Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8085: Daozi shot! Robbed Lin Xuan's treasure!

Which stone gate?

Lin Xuan asked.

Earth Lingzhu felt it a little, and then was very surprised.

He said: I sensed that behind every stone gate, there was a breath of fire spirit beads.

This guy is very cunning.


Lin Xuan nodded.

At this time, the people in front also exclaimed.

Because someone is about to open the stone gate.

The first to come out is naturally the Baili Long Song.

As a peerless sword god, his strength is very powerful.

Naturally, Shimen is the first choice.

He chose the stone gate in the center.

After pushing away, walked in.

After him, no one dared to enter.

One can imagine how terrible the other party's reputation is.

After a while, someone dared to enter the stone gate in the middle.

At this time, Lin Xuan looked at Ying Wu.

He said: You secretly follow, look at the long song, what can you get?

If you find a flaming red bead, send me a message immediately.


Ying Wu flickered, hiding in the shadows of those people.

Quietly, he entered the Shimen.

Those other people also acted one after another.

There are 5 stone gates here, and everyone has chosen a different stone gate.

Lin Xuan chose the first stone gate.

Lin Xuan let Mengdie go to the second stone gate.

In this way, three stone gates were explored at once.

If you can't find it, it's among the remaining two stone gates.

In this way, the search efficiency will be very high.

Even Lin Xuan used the eyes of reincarnation to control some people and went to the other two Shimen to investigate.

However, the strength of these people is average.

Can you catch up to the end? Not necessarily.

In the second stone gate, after Mengdie entered, she used Mengjing to control many people.

She walked inside easily.

The rest of the people, after seeing her, looked pale and gave in.

Dare to fight with it.

Flying, flying, a hall appeared in front of them.

Mengdie was overjoyed and could not help speeding up.

The hall in front is very empty and quiet.

During the 4 weeks in the main hall, there were 4 guards.

These 4 guards wear battle armor.

Their armor is extremely dark, like an abyss.

In the center of this hall, there is a treasure box.

A golden treasure box covered with golden lines.

Mengdie took a look, and felt a pain in the soul.

She took a breath, it was incredible.

What is this thing? So sharp.

You know, how powerful her soul is.

It was definitely not a thing that could threaten him just by breath.

This treasure box must be extraordinary, and the contents must be extraordinary.

Thinking of this, Mengdie was extremely excited,

She quickly flew towards the front.

However, she just approached the hall.

The four guards in the Quartet started to act.

They stepped out of the abyss, falling from the sky, covering the dream butterfly.

Mengdie was beaten out in an instant, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It's terrible.

She did not dare to act rashly, but carefully probed.

She used the law of her dreams to cover all directions.

Soon, he discovered that these four guards were all engraved with ancient characters.


The golden box also has words on it.

Jinque treasure box.

These four Tianyuan guards are too troublesome and terrible.

It seemed that she had to think of other ways.

Hee hee, yes.

Mengdie had an idea in an instant, and she spread the news.

Those who entered the second stone gate, their eyes were red after learning the news.

They rushed over like crazy.

Sure enough, they discovered the extraordinary of the treasure box.

At the same time, 4 guards were also found.

In an instant, the war broke out.

These four Tianyuan guards are too powerful.

Four people swept everything, no one could get close.

At this time, Mengdie also shot.

She used the law of dreams to control a group of people and became a puppet.

At all costs, the Tianyuan guard was stopped.

And she rushed to the Jinque treasure box at a very fast speed.

In an instant, he caught it in his hand, and then quickly backed away.

When she left the hall, she frowned.

Although she got something, her palm was broken.

Isn't it terrible?

She played the rules carefully, enveloping the Jinque treasure box, and wanted to take it away.

But just after this moment, Fang heard a sneer.

Unexpectedly, there is such a treasure here.

This golden treasure box must be a peerless iron.

Maybe it can be used to create a peerless artifact.

Mengdie suddenly turned her head when she heard this voice.

She said coldly: This is my treasure.

I saw a person came from behind.

This is a man in a green robe, he is extremely tall.

Behind him, there is a pair of blue wings.

Dancing gently, bringing up a terrible tornado.

This is a member of the Qingxuan clan.

Hand over things. The green robe man said coldly.

Mengdie sneered, and the next moment, she took out the mirror and took a photo.

A burst of primordial power enveloped the opponent, and then she turned and ran.

The man in the green robe, his eyebrows burst into light, resisting the power of this soul.

At the same time, he waved his wings and chased after him.

Where to escape?

He and Mengdie fight.

This is also a terrifying peak true god.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering.

Finally, Mengdie is stronger.

After all, the power of the soul is too weird.

The man in the green robe was injured. He held his head and half-kneeled on the ground.

Mengdie was also pale.

The opponent is also very strong, and the strength in her body is not much.

Fortunately, she won.

Just rely on you, still want to grab my treasure? Go back and practice for a few years.

Mengdie turned and left.

But at this moment, an illusory palm appeared in the void.

Along with it, there was a voice.

Are you challenging, our Qingxuan clan?

As this voice sounded, this illusory palm fell into the air.

Mengdie's complexion changed: not good.

She tried to dodge, but was slapped over with a palm.

She vomited blood, her body was broken and her face was pale.

What a terrible power.

But the man in the green robe was excited.

Daozi made the shot.

Hahahaha, uU reading stupid woman, you are dead.

what? Qingxuan Daozi!

Mengdie's scalp is numb.

This is the top arrogant, she is not an opponent at all.

She turned and ran.

However, she couldn't run at all.

Several green runes appeared in the void, forming a cage.

She enveloped her in an instant.

Mengdie tried to attack, but she was not an opponent.

She felt her breath lower and lower.

If you continue to fight, she will definitely die.

Unwilling to reconcile, she threw out the golden fault box in her hand.

Then, her body split and turned into countless butterflies, flying in all directions.

The cyan rune exploded, forming a terrible flame, and began to kill these butterflies.

However, in the end some butterflies flew out.

After these butterflies fly out, they are repainted as Mengdie's body.

Mengdie was hit hard.

On the other side, Lin Xuan was like a broken bamboo in the first stone gate.

He got a lot of good things, but still didn't find the Fire Spirit Orb.

Suddenly at this moment, he was taken aback, because he sensed that Mengdie was injured.

He immediately summoned the other person and asked what happened?

Mengdie returned to Lin Xuan and said the matter again.

Lin Xuan didn't say anything yet, but Earth Lingzhu was excited.

He said: Jinque Treasure Box, that is Jinque Treasure Box.

Boy, you are lucky, that thing is related to Jin Lingzhu.


Lin Xuan's eyes lit up.

The Fire Spirit Orb is in this space, and sooner or later he can get it.

It was just the other two spirit beads, he had no clue.

Unexpectedly, now finally appeared, the clue of Jin Lingzhu.

That being the case, he must take back the Golden Que treasure box.

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