Chapter 460

Among the companies OTK Company has invested in, the company with the highest valuation is Karos, followed by Faceit and OTK Games.

Although the number one position was unwavering, there was a high prospect that the second and third positions would change within a few years. This is because OTK Games is growing rapidly.

Currently, Lost Fantasy Online ranks first or second in the number of concurrent users in each country where it serves. There are many countries to be launched in the future, and as long as the service is launched in China after receiving a license, sales will more than double than it is now.

With Lost Fantasy M and Lost Fantasy Online, the sales and net profit soared, and the cash that came in gradually piled up in the warehouse.

Shigeru Ichikawa made several classic games in addition to Lost Fantasy during his time at the Pentagon. Afterwards, Pentagon merged with Linix to become Linix Pentagon, and he took out the development team and established OTK Games due to a disagreement with the management.

Fortunately, it became independent with the right to use the Lost Fantasy IP, but instead transferred all copyrights of previously developed games to Linix Pentagon.

Another problem is that the right to use the Lost Fantasy IP is also in Linix Pentagon. In other words, the two companies are using the same IP.

Again, as Lost Fantasy M and Online hit the jackpot, Linix Pentagon quickly released several games with the Lost Fantasy name.

The quality of the game was poor, and it was just a gacha game that was trying to get money by billing somehow. However, the service was discontinued after operating for about a year.

Lost Fantasy fans, Ichikawa Shigeru doesn’t even treat it as a series at all, but people who don’t know this have misunderstood that OTK Games released a poor game to make money.

To solve this problem, OTK Games was considering the direction of acquiring Linix Pentagon. This is because, in this way, it is possible to recover the IP of the games produced in the past as well as Lost Fantasy.

When they announced their intention to take over, Linix Pentagon management and shareholders demanded that the company be converted into OTK Games shares through a merger, instead of selling the company.

As OTK Games continues to grow, I am thinking of adding a spoon somehow. Of course there’s no reason to do that.

Shigeru Ichikawa beckoned to the developers he worked with during the Linix Pentagon days, and the main developers resigned and joined OTK Games. Money is money, but it’s because they shared the vision of making a VRMMORPG.

As the core development manpower left, the stock price of Linix Pentagon continued to decline. Although it is still a traditional powerhouse in the console game field, the prevailing opinion is that it is difficult to grow any more.

Just as Shigeru Ichikawa was being kicked out, who would have thought that their positions would be reversed when they left the company?

Ellie said in a strange way.

She said, “Taek-gyu is really amazing. How did he know the possibilities and invest before he even started the company?”

It’s just because I’m a Shigeru Ong (?) fan. I didn’t know it would turn out so well.

“Well, I had a special eye for games. Since I was little, I didn’t study and only played games.”

“Thanks to you, it was so successful.”


It is now a thing of the past that only those who study well can succeed. The development of the Internet has created a variety of jobs, and many jobs related to games have also been created.

If you play the game very well, you can become a pro gamer, and if you have fun, you can become a two-witch streamer or a tuber. And if you have a lot of money, you might be able to buy the whole game company.

I looked up articles about Stormcan. Game sites were almost covered with the story of Stormcon. In particular, there was a lot of talk about Mephisto 5.

Looking at the photos from the event, it looks very interesting. Did you think I’d go with you too?

Thinking like that, a picture on the best column caught my eye.

I was startled and told Ellie.

“uh! Look at this picture.”

In the photo, there were two women who were cosplaying as angels and demons. None other than Anneke and Hana Yang.

“This is Mr. Hana, right?”

Ellie said with a surprised expression.

“Princess Anneke, I expected it, but I didn’t know that Hana-san would do it.”

“It’s a face that looks like it’s been pushed back.”

The image of her standing side by side with the beauties of the East and the West was nothing more than a pictorial in itself.

Oh, Taek-gyu Oh suddenly starts to envy me.

“It looks kind of fun. Shall I try cosplaying too?”


Ellie wrinkled her eyes.

“It’s Halloween after a while. Is there a character you think would suit me well?”

I said carefully.

“Well, actually, I have one thing in mind… … .”

“really? Is it Jinhoo’s favorite character?”

“Yes. What is it?”

“Then I’ll do it.”

At those words, my eyes opened spontaneously.

“really? I promised.”

Ellie gently rolled her eyes.

“It can’t be too naughty.”

“He’s not a naughty character at all.”

“Then I promise.”

“You can’t change your words later.”

“Did you forget that I was a lawyer? Keep your promises.”

Her envy vanished in an instant. Instead, she was filled with anticipation.

Suddenly, the highlight of StormCon, the announcement of a new work has begun.

She was watching in real time with Ellie, when something unexpected happened.

Ellie looked at me and asked.

“Why is everyone reacting like that? Why are you booing?”

I said confused.

“Hey, that’s weird. Why did mobile suddenly pop up?”

But there was something else that was really unexpected.

Ellie looked at me again and asked.

“what? Did Taekkyu just announce that he would take over Icestorm?”

“Ah… … .”

What is this madman doing when he goes out to play?

The cell phone rang right away.

The first person to call was Hyunjoo noona.

[Has this been discussed in advance?]


Then the sister shouted in an angry voice.

[Oh Taek-gyu!]

Next, OTK Games President Shigeru Ichikawa contacted me.

[Did the CEO think about taking over Ice Storm?]

“no. I was surprised to see it too.”

Seeing this question, it seems that he, too, was unimaginable.

he said urgently.

[Now the whole game world is turned upside down.]

“… … .”

* * *

The announcement of Stormcon’s new game was broadcast live around the world via the Internet, and tens of thousands of people were watching.

When the mobile game Mephisto Infinity was announced instead of the expected PC online game Mephisto 5, the Internet went into chaos.

– You guys don’t have a phone?

– No nymph phone lol

-I’m going crazy ㅜㅜ Why are they like that Ice Storm?

– This isn’t it! This isn’t it!

-Hey, so you’re not going to do Mephisto M?

-Huh. I will not. I have a phone, but I don’t.

– This isn’t an Icestorm game, it’s just a Chinese game, shouldn’t it?

-Is not it. You’re only borrowing IP and wanting to collect royalties.

-awhile. But is that the whole thing? A game originally intended for adults was made for kids?


Everyone was angry and poured out swear words in each language, but a reversal occurred.

Suddenly, OTK Company announced that it would take over Icestorm and release Mephisto 5.

– Ooh! is this real real?

-Oh oh! Vice President!

-Crazy haha ​​After all, I have a lot of money, so such a thing is possible!

– Take over and cut them all off!

– The vice president will do everything for you. There’s hope, there’s hope

– Just light! King Emperor God!

-Gamers are happy to have you!

As the presentation venue went uproar, the StormCon organizers quickly stopped broadcasting and played the Mephisto Infinity cinematic video again.

However, the aftermath of the so-called “Mephisto Infinity Disaster” spread all over the place.

Newspapers around the world poured out breaking news.

[OTK Company reveals its intention to acquire Ice Storm at StormCon!][The number of wins of the vice president following OTK Games!][OTK Company, following Japanese game companies, is it also paying attention to American game companies?][Ice Storm side expressed a strong displeasure… … ][Announcement of Mephisto Infinity, which caused a backlash from fans. What was the problem?]

Those who did not play the game responded that they did not know what the problem was.

-What’s wrong with Icestorm to announce a game that’s infinity or something?

– Is it such a big deal to announce a mobile game?

-Are you mad at me for not giving you the game you want?

– If you don’t like it, you can’t do it, right?

However, the position of gamers was completely different. They vomited enthusiasm on various sites and online games.

-You’re going to throw away the core users and make money with the light users!

-This is an act of ignoring existing fans!

-I told you that the 4th degree, which is a rare masterpiece, is an Icestorm game!

-If that’s the case, let’s say it’s a mobile game from the beginning!

– At least you kept your promise to make a surprise announcement.

In response, Icestorm’s side was consistent with the attitude that there was no problem, deleted tens of thousands of negative comments on the video, and requested the media to take down the relevant article.

This response further fueled the already negative public opinion.

In this situation, the developer of Icestorm made an internal disclosure. Originally, Icestorm was developing Mephisto 5, but the business team took issue with the high development cost and the box office failure of 4 and forced it to move to mobile.

In fact, as you can see from the case of Shigeru Ichikawa, this is not uncommon. But there was something more complicated here.

Icestorm merged with Actus, and the official name of the listed company is Actus Icestorm Entertainment.

Even after the merger, the management of Actus and Icestorm was separated, and development was carried out separately. The problem is that after the merger with Actus, the business team got stronger, and as a result, the development team’s position was greatly narrowed.

Previously, if we had focused on making good games rather than sales and operating profit, it is now impossible to do so.

In response, Icestorm held a press conference to announce its position.

Co-CEO Logic Ienga did not deny the disclosure, but rather declared that the company’s future development strategy would be focused on mobile.(Read more @

“Recently, many gamers have shifted their play from PC to mobile. Our developers are developing mobile games across all IPs, and some of them are outsourced, just like Mephisto Infinity.”

* * *

As soon as Taek-gyu arrived in Korea, he immediately came to the company. Then he handed me a shopping bag with the Icestorm logo on it.

“It’s a gift. This is a limited edition mug sold exclusively at Stormcon. I bought it as a couple mug with a male Mephisto and a female Mephisto drawn on it, so it will be even more delicious to drink coffee with Ellie and this in the future. I waited in line for 30 minutes to buy this, so thank you.”

“… … .”

Again, useless otaku stuff has increased. Why did you buy another mug with one truck at home?

Anyway, it’s not the limited edition mugs that matter now.

“You idiot, why do you go to other people’s banquets and sprinkle shit on them?”

Taehyung narrowed his eyes.

“What are you talking about? The shit they put on us. What does Mephisto Infinity mean? Did you not see the reaction of the fans there?”

That’s right, it’s hard to argue with.

Despite dropping the bomb of mergers and acquisitions at other companies’ new game presentations, the Internet was full of compliments.

In a poll conducted by a gaming site, more than 80 percent of the opinion that OTK Company should take over Icestorm.

That is proof that Icestorm feels betrayed by giving up Mephisto 5 and releasing a mobile game.

Taehyung said proudly.

“Buy me an Icestorm.”

I was absurd and screamed.

“I’m not asking you to buy a game, what kind of crazy is asking me to buy a game company?”

Taek-gyu countered.

“You mean it doesn’t matter if the Mephisto series of you and I are ruined?”

“… … .”

No, I don’t have that much memory of that game. Come to think of it, I think I worked harder on Latnia.

Just because you have money doesn’t mean you can buy a business. There are various legal issues, and approval must be obtained from the relevant country.

The biggest problem is that, in the case of a listed company, the stock price rises from the moment you decide to acquire it.

In that case, it would be unreasonable to buy stocks on the stock exchange. The more you buy, the more the price will keep going up. The most realistic way is to ask the major shareholder to buy it in a block deal or sell only Ice Storm by splitting up Actus and Ice Storm.

“Who’s in business right now?”


“lets think. The stock price went up because it was about acquisitions, but if it’s normal, it’s normal for the stock price to plummet. Do you know how big Icestorm is shoveling right now?”

I stopped at that.

“Is this what it is?”

Taek-gyu gave an explanation as if he had been waiting.

“The reason Icestorm has been praised by gamers as a new developer until now is because of the craftsmanship that only the best games are released. But instead of developing MMORPGs that cost a lot of money, we changed our strategy to focus on mobile. Now they have declared that they will eat me with mobile games too. That’s not to say it’s wrong, but then gamers don’t have to defend Icestorm games anymore. The expected Mephisto 5 is also gone, and they said that there are no plans to release large-scale PC online games for a while, so this is a golden opportunity for Lost Fantasy to further increase its market share in North America.”

“… … Um, it seems so.”

As I listen, I begin to persuade.

In fact, gamers were enthusiastic about Taek-gyu’s words of taking over Icestorm and cutting it down. Could this be a chance for Lost Fantasy Online to benefit?

“So, this time, OTK Games has strengthened its offensive in North America to take revenge for not giving out Mephisto 5 to these guys… … No, shouldn’t I tell you how big a mistake it is to ignore PC online games?”

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