Chapter 471 Sword Servant, Dzogchen Sword intent, Scramble

After some inquiries, Xia Wuji has a general understanding of this world.

I also have some understanding of Yan Jun in front of me.

Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect Seven Elder’s only son, core disciple, these nine people are both disciples and followers of Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect.

“I want to ask Brother Yan a question.”

Xia Wuji Road.

“Brother Xia, please.”

Yan Jun said.

“If I don’t agree to worship the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, will we be enemies?”

Xia Wuji asked casually.

Yan Jun was taken aback. He didn’t expect Xia Wuji to ask this question, but he didn’t take a long time, so he said frankly without hesitation: “Yes.”

After spending three million immortal stones, the Ascendant who was waiting joined other Sects. This is not only his personal Face problem, but also related to Sect’s face.

Even if it is killed on the spot, it will not allow the opponent to easily join other Sects.

This is the principle.

He believes that Xia Wuji will not be clear about this.

He looked at Xia Wuji, smiled and asked, “Brother Xia refuses to join the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect?”

After that, he looked at Xia Wuji with blazing eyes.

Xia Wuji smiled and said: “Brother Yan is so frank, it can be seen that the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect is good, why should I refuse to join?”

“So, Brother Xia agreed?”

Yan Jun’s eyes lit up.

Xia Wuji nodded.

For him, the world of immortality is a completely unfamiliar world, and it doesn’t matter if you join any Sect, even if it’s all right, he can accept the evil sects who want to plot against their disciples to do no evil.

On the demon, he has three thousand Heavenly Demon, in the end it is not always certain who will play.

Of course, everyone in this sword sect may not necessarily be upright.

He is not afraid of conspiracy and trickery at all.

And joining this Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect is not only a way to have a legal identity and obtain opportunities and resources, but the most important thing is to inquire about Yun Qingyao, Xia Hu, Ying Wudao and others.

The Immortal World is so big, the Feisheng Pool is not one place.

It is difficult to find them in a short time.

But with Sect’s intelligence network, the situation becomes relatively simple.

Yan Jun smiled and said, “On behalf of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, I welcome Brother Xia to join.”

“We will rely more on Brother Yan in the future.” Xia Wuji cupped fist said.

As a core disciple and the only son of Seven Elder, Yan Jun is not comparable to ordinary people in terms of contacts and resources. A good relationship with him has many benefits.

Yan Jun looked at Xia Wuji, hesitated, and said, “Brother Xia, according to the normal process, you must first start with Outer Sect disciples to enter Sect. It takes at least ten years from Outer Sect to Inner Sect, unless you can enter Sect. Inner Sect, or become Earth Immortals within ten years, otherwise it will be this process. In this way, cultivation resources will be greatly reduced.”

Xia Wuji calmly,

He could see that Yan Jun must have other ideas when he said so.

Then he asked, “Brother Yan, what better way?”

Sure enough, Yan Jun said: “The biggest obstacle to cultivation is how to obtain more cultivation resources. If Brother Xia becomes my sword servant, he will naturally obtain more resources than the Outer Sect disciple, and even more than the Inner Sect disciple. need more.”

Sword servant?

Xia Wuji was taken aback for a moment.

It was the first time he heard this title.

“What is a swordsman?”

“Sword Servant is someone who holds swords for others.” Yan Jun said concisely.

“Servant?” Xia Wuji blinked.

“Ahem, it’s not a servant, it’s a follower.” Yan Jun said quickly, “Of course, this swordsman is only a superficial identity, in fact, there is no sword for you to hold. Whose sword is not in the owner’s body, where does it need to be held? ?”

“If Brother Xia becomes my sword servant, I can promise you 10,000 immortal stones every year.”

After Yan Jun finished speaking, Du Lihan, Ni Hong and others stared.

Ten thousand cents per year!

Their followers only get a thousand immortal stones every year. When they come to Xia Wuji, they will directly ask for 10,000?

This is too unfair.

They looked at Xia Wuji’s expressions with faint envy and jealousy.

Xia Wuji naturally noticed their expressions.He actually has no idea about ten thousand immortal stones.

For him, the value of energy resources is how much of the source can be refined by the black cauldron.

He has not yet come into contact with real immortal stones, and he does not know how many origins can be refined by a single immortal stone, but by looking at the expressions of a few people, he knows that these ten thousand immortal stones seem to be a large number.

“If I become your sword servant, what do I need to do on weekdays?”

Xia Wuji asked calmly.

“If you don’t do anything, just be responsible for following me.” Yan Jun said with a smile: “I am a good face, so the most important thing is to help me support the face. The bigger the face, the happier I will be, and the rewards you will get more.”

What a good Face, isn’t it just for you to pretend to be force?

Xia Wuji raised her brow lightly.

This question is not a problem.

As long as you pretend to be forceful, you can obtain cultivation resources, and this trade is not a loss.

Then nodded and said: “Yes.”

Yan Jun’s eyes lit up, “You agree?”

He didn’t expect Xia Wuji to not mind.

“It’s good to take it, why don’t you agree?”

Xia Wuji laughed.

“Hahaha, okay! I like your upright and straightforward.” Yan Jun looked excited, “From today on, you Xia Wuji will be my Yan Jun’s swordsman, rest assured, Yan Jun will never treat you badly. ”

“I have seen the son.”

Xia Wuji’s timely cupped fist said.

Seeing Xia Wuji’s change of identity so quickly, with no false expression, Yan Jun was overjoyed: “Okay! This is my son’s meeting ceremony.”

Immediately gave a fairy ring to Xia Wuji.

Xia Wuji took it, and Divine Sense swept it away. There were 10,000 immortal stones neatly packed inside, as well as a fairy sword and a uniform uniform of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect.

“Thank you, son.”

Xia Wuji Road.

Immediately branded with Divine Sense, this fairy ring was worn on his hand and disappeared instantly.

“By the way, do you understand Sword intent?”

Yan Jun asked.

Only then did he remember to ask Xia Wuji if he understood Sword intent.

After all, a sword servant who did not understand Sword intent was somewhat incompetent.

Sword intent?

Xia Wuji thought for a while. Although he had never practiced swords before, he seemed to…understand when he obtained the inheritance of Earth Immortals at the Star Gate of the Lower Realm.

Of course, it was passive comprehension, but Hei Ding directly poured Sword intent comprehension into him after refining the fairy sword.

“Understood a little bit.”

Xia Wuji said truthfully.

Understand the Sword intent? Yan Jun’s eyes lit up.

This is the end of the story!

Even if it’s only a little bit, but as long as you understand the Sword intent, then the name of the sword servant will be implemented, at least there will be no rumors when giving Xia Wuji some resources.

Du Lihan and others didn’t make a fuss either.

After all, in Sword Sect, there are not a few people who can comprehend the Sword intent, but fewer are condensed into the sword species. As for breaking the sword species and condensing the sword soul, there are even fewer.

“Come and see when you show it.”

Yan Jun said.

“All on display?”

Xia Wuji asked.

“All, without reservation.”

Yan Jun nodded.

Since Xia Wuji is his Sword Intent, he naturally needs to know how much Sword Intent his Sword Intent has mastered.

Show it all… Xia Wuji hesitated, looked around, and asked, “Is it here?”

Yan Jun laughed dumbly, thinking that this guy can pretend to be better than me. Such a large Great Hall is not enough for your Sword intent display?

Generally speaking, 10% of the Sword intent only affects a radius of 30 feet, and 10% of the Sword intent is 30 feet, and this Great Hall is only 50 feet tall.

Ni Hong, Du Lihan and others showed contempt on their faces, with a little ridicule in their eyes.

As a follower of Yan Jun, who hasn’t mastered Sword intent? At most, it’s just a few percent and different attributes.

This guy just understood a little bit of Sword intent, and he was about to pretend to be Sword intent in front of the Sword Sect.

And in front of Young Master Yan who had already condensed the sword soul, he didn’t know that the sky was high and the earth was thick.

There must be a limit to pretending, not everyone can pretend.

Yan Jun can pretend to be coercion, that is his capital.

Yan Jun nodded and smiled and said, “It’s here.”

Xia Wuji said: “Okay, but it’s the first time I use Sword intent, and I’m not very good at it. Don’t laugh at me for a while.”

Sword intent for the first time?

Everyone was taken aback.

How could anyone use Sword intent for the first time?

Generally speaking, as long as you understand the Sword intent will be displayed, or used for combat, or used for practice, there is no possibility of not using it.

Could it be that you just realized it in the ascension pool?

Everyone thought so, and they understood why Xia Wuji would say that he understood a little bit.

Just realized Sword intent, isn’t it just a little bit?

Xia Wuji didn’t know what everyone thought, since Yan Jun asked to use the Sword intent, as a swordsman, there is no reason to hide it.

With a thought, the Sword intent hidden in the soul suddenly burst out.

An invisible edge rises up in him ascending, and the whole person is like a sharp-edged sword.

The thick Sword intent filled the entire Great Hall in an instant, and then rushed out of the hall, so that an illusory sky-shaking giant sword that was as high as a hundred meters appeared above the Great Hall, piercing the sky in panic.

Yan Jun and others were suddenly shocked.

Good guys!

Is this just a little bit of Sword intent?

Who are you kidding?

This is a Dzogchen Sword intent, okay?

Moreover, Sword intent is super large.

The crowd retreated violently.

But the Great Hall is so big that everyone can’t avoid it. They were all shrouded in a strong Sword intent in an instant, and Sword intents bloomed all over, quickly protecting themselves.

Fortunately, Xia Wuji’s Sword intent is only sharp but has no killing intent. It does not target anyone, so everyone is safe.

But except for Yan Jun who was relatively relaxed because he had already condensed the soul of the sword, the others were miserable.

The reason is that they were shrouded in Xia Wuji’s Sword intent, and they were so severely suppressed by Xia Wuji’s Sword intent that the Sword intent they had just raised was instantly defeated by Xia Wuji’s Sword intent.

Yan Jun was surprised and happy.

He really didn’t expect Xia Wuji’s Sword intent to reach such a situation.

It is far beyond the Sword intent range of ordinary swordsmen. Although it has not yet transformed into a sword soul, it has almost caught up with the weakest sword soul enveloping range.

Xia Wuji quickly converged on the Sword intent, and said apologetically to everyone: “It’s the first time to use it. I’m not very skilled. Don’t mind everyone.”

Ni Hong, Du Lihan and the others rolled their eyes madly: This is the Sword intent has been completed, but it is the first time to use it, can it be reliable to talk nonsense?

Of course, these words are boring in everyone’s heart, and no one will say it.

Sword intent is a great consummation, and it is not too much in the whole Sect.

Besides, he is still an ascendant!

I have to say that Yan Shao has indeed made a profit in this wave!

And make a lot of money!

If Sect knew, let alone spend 3 million immortal stones, even if it was 30 million immortal stones, the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect would not blink.

Yan Jun smiled from ear to ear.

Just right! The truth is right!

Moreover, the range of Sword intent reaches hundreds of feet, and the super Sword intent is a great success! May I ask who can reach a hundred zhang in the Sword intent Dzogchen?

Even Yu Wenhao would be ashamed of this.

This is the real swordsman of my Yan Jun!

Yan Jun was very excited.

At this moment, a huge breath came.

A middle-aged man wearing a moon robe with a crescent moon appeared in the Great Hall, and then a figure appeared in the Great Hall.

The middle-aged man stood in the air, and the huge aura of the Earth Immortals realm was released without any cover.

He looked at Xia Wuji with a smile on his face, eyes revealing light, and laughed loudly: “Hahaha, Baizhang Sword intent, the Fourth Stage of Human Wonderland, it’s a peerless genius! I really didn’t expect it, my Haoyue Sect’s soaring pool would have Such a peerless genius, I really bless my Haoyue Sect.”

The breath of the ascending pool on Xia Wuji’s body has not completely dissipated, so he can see at a glance that Xia Wuji is the ascending one.

Yan Jun’s face suddenly darkened.

Haoyuezong’s face is too thick, and the ten-year ownership of Feishengchi has been sold to him, and he can still come to grab someone brazenly.

At the same time, I regretted that I would not let Xia Wuji use the Sword intent if I knew it.But now it’s too late to regret.

Of course, it was not that he was afraid of Haoyuezong, but that he was not sure whether Xia Wuji would regret it.

In case this Haoyuezong resorted to some conspiracy and tricks to tempt Xia Wuji away, he really couldn’t help it.

He coldly looked at the middle-aged man and said, “Zhang Xuan, he has nothing to do with your Haoyue Sect. Don’t forget, this young man bought the ten-year ownership of the Feishengchi from it with three million immortal stones. , Any ascendant in the ascending pool belongs to our Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, and it has nothing to do with your Haoyue Sect…”

Zhang Xuan, a middle-aged man who has been looking at Xia Wuji, turned his face to Yan Jun and said with a smile: “Oh, you said this. It’s a pity that the deal between us, Sect Elder, will eventually fail.”

As he said, he threw out a storage bag and said, “There are three and a half million celestial stones here. Three million are the celestial stones you gave me before. I haven’t moved anything, but the 500,000 celestial stones are mine. Apologize, this transaction is forfeited.”

Yan Jun snorted coldly, “Why don’t you just give up on this deal?”

He waved his hand and sent the storage bag back.

But Xia Wuji beckoned, grabbed the storage bag, smiled and said to Yan Jun: “My son, I have already paid the compensation, so just accept it if you see it right.”

Yan Jun was taken aback, but when he saw Xia Wuji winking at him, he knew it for a moment.

Although he was a little uncertain whether Xia Wuji would go back, he still believed him.

Then he nodded and said, “Well, since you said that, let this be the case.”

Then he said to Zhang Xuan’s cupped fist: “Since my Sword Attendant has proposed, Yan Jun will give you the face of Haoyuezong. Let’s forget about it, let’s say goodbye.”

Turning around and saying to everyone: “Let’s go.”

Xia Wuji naturally followed Yan Jun to leave.


Zhang Xuan waved his hand, and the people of Haoyuezong immediately surrounded Yan Jun and others.

Yan Jun’s face suddenly became cold, and a majestic Sword intent appeared on him, and then it skyrocketed. Du Lihan, Ni Hong and others took out the fairy sword one by one.

Yan Jun raised his eyes to look at Zhang Xuan and said, “Steward Zhang, what do you mean by that? Do you want to keep us?”

Zhang Xuan’s eyes flashed a little bit of coldness at the sharp Sword intent emanating from Yan Jun, but he smiled on his face. The cupped fist said, “Master Yan has misunderstood. We are not trying to keep you. We just want to keep this ascended one.”

“He is my sword attendant! He is already a member of the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, you have to figure this out. Are you sure you want to grab someone from the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect?”

Yan Jun said indifferently.

Sword servant? Zhang Xuan’s heart moved slightly, and he still smiled and said, “Master Yan, the Ascending Pool here is in charge of our Haoyue Sect. According to the agreement of our major Sects, during the period of control, any Ascended person belongs to the Sect in charge.”

“The control period belongs to the control of Sect?” Yan Jun sneered: “Hehe, Manager Zhang, why haven’t I heard this? It should be the priority admission of any ascendant who is only in charge of Sect.”

“Hahaha, it’s all the same, it’s all the same.” Zhang Xuan said with a smile, “Just like now, the transaction between us has been cancelled, which means that our Haoyue Sect has priority in admission, don’t you think?”

This… Yan Jun was speechless for a while and turned to look at Xia Wuji.In fact, he was not worried about what Haoyuezong would dare to do to him, he was worried that Xia Wuji would betray.

Xia Wuji can naturally see Yan Jun’s worry, his voice resounded in Yan Jun’s mind: “Don’t worry, son, he can’t take me away.”

Now that he agreed to join the Heavenly Sword Immortal Sect, and agreed to become Yan Jun’s sword attendant, he naturally wouldn’t be that kind of capricious villain.

Seeing Xia Wuji made it clear that he would not leave with the other party, a stone in Yan Jun’s heart finally fell.

His face finally put on a smile again, with a sharp Sword intent, turned to look at Zhang Xuan, hugged his arms and said: “You are right, you choose. If he is willing to go with you, I have no objection, if not If yes, please get out of the way.”

Zhang Xuan glanced at him, with a smile on his face, and then turned to look at Xia Wuji, his voice was full of magnetism and said in a gentle voice: “My name is Zhang Xuan, the manager of the third ascending pool of the Haoyuezong. What is the name of this ascendant? ?”

Reaching out without hitting the smiling face, Xia Wuji also showed a smile on her face, and the cupped fist said, “Hello, my lord, my name is Xia Wuji.”

Zhang Xuan nodded, and then his gentle face was slightly serious, and said: “Xia Wuji, your ascent from here means that you and our Haoyue Sect are inextricably linked to Karma. Whether you want to admit it or not, This Karma is here.”

Yan Jun’s face changed as soon as he said this.

This bastard was so insidious that he proposed Karma’s way, but he couldn’t refute it.

If it weren’t for Zhang Xuan who couldn’t beat this, he would have taken the shot the first time.

No way, although his strength is not weak, he is the Ninth Stage of the human fairyland, and he also condenses the soul of the sword, and the combat power is very strong, but let him fight with the realm of the human fairyland and the Earth Immortals realm, he still does it. Less than.

Although Zhang Xuan was in the First Stage of Earth Immortals and didn’t gather swords, his strength was still not enough to compete with him.

The gap between the immortals is very large.

People fairy Ninth Stage days, First Stage days on the first floor, the gap between each First Stage day is very large.

Leapfrogging combat is very difficult, and it is almost impossible without superpower and powerful equipment.

The gap between the human fairyland and the Earth Immortals realm is even greater, almost a moat.

The gap in the law directly smoothed the gap in the equipment.

Of course, if you have super-powerful equipment, say another thing.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t have super equipment right now.

Therefore, he only hopes that Xia Wuji will not be deceived by Zhang Xuan.

“Don’t listen to him nonsense, he is bewitching you.” Yan Jun said.

Zhang Xuan glanced at him, his face was slightly cold, but ignored him, turned and continued to say to Xia Wuji: “You may not care about the so-called Karma in the lower realm, but when it comes to the immortal realm, Karma is no longer something you care about or don’t care about. , But the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth that you have to face. I hope you can understand this.”

“From the very beginning of the choice, Karma has existed and will gradually deepen, eventually affecting your future. Therefore, I hope you must be careful when choosing.”

“As long as you are willing to enter our Haoyue Sect, we will give you the best treatment. I can recommend you to become an elite disciple. If you perform well and are loyal to Sect, you can even become a core disciple in a short time. All resources Will be inclined to you, you can enjoy countless resources without leaving home.”

“At that time, resources, women, wealth, fame, everything, will it be better than serving as a swordsman for an Elder’s son?”

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