own energy and blood are as high as 62,000!

Yu Fan is slightly weaker, but his energy and blood have also reached 58,000 points!

 It is no exaggeration to say that these two people are the face of Mowu!

Any one of these two people can easily defeat three Xu Xinnings.


  The process of the opening ceremony is for the ten famous Wuhan University schools to introduce the members of their teams in turn.

 After all the introductions, an hour passed.

 The next step is the drawing of lots!

Each Wuhan University needs to compete with the other two Wuhan University.

 The first person to participate in the lottery is Yanjing Wuhan University!

 Everyone present could not help but hold their breath.

 After all, everyone wants to see who Jingwu will pick as his opponent!

The person in charge of the lottery at Yanjing Wuhan University is none other than their captain Song Wenhui.

His face is slightly dark, but his whole body is as straight as a javelin.

After walking slowly onto the stage, he drew two bamboo sticks directly from the lottery box in front of him.

Yesterday, Wang Zhanlin asked Chu Yu not to win the Yanjing Wuhan University. In fact, it was just a joke.

  After all, who Jingwu fights with is completely determined by themselves.

Even if the draw is drawn, Jingwu will still be in the first round.

After Song Wenhui pulled out the bamboo stick, he handed it directly to the host next to him without even looking at it.

 This is the confidence of Yanjing Wuhan University!

 Some people may think that they are a little disrespectful. But only they know in their hearts that this is completely a subconscious move.

 They don’t care at all which martial arts university will be chosen as their opponent.

without any exaggeration.

 In their eyes, there is no opponent at all.

 No one can win the fraternity championship from their Jingwu hands!

  Anyway, the first place has been won by us.

 For the remaining prestigious schools, just compete for second and third place!

After the bamboo stick was handed out, the host beside him also read out the result on the bamboo stick.

“The opponents drawn by Yanjing Wuhan University are... Sichuan-Jiang Wuhan University and Tianzhe-Zhejiang Wuhan University!”

 After the draw results are out.

 Many team members from Wuhan University breathed a sigh of relief.

 However, the members of Sichuan-Jiang Wuhan University and Tianzhe-Zhejiang Wuhan University looked extremely sad.

 There is a 1 in 5 chance of drawing them, what a bad luck!

Song Wenhui shook his head, and while walking down the arena, he said to himself: "I thought I could draw the two martial arts universities, Magic City and Southeast University."

 In his eyes.

Zhejiang Wuhan University is barely passable.

As for Sichuan Jiangwu University, it goes without saying.

If this kind of Wuhan University is worthy of being called a famous school.

Then it can only be regarded as **** among prestigious schools at best.

The only ones that can make him a little bit more interested are the two martial arts universities in Shanghai and Southeast.

It's a pity that he was so unlucky that he didn't win any of them.


 The second one to come on stage was the captain of Southeast Wuhan University.

 The ones he drew were also two weaker martial arts universities.

However, there was a hint of joy on his face.

The Southeast Wuhan University is not as confident as the Yanjing Wuhan University.

 The opponents are weak. For them, that is definitely a good thing!

 This means that they can win more easily and preserve their strength as much as possible!

 Subsequently, the captain of Tianzhe Wuhan University also came on stage.

 Since he has already been selected by Yanjing Wuhan University, he only needs to draw one lot.

However, after seeing the results of the draw, his face turned dark!

 The one he drew was none other than the Demon City Wuhan University!

 In other words, the two Wuhan universities that Zhejiang Wuhan University is going to compete with are Yanjing Wuhan University and Modu Wuhan University!

What kind of luck does it take to be able to put together such a lineup...

 For a time, even the entire audience looked at Captain Tianzhe with pity in their eyes.

 This luck is incredible!

Although Tianzhe-Wuhan University can be considered to have a relatively deep foundation.

But facing both Jingwu and Mowu at the same time, it was destined that they would not be able to achieve particularly good results in the first round of individual competition.

To get the full 14 points in the individual competition, the only way is to completely defeat the seven warriors from Jingwu and the seven warriors from Mowu.

This is completely a **** level of difficulty!

 It seems that sometimes, luck is also part of strength...

 After the top three Wuhan University completed the draw, it was finally the turn of the Magic City Wuhan University.

  To the amazement of all spectators.

Other people from Wuhan University who were in charge of drawing lots were all captain-level figures.

On the Mowu side, they sent a substitute who was quite unique, and she was also a goddess-level cute girl...

 (End of this chapter)

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