Chapter 458 Yun Qingyao’s toughness, I’m going to stab you!

Among the more than 6,000 strong climbers on the road to the extreme, only a few people know Yun Qingyao.

Such as Lou Jiujiang, Xiao Lingtian and others.

Most people don’t know anything about the name “Yun Qingyao”.

But at this moment, the impact of the name’Yun Qingyao’ on them is obvious.

In addition to “Yun Qingyao”, there is also the name “Xiahu”, which also gives people a strong sense of shock.

Although they were not as fierce as Xia Wuji in surpassing the above rankings, they methodically surpassed each ranking, but it made many people equally nervous and with a strong sense of urgency.

Especially the top ten strong.

A dark horse has appeared.

They don’t want another dark horse, or more dark horses.

But this kind of thing can’t be transferred by their will for the time being.

The climbing ladder is too big, and there is no one around them, as if they are cut off from everyone. They can’t even look back for someone to foul, and all they can do is keep climbing upwards.

Yun Qingyao’s speed is very fast and has been very constant.

This surprised Xia Wuji.

If Xia Hu continued to surpass with his powerful physical body, he could barely understand it.

It can only be said that the guy’s breakthrough has been too strong in the recent period of time.

Not only has the physical body reached the Dzogchen, but also the soul has transformed to a very powerful point. The spiritual suppression Yun Ji had given him before has completely transformed his willpower, which has created his powerful performance now.

However, Yun Qingyao has never shown the mountains or the water.

He knew that her spirit and will were very powerful, but he never thought that her body would be so powerful.

It is hard for him to imagine her soft and delicate body can be so tough.

Take a look!

He felt that there were more secrets in this woman than he thought.

Of course, he didn’t know that Yun Qingyao was physically strong, because when Yun Qingyao was with him, he was basically fighting. She basically didn’t take action, and she didn’t need her to take action.

Most of what she does is mental work, such as pill refining, such as array formation.

Her physical labor is not yet her turn.

Therefore, her powerful physical power has no way to show.

Until now, it was finally revealed.

“This woman’s body is so strong, it seems that we have to find a chance to discuss with her…”

The corner of Xia Wuji’s mouth was curved.

But he kept speeding up, constantly rushing upwards.

Although he can’t see the number of steps between himself and others, he feels that at his speed, the distance between Lin Chen, who is second at this moment, should be getting bigger and bigger, and there are probably at least a hundred thousand steps between them. gap.

Soon, the second million steps will be reached soon.

The number of steps is displayed again on the entire gold list, and the number of steps in the top three is still displayed.

First place: Xia Wuji, number of steps: 1,900,000

Second place: Lin Chen, number of steps: 1671981

Third place: Long Haotian, number of steps: 1598766

When seeing the change in the number of steps, everyone’s eyelids jumped.

Lin Chen’s face was ugly.

As the second place, he has been over two hundred thousand steps by Xia Wuji.

This gap is too big.

This is equivalent to a face slap in public, and the slap is loud.

Lin Chen’s face was ugly, his hands clenched, his eyes bloodthirsty.

“Xia Wuji!!! Daddy is going to stab you!”

Lin Chen roared in his heart while running wildly.

It’s a pity that he is too far away from Xia Wuji. Even if Xia Wuji is in a straight line, he can’t stabbed him. He can only vent his anger on the run.

After a long while, he took a deep breath, his eyes cold.

“I hope you can still be so strong when it comes to the challenge!”

On the other hand, his face is not as ugly as he is.

After all, with his second place at the bottom, it is understandable that the gap between others is larger.

In a blink of an eye, Xia Wuji reached the 200th step and once again won an elixir reward.

Of course, still owed.

If you want to get the elixir, you can only get it by defeating the person who challenges him in the end.

After crossing the two million steps, basically no one expects to catch up with Xia Wuji.

At least temporarily.

Want to catch up with him, unless the body, soul, will, and power suddenly undergo a huge transformation on the way.

But those who can be on the road to extreme realm have basically reached their own extremes, and are already able to ascend anytime and anywhere, only because they want to get more benefits, they are fighting hard at this last moment.

It is everyone’s dream to break through again under the circumstances of one’s own extreme.

But this kind of dream is extremely difficult to realize, more difficult than winning the first place.

This probability is too low.

While Xia Wuji maintained its leading position, Yun Qingyao smashed the previous ranking step by step and replaced it. Just when Xia Wuji was about to enter the third million steps, he finally reached the twelfth place.

Feng Xiao’s face was extremely ugly.

If Yun Qingyao squeezed him down, he would directly fall to the twelfth place, and the chance of entering the top ten would be farther and farther away.

“Damn it, there is Xia Wuji before and Yun Qingyao behind. What kind of freak is this?”

So far, he didn’t know whether Yun Qingyao was a male or a female. After all, he couldn’t tell from the name.

But except for those who knew Yun Qingyao, basically they would never have thought that’Yun Qingyao’ was actually a beautiful woman, or a big guy with muscular pimple all over her body.

In addition, there is another Xia Hu following closely behind, and he has reached 36th.

It seems to be far away from the top twenty, but in fact, this guy’s ranking has been steadily Ascension.

Therefore, it cannot be underestimated.

Feng Xiao’s face has always been ugly.

At this moment, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Because at this moment, he became the twelfth place.

Yun Qingyao took his place.

Became the eleventh place.

The tenth place is the fifth Chen.

From ninth to tenth, he can accept it. But if he slips from tenth to eleventh and falls out of the top ten, it will make him uncomfortable.

At this moment, Xia Wuji touched the digital display again: 2,900,000. When people saw the second place Lin Chen was 2,291142, they were all surprised.

There is a difference of 600,000 steps!

This face is too cruel!

Lin Chen felt like a pig with a swollen face.

His face turned black.

When Xia Wuji stepped onto the 2.92 millionth step, Yun Qingyao successfully squeezed the tenth place fifth Chen into the top ten.

Fifth Chen’s face was the same as Lin Chen’s, and it was darkened to the bottom of the pot.

The gap between the eleventh place and the tenth place is too big.

This is not only a psychological gap, but also the acquisition of the origin of the great path.

“The little girl actually reached the tenth place! What a cow!”

Xia Hu’s eyes were extremely bright, and his mouth widened happily, as if he was standing in the tenth place.

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