Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8095: Fighting prince collapsed!

Little thing, I didn't expect that you actually carry the power of a prince.

It was beyond my expectation.

This should be your strongest hole card, right?

How many times can you use such a hole card?

Use it once and it's gone.

Next, I will catch you and torture you to death.

I'm going to cramp your muscles, peel your skin, and train your bones into a bone sword.

Let you never stand up!

As a devilish voice sounded, everyone's scalp numb.

When it was over, the Great Sword Prince was completely angry.

The prince was angry and earth-shaking.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly.

Old things, don't rely on their long cultivation time, they can be arrogant.

If it is a battle of the same rank, the little master will slap you to death.

Even if you are a prince now, I can still threaten you!

Sword talisman!

Cut again!

Lin Xuan urged the sword talisman again,

Another shining sword light flew out.

It illuminates the world and sweeps through the ages.

The Great Sword Prince let out a roar, he was careless before and was attacked.

Now, with a frontal blow, he will definitely not lose to the opponent.


He grabbed a sword from the void.

This spirit sword is really too huge, just like a big mountain.

This spirit sword was as thick as the sky, and when a sword fell, the sky broke and the earth broke.

Countless people were almost wiped out under this sword.

They fled madly.

The giant sword slashed down fiercely, destroying the world.

In an instant, it collided with the sword charm.

Click, click, click!

Between heaven and earth, there was a broken sound again.

Everyone found that the void was cut open, a huge crack.

And this huge sword that opened up to the sky was beaten out.

The body of the Great Sword Prince was once again penetrated, blood staining the sky.

This time, he was injured more severely.

The world is quiet, and everyone is shocked.

The people in the Ten Thousand Swords Palace were so scared that their bodies trembled.

Cut again!

Lin Xuan roared frantically.

Another peerless sword light lit up, and the body of the Great Sword Prince shattered again.

The giant sword king Hou was stunned, he turned around and fled. Splitting the void, his figure disappeared.

Ran away,

The prince, escaped!

The people around were stunned.

This scene looked like a myth.

Before, the two princes of the Qin family were scared away by Lin Xuan.

However, it was injured by the super formation at the time.

In their opinion, after leaving Tianfeng Villa.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to use such power.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan had another hole card.

Lin Xuan went against the sky again.

Defeated the prince.

People in the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords, their scalp numb,

Many young disciples were scared to cry.

Those elders were also pale.

They turned around and fled without saying a word.

One after another sword light, tore open the void and flew to the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the people from the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords fled.

Lin Xuan held a sword talisman and looked around the world.

He looked at the people of the Qingxuan clan again.

The people of the Qingxuan clan took a few steps back in shock.

They almost fainted without fright.

Even the prince of the Qingxuan clan has a terrifying face.

With a wave of his sleeves, he led the people away.


Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and then said to the owner's wife: Let's go.

A group of people flew towards the distance.

At this time, two voices came from behind.

Son, wait for us.

It turned out to be Mengdie and Yingwu.

The two of them have not had time to return to the family, and now they dare not go back.

This is actually two good powerhouses.

Lin Xuan waved his hand and took the two away.

The group returned to Tianfeng Villa. On the way, Lin Xuan always held the sword charm.

To deal with various surprises.

But it's okay.

It seems that after seeing the terrible Lin Xuan, no one dares to make another move along the way.

Finally, they returned to the villa.

After returning, Mrs. Zhuang and the others were relieved.

Lin Xuan also put away the sword talisman, and he was also relieved.

To be honest, even though the Quartet has been killed, it was very happy.

However, the power of the sword talisman was limited, and Lin Xuan could not use it several times.

After all, this is his super hole card and cannot be used too much.

I don't know when, he can become a prince?

At that time, he didn't need a hole card at all, he could cut the prince with a single sword.

Brother Xuan, you are back.

Murong Qingcheng and the others rushed over.

To be honest, they stayed in the villa and couldn't get out.

They are very worried.

Especially Murong Qingcheng, who couldn't practice peacefully every day.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan finally came back.

There is no danger.

This time, it was fairly smooth and the harvest was beyond imagination.

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

The great elders and the others squeezed a sweat.

Is this still a surprise? This is going to scare people to death.

They almost disappeared.


The wife of the owner said: You kid, people are getting more and more incomprehensible.

I don’t know how many cards you have?

Can easily kill the prince.

Hearing this, the disciples of Tianfeng Villa were all blindsided.

Even Feng Ming exclaimed: What? He defeated the prince again!

how can that be?

Without the super formation of the villa, what would the opponent do to defeat the prince?

Empress, what is going on?

Fengming asked.

The wife of the owner said the matter again.

Including those scenes she saw with the crystal sword before.

After listening, Fengming was dumbfounded, and the people at Tianfeng Villa were also dumbfounded.

It turned out that Lin Xuan was a genius in Kendo.

It turned out that Lin Xuan's strength had already reached the peak state.

Even, Lian Qingxuan Daozi, Baili Changge, such a top genius.

All lost in the opponent's hands.

Even, Lin Xuan finally took out a sword charm.

One sword defeated the prince of the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords and shocked the world.

When everyone listened, they felt like listening to myths and legends.

When they looked at Lin Xuan, their eyes changed.

With awe in his eyes, it was like looking at a peerless master. UU reading

Murong Qingcheng smiled like a flower.

She had already said that her husband was a genius in kendo.

It is famous in the heavens and all realms.

These people, believe it now.

Next, Lin Xuan recovered some strength and began to practice.

I have to sort out the spoils this time.

This time, the harvest is quite fruitful, and the most important thing is three things.

Fire spirit beads, clues to gold spirit beads, and the Vulcan stone stele.

In addition, before, he defeated those peak gods of war. All their storage rings were also taken away by Lin Xuan.

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This is also a large amount of abundant training resources.

Lin Xuan gave these cultivation resources to Murong Qingcheng.

And he took out the Vulcan Stone Tablet and began to practice.

When Lin Xuan was cultivating here, the news that Lin Xuan killed the prince with a sword also spread.

The entire God City was shocked again.

About Lin Xuan's various achievements and battle scenes were also spread.

Countless people were stunned, it turned out that this little white face was so powerful.

He turned out to be a top kendo genius.

His talent is even more terrifying than Baili Changge!

It is a peerless Tianjiao, rising up.

Some people also said: But this time he offended too many giants.

First offended the Qin family, then offended the Qingxuan clan and the Ten Thousand Swords Palace.

His path narrowed.

Especially in the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords, this time, the prince was injured, it can be said that he was severely beaten in the face.

I'm afraid that next time, I won't let it go, right?

Suddenly, countless people looked at the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords.

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