Chapter 498 These two perverts actually greedy my body, rely on, difficult

All Celestial Immortals outside paid attention to Xia Wuji for the first time.

Although it is too early to pay attention to it so early, after all, this guy’s Cultivation Base is only Seventh Stage in Wonderland, but to prepare for a rainy day, this guy’s body is too strong, and the ghost knows if the power will be so strong that one day, it will automatically realize the power of the legend. law.

Even some Jinxians started to pay attention to Xia Wuji.

Of course, it’s just attention. Even if Xia Wuji is a genius, he is just an ant in a fairyland, not to mention whether he can reach the golden fairy, even if he can grow into a golden fairy to threaten them, it will take hundreds of thousands of years.

Time is too long, and no one can guarantee that he will not fall due to various accidents in the process.

In the fairy world, geniuses who have fallen because of various accidents abound.

The fallen genius is not a genius, but just a dead person.

Xia Wuji went up and killed one of the three beasts. There were two beasts and one wolf beast left. Guan Panpan and Shi Chen immediately chose one each. Xia Wuji confronted the other and killed him…

Not everyone pushes horizontally like Xia Wuji.

Of course, not everyone met the top demon from the beginning like they did.

There are many demons in Wantu Mountain, and the number is difficult to estimate. Now that the Wantu Mountain has changed, these demons who didn’t know where they came from have also changed and become stronger and stronger.

The demon distribution is completely random, and there is no rule at all.

With bad luck and poor strength, he encountered a second-level top demon and was instantly killed.

With good luck and strong overall strength, when encountering a lower-level demon, he pushes all the way straight.

All the immortals who entered Wantu Mountain had to block the invasion of Wantu Mountain’s demon Killing intent, and on the other hand, they had to kill demon.

At this time, it depends on who is lucky and has stronger combat effectiveness.

South of Wantu Mountain.

Xia Hu was holding a mace, and under the protection of a group of wild generals, swiping the club, sweeping the demon, and steadily advancing towards the central area.

Southwestern region.

Shentu Junan moved forward, followed by a group of strong Earth Immortals from Cold Moon Valley.

Feng Wu did not follow.

Although her law of flame has a powerful effect on demon, her strength is too low. She is only a human fairyland Third Stage Cultivation Base, and she is also dragging oil bottles when she comes, so she simply stayed in Luoxian City.

Shentu Junan’s face is like a crown of jade, his eyes are deep, and he wears a moon gown, just like an immortal.

Holding his companion black sword, he encountered a low-level demon and swung it out. Demon was instantly killed.

When encountering a second-level demon, it will be besieged by the strong of the Earth Immortals.

A group of people moved steadily towards the central area all the way.


A group of Earth Immortals realm powerhouses opened their way in front, and as long as they encountered the demon, they would do their best to kill them. Behind them, Xue Wuhen was dressed in white, strolling leisurely in the courtyard, as if coming to enjoy the tour.

Countless immortals entered Wantu Mountain and began to kill frantically.

demon is boundless.

From the beginning, a few of them appeared in small groups, and they appeared in groups in the back, which made the immortals who entered the Wantu Mountain more and more pressure.

Just like Shentu Junan thought, Wantu Mountain is like a killing field, and it has begun its crazy power of meat grinder.

As they worked hard to kill, countless immortals kept advancing towards the central area, but the demon seemed to never be able to kill. The journey along the way was completely a bloody road stained by killings.

There are stumps and broken arms everywhere on the earth, some from immortals and some from demons.

No one noticed that whether it was a demon or an immortal, the blood after Death penetrated into the ground, invisibly converging to a certain location.

Going deeper, there are more demons, Xia Wuji, Guan Panpan, and Shi Chen are almost mad, and the three are like meat grinders.

Especially Xia Wuji, fists to the flesh, has been using his fists to kill the enemy, as if his fists were harder than the fairy weapon.

I don’t know how long it has been. After another five thousand miles, the number of demons has not only increased, but each of them is very powerful, and the pressure of Xia Wuji’s three people has increased greatly.

Shi Chen had to use a puppet to fight with him.

It was the first time Xia Wuji saw Shi Chen’s puppet.

He discovered that these puppets were all real people, or the corpses of immortals.

These puppets are sturdy in shape, with dark skin and shiny skin, one by one, like cast black steel, without armor, but they have runes on their bodies, densely packed from top to bottom, and they look like demons.

There are a total of ten, and Shi Chen himself formed a formation that can both attack and defend. The power suddenly skyrocketed and the lethality greatly increased.

Xia Wuji paid close attention, then it didn’t matter.

These puppets are very strong, but compared with his clone, it is far behind, let alone compared with the body of his deity.

However, when these puppets were released, he always felt that Shi Chen’s eyes always glanced at his body like nothing, making him a little hairy.

He also didn’t know if it was an illusion, he felt that even Guan Panpan seemed to scan his body as if there was nothing.

Xia Wuji felt goose bumps all over her body.

Even if Guan Panpan’s beautiful eyes were ashamed after scanning his body, he felt unacceptable.

These two perverts!

It’s greedy for my body!

In a blink of an eye, the three of them killed dozens of demons.

A flower in front of him appeared in a ruined place. In the distance was a ruined building. The ground was black and exuding a strong smell.

Rumble rumbling… the earth trembles.

A group of ferocious demons appeared, densely packed, and it looked like there were hundreds of thousands.

These demons are tall and tall, and the power they emit distorts the entire world.

Guan Panpan’s pretty face changed suddenly.

Shi Chen also looked ugly.

His puppet is very strong, but he is only the seventh stage of the Earth Immortals realm. Even if all the puppets are released, it is at most similar to the Ninth Stage of the Earth Immortals realm. This is his limit.

And so many demons in front of him have been able to completely crush him.

No amount of puppets are useful.

There are too many demons!

I don’t know why, facing so many demons, the two of them looked at Xia Wuji in unison.

It seems that this little junior who is only in the Seventh Stage of Human Fairyland is the support of the two of them Earth Immortals.

Very strange, but very real.

Outside of Wantu Mountain, Gu Qi’s eyes never left the three of Xia Wuji.

He has gradually accepted the strength of Xia Wuji.

But among the hundreds of thousands that appeared suddenly, most of them were second-level powerful demons, and Gu Qi was also shocked.

This test of Master Duobao is simply abnormal!

How come there are so many powerful demons?

Why is there no such kind of information Tianji Pavilion?

But this is not the key. The key is how Xia Wuji can overcome this difficulty?

There is a huge gap in the ratio of three people to nearly a thousand demons!

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