Inverse Sword God

Chapter 843: 1 move to win!

Lin Xuan looked calm and waved his sword. ··

The flames of flaming swords surged into three Jinwus, flying quickly.

Surrounded by flames, the terrible heat will distort the Nether roast.

Three Jinwus crossed the sky and ran towards each other.

Before the sword gas arrived, the terrible heat had already dried the other side's rivers.


The two swords fought, the whole sky trembled, and countless swords were swept across the sky.

The red and jealous sword qi is water, while Lin Xuan's sword qi is fire. Water and fire intersect. Two opposing forces compete to create a fierce confrontation.

That's all about strength. Whoever is strong can suppress the other.

The flood was soaring, the flames were turbulent, and the two forces bloomed and swallowed each other.

Everyone was frightened. Such a showdown was really terrible. The double respect must be killed and turned into a mist of blood when he enters.

It is indeed a Tianjiao-level battle. Although the two are young, this combat power has surpassed countless older characters.


The three heads of Jinwu bloomed with fiery light, like three rounds of the sun, steaming the monstrous river, then spreading their wings and shaking, shattering the horrible sword gas.

Red Wuji frowned and stepped back.

"how is this possible!"

His face became very ugly, and the opponent surpassed him in swordsmanship!

Now the opponent has stolen the Lone Star Sword, and the sword he uses is of the same grade, which means that there is no external force bonus, but he still can't afford the opponent's sword energy.

What does this mean? It means he can't beat each other!

Thinking of this, his face became very ugly, with a long whistle, the six swords behind him screamed, rushed out, and hovered around him.

Behind him, the void floated, and a huge maple tree appeared, with branches shaking like arms, holding the six-handed sword.

"Boy, it's a trick!"

Hong was furious, and he sacrificed Wuhun and was ready to strike with all his strength.

If he can't win each other, he has no light on his face!

The maple martial spirit is turbulent, just like the Shuren, holding the six-handed swords, waving them quickly, one after another, the dazzling sword energy, forming a sword curtain, covering the forest.

"Kid, sacrifice your martial spirit, or die!"

"To deal with you, you don't need to sacrifice the Wu soul." Lin Xuan snorted and pushed the Dragon Soul of the Dragon with all his strength, and the terrifying sword spirit surrounded him.

"court death!"

Hong Wuji sneered, and he had already shot with all his strength, and that power could even threaten the Triple Lord, but the other side did not even give up the Wuhun.

This is obviously an act of overconfidence and death!

In this case, then take the opportunity to kill each other and capture the Lone Star Sword!

Thinking of this, Hong Wuji is more hard to urge Wuhun.

The endless sword spirit is united, and the horrible swordman hovering in the void, covering the world.

"Dare to raise it up in front of my master, that kid is dead!"

"That is, it is an idiot to not sacrifice Wuhun at this juncture, or if such a person dies."

"Huh, he doesn't deserve a Lone Star Sword at all!"

Six red leaf valley maids sneered.

The warriors around were also shocked. They didn't understand where Lin Xuan's self-confidence actually dared not sacrifice the Wu soul.

Lin Xuan's eyes were firm, black hair fluttering, Jianmang's eyes flickering, he snarled, and quickly split a sword.

Although the Dragon Soul of the Dragon Soul was not sacrificed, this sword is the power of the Dragon Soul of the Dragon.

The blood-colored sword encircled, forming a blood dragon, and howl roared and rushed forward.


The sky's voice sounded loud and clear, and the next moment, the sword curtain formed by the six sword qi in the sky collided with the blood-colored dragon.


For a moment, the sword curtain shattered, and the **** dragon roared out.

"How is that possible? This is impossible!"

Red regressed, horrified, vomiting blood and flying out.

He did not expect that the other party could really break his attack, and what was even more abhorrent was that the other party did not sacrifice Wuhun at all.

This shows that the strength gap between the two is very large, otherwise this situation will not occur.

"Damn! I don't believe it!"

Hong Wuji roared upwards, eyes full of unwillingness.

He is powerful and extremely arrogant. He has never put any peers in his eyes. He had previously confronted Lin Xuan. He also believed that the other party could compete with him because of his lone star sword.

But now, the other side has stolen the Lone Star Sword, relying on his real strength to contend with him, he can still suppress him, which definitely shows that the other side's strength is above him.

But he couldn't accept it, and thinking of the previous words, Hong Wuji felt hot on his face.

Slap, this is naked slap!

The six maids were also stunned, one by one embarrassed and stunned.

Their young master was defeated, and they were defeated so thoroughly. Six could not believe it.

This Lin Xuan is too powerful, it is definitely the top genius among the young generation!

Everyone marveled, as if they had witnessed the rise of a peerless genius.

"No way, you die for me!"

The red whistles of the shawl were unusually embarrassing. A vicious color appeared in his eyes, and his sleeve robe waved, and three scarlet rays flashed quickly.

It was three maple leaves, as thin as cicada wings, extremely scarlet, containing the power of terror.

No, this is a forbidden device! If it explodes, it can kill the Triple Lord! Someone exclaimed and fled quickly.

As soon as this news came out, the entire sky was chaotic. Numerous warriors, like locusts, fled densely toward the distance.

The three maple leaves, like a hidden weapon, quickly hit Lin Xuan.

"You die for me!"

Hong Wuji's face was emaciated, and he could not accept that someone was better than him.

Lin Xuan's face was gloomy, and the other party was so stingy that he wanted to kill him.

In this case, he will not stay.

Shaking his body, Lin Xuan displayed his step-by-step magical magical steps, the speed was reaching the limit, and even the triple lord could not catch up.

His body flickered, like the same lightning, and instantly avoided the attack range of the three immobilizers, and then he hacked it out.

The blood-colored sword morphed into a growing dragon, and quickly swarmed into red.

The face of red Wuji changed greatly, calling in horror, a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Death ~ ~ This is the feeling of death!

He had never experienced this feeling, and now he finally knew what fear was and what fear was.

The young man in front of him was too terrible. He was just like his nemesis. He not only avoided the attack of the three immobilizers, but also had the ability to kill him!

"No! I don't want to die!"

Hong struggled to resist, but couldn't resist Lin Xuan's sword energy at all. He could only make a sad call and turned to flee.

The next moment, the terrible sword light had enveloped him.


The six maids also screamed, and they could not imagine what kind of fury would be given by Hongyegu if Hongjiu died.


The void suddenly trembled violently, and a ray of sword light was like a meteor. The blood-colored dragon flew into the air instantly, and then the sword light flickered, wrapped in red, and disappeared into the sky with him.

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