Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8055: Crazy god, you are a little bit too close!

Facing the enemy's siege, any prince will be like a big enemy.

Even Lin Xuan is no exception.

Lin Xuan frowned, these few people are very good.

If you join hands, it can really give him pressure.

He snorted coldly, stepped out, and instantly came to Shi Jian.

A fist struck Shi Jian.

With a bang, the stone sword was shaken.

Unexpectedly, countless mysterious sword auras were released, piercing in all directions.

The entire space was instantly shrouded by the power of the stone sword.

The expressions of the young princes who originally wanted to join forces changed drastically.

No, resist it quickly.

This force, very powerful, has caused them a fatal crisis.

Beside the goddess of chaos, endless chaotic light appeared.

Turned into a chaotic **** cauldron, shrouded him.

Goddess Xuan Bin, unleash an infinite world of ice and snow.

As for Wutian, Emperor Zuo and others also used their jerkiness to resist.

Lin Xuan is at the forefront, and he bears the brunt.

In an instant, he displayed Jiansan.

The sword of defense formed a strong defense and guarded him.

Boom boom boom.

The collision of two sword auras formed a storm of destruction.

Lin Xuan was surprised: The power of this stone sword is too strong.

It seems that the real hole cards have to be played.

With a wave of his hand, the six worlds appeared in front of him.

The six worlds formed a powerful seal, covering this side of the stone sword.

The Stone Sword over there even tried to attack, wanting to tear apart the six worlds.

Lin Xuan raised his hand again and played a Tai Chi picture.

This suppressed it.

As time disappeared, the entire cave house made a roar.

Then, the wall behind the cave opened, and several passages appeared.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan was surprised: It seemed that there was still a cave in here.

It was unexpected.

I don’t know how many good things are there?

He flew towards a passage.

At the same time, he passed a message to Xu Changsheng several people.

Ask them to come quickly.

It didn't take long for Lin Xuan to enter the passage.

Behind, the Chaos Goddess and others rushed over.

When they came to the stone platform, they found that the stone sword had disappeared.

The mad **** also disappeared.

Could it be that the mad **** got the stone sword?

Damn kid, I won't let you go!

The Goddess of Chaos snorted coldly, and rushed towards the passage ahead quickly.


Lin Xuan was in the passage, flying fast.

He used the martial arts body to the extreme.

Once in danger, he will immediately use Sword Three.

Like sword one, sword two, sword three, this kind of unique knowledge is very expensive.

Lin Xuan couldn't possibly do it every time.

Under normal circumstances, he still relies on his body.

With his current physique, it is difficult for ordinary princes to hurt him.

While flying, he probed the stone sword that he had just obtained.

He discovered that this world was extremely ancient and mysterious, and he could not see it through.

He can only use the eyes of reincarnation to leave a mark on it first.

In order to be able to control.

About the time to fly a stick of incense, Lin Xuan stopped.

He found that the passage had come to an end.

At the end, it turned out to be a teleportation array.

Lin Xuan stepped onto the teleportation formation, playing a burst of strength.

The teleportation array opened, and he disappeared.

At the moment he appeared, he started Jiansan.

Fortunately, it is not dangerous.

Lin Xuan put away Jiansan and looked at it for 4 weeks.

Where is this place?

The 4 weeks were green, like patches of blue sky.

Lin Xuan showed the eyes of reincarnation, and he felt that there was a powerful force ahead.

He rushed over quickly.

It didn't take long before he arrived, where the power was.

Stepping in, he felt the world, the endless wind, rushing towards him.

These winds are extremely terrifying and will tear him to pieces.

Lin Xuan roared, and the Martial God Body burst into bright light.

He seemed to become a magic weapon, resisting.

Finally blocked.

He continued to walk forward.

He saw a figure.

It was an old man wearing a Taoist robe with a pair of dragon horns.

There is a bright light in the eyes.

The old man sensed that there was someone behind him, and he suddenly turned his head and looked.

Eh, so young, are you a mad god?

The old man was surprised.

Lin Xuan looked at the other party, also in a daze.

He asked: Are you from the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan?

He felt the powerful breath of the Five Elements on the opponent and swept over.

He smiled and said: I have heard that the little guy Jun Wentian said about you a long time ago.

However, this is the first time I have seen you.

Unexpectedly, you have also become a prince and come here.

Senior, where is this place? Lin Xuan asked.

Jun Wuji said: Don't call my senior.

You are also a prince, we can say that we are the same generation.

You can call me, Friends of Wu Ji.


Lin Xuan nodded, he was also welcome.

He asked.

This Jun Wuji said: There is still the remains of the **** king here.

We explore, here, there is a rune left by the king.

It should be a wind rune.

If you can get it, you can control the powerful Fengshen power.

Moreover, he can also feel the breath of the **** king above.

It's really great for us to condense our roots.

Wind Rune!

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up after hearing this.

Lin Xuan controlled two kinds of runes, namely, Vulcan Rune and Thunder Rune.

However, these two kinds of runes were realized by himself.

It has nothing to do with God King.

And the magic rune in front of him was left by the **** king.

The significance is even more extraordinary.

Let's go, we still have two companions, let me introduce to you.

After speaking, Jun Wuji flew forward. UU reading

He typed out a message, and after a while, two figures flew over from a distance.

These are also two princes, a woman, with a strong thunderous aura.

She is the prince of the Thunder Dragon clan, and there is a man who is very mighty.

The powerful flame power turned into a fire dragon and surrounded him.

The two are the Thunder Dragon Prince and the Fire Dragon Prince.

Jun Wuji, what are you doing here if you don't look for the wind **** rune?

how? Still find a young man? Do you want to bring an oil bottle?

The Thunder Dragon Prince is extremely dissatisfied.

Jun Wuji smiled and said: He is a mad **** and has become a prince.

He is not a drag oil bottle.

Mad God?

The two dragon princes were surprised, and their eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

Obviously, they have heard the name.

After all, the young generation who dares to challenge Long Tatian is the only one who is crazy.

But I didn't expect that the other party would also become a prince.

The Thunder Dragon Prince snorted: I just became a prince, didn't it take long?

I don't know how much your origin Daoist condenses?

I guess it's just a finger at most.

His eyes were full of disdain.

They are long-established princes.

The Fire Dragon Prince also said: Although they are all princes, the gap is very big.

It is impossible for you to challenge Long Tatian.

However, staying with us, looking for the wind rune, it's okay.

Boy, look for it, after you find it, we allow you to understand.

They are still the same, a superior attitude.

Lin Xuan didn't pay attention to it at all.

After all, to reach the realm of princes, it is very difficult to cultivate again.

A prince who has just been promoted can easily be suppressed.

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