Inverse Sword God

Chapter 8070: Reincarnation Eye! Fantasyland!

   Two shadows, flying fast on the ground.

   entered the darkness instantly and disappeared.

   Their goal this time is to investigate and grasp the situation of Tianfeng Mountain Villa.

   Let's explore the situation of the owner's wife, and see if the other party's cultivation base has broken through?

   Again, look for Lin Xuan and others,

   It is best to be able to grasp it and read the memory.

   These two shadows first came to the courtyard of Murong Qingcheng.

   When these two people came in, Lin Xuan sensed them.

  Although he has been cultivating, he has not relaxed his defenses either.

   He shot out an Eye of God, hiding in the void.

   At this moment, the Eye of God turned, and Lin Xuan stopped practicing.

   He narrowed his eyes.

   He saw two shadows, moving quickly in the dark.

   The breath of these two people is very mysterious.

   These two people can hide in the shadows of other people.

   is hard to be discovered.

Is    from the Qin family?

   Lin Xuan raised his brows.

   He had been staring at the Qin family a long time ago, but he didn't expect the other party to come.

   It's just that the two shadows that came are very weird.

   Don't care, catch it first.

   Thinking of this, Lin Xuan used it, Eye of God.

   In the darkness, the two shadows quickly approached.

   They want to explore the situation of Murong Qingcheng and Lin Xuan.

   Suddenly, a voice rang from their ears.

   You two, are you too clueless?

   When hearing this sound, the two shadows were taken aback.

   They were shocked.

How can it be? Has it been discovered?

  What are you kidding? What they used was the shadow technique.

   Besides, they are cautious and impossible to be found.

who is it?

   They turned around and looked.

   They found that a young man appeared behind.

   They recognized each other instantly, this is Lin Xuan.

   They were ecstatic.

   They are still thinking, how to find each other?

   Unexpectedly, the other party came out.


   kid, a little capable, can discover our existence.

   We are looking for you, kneel down obediently, let us read the memory.

   We found the news we wanted, maybe we can spare your life.

   Just rely on you two?

   Lin Xuan sneered.

   The two shadows were furious: Hands.

   The two of them shot quickly.

   A shadow, like a demon, came towards Lin Xuan.

   Another shadow disappeared.

   In the sky, the monster-like shadow, like a dark cloud, came to Lin Xuan.

   want to swallow Lin Xuan.

   Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed forward with a force.

   The monster-like shadow was beaten out.

   At this moment, he laughed.

   Because behind Lin Xuan, there was a cold voice.

   I have merged with your shadow, and then you will undoubtedly lose.

   I saw the shadow at Lin Xuan's feet, as if it had also turned into a demon, and even rushed towards Lin Xuan.

   It looked like he was going to bite Lin Xuan back.

   Lin Xuan's body gradually shattered, and the two shadows were taken aback.

Is    so weak? Wouldn't it just fall away?

   is really a waste.

   The two snorted coldly.

   But at this moment, the two of them suddenly had a pain in their heads.

   I saw everything, turned upside down, with only one eye, suspended in the void.

   Lin Xuan's voice came from that eye.

   Stupid things, from the moment you entered, you entered my illusion.

   ridiculous, you don’t even know.

   Originally, I thought that you guys are a little capable, but now it seems weak and pitiful.

   Then I won’t waste time.

   The two shadows were terrified. It turned out that all they had just experienced were hallucinations.

   What kind of power is this? Isn't it terrible?

  Where is Lin Xuan sacred?

   They want to escape, but they have been stared at by the Eye of God.

   The next moment, the two screamed, their souls were torn apart.

   The two died in ashes.

   Lin Xuan took back the Eye of God.

   He got a message that these two shadows are from the shadow clan.

  The people of the shadow clan are good at shadow art, and the methods are mysterious.

   And this time, the people of the Shadow Clan cooperated with Qin Shan to investigate the situation.

   Lin Xuan snorted coldly: It really has something to do with the Qin family.

   But he didn’t care,

   He wants to see, how many methods does Qin Shan have?

   Qin family, in the mansion,

   Qin Shan waited there.

   There is a mysterious woman beside him, who seems to be hiding in the darkness.

   Behind her, there are two black whirlpools.

   Suddenly, this mysterious woman opened her eyes.

   In front of her, there were two black jade pendants that suddenly split.


   The mysterious woman exclaimed, as if she couldn't believe it.

Qin Shan next to    was also taken aback: How could it be possible?

   He knows that the methods of the Shadow Race are very strange.

  The combat effectiveness is not the best, but it is especially good at hiding and detecting.

   This time, their secret action, logically speaking, no one should have noticed.

   Who moved the hand?

   It looks like, Tianfeng Villa Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

   The mysterious woman snorted coldly.

   is a bit interesting, but it aroused my interest.

Qin Shan next to    said: Stop sending ordinary shadows, send a pinnacle level.

   The mysterious woman nodded and said: I know.

   With a wave of her hand, the two shadows behind her merged.

   formed a more terrifying shadow,

  Magic Shadow! You go to find out everything!


   The tall shadow flickered and disappeared again.

   He used a method similar to the previous shadow, and once again entered, Tianfeng Villa.

   The people at Tianfeng Villa still didn't notice, including the true gods at the peak.

   However, Lin Xuan opened his eyes again.

   He frowned tightly: It was here again.

  Hey, it's still the peak breath, which is kind of interesting.

   Hope this time, I won’t be disappointed.

   Lin Xuan's body stood up.

   Now his martial arts body has increased in strength.

   He is trying to find an opponent, give it a try, how strong is he now?

   Take this shadow in front of you and try your skills.

   Lin Xuan took the eyes of heaven and left together.

  He used the heavenly illusion to prevent others from being sensed.

   In the next instant, he came to this magic shadow.

  Moying naturally knows that Tianfeng Villa has masters.

When    came in, he was cautious.

   Suddenly, the surrounding world changed, and a figure appeared.

  He is like an enemy.

   When he saw that he was just a young man, he was dumbfounded.

   is not a powerful elder. UU Reading is not the wife of the owner, but just a young disciple.

   Such a person, he didn't care.

   He formed a large black net, shrouded in front of him.

  In an instant, Lin Xuan was enveloped.

   He gave a cold snort, ready to go on.

   But at this moment, Lin Xuan's body shook, and instantly shattered the opponent's shadow web.

   Lin Xuan said: Your strength is good.

   I don’t know, can I take it, my punch?

   After he finished speaking, he stepped out, and the fist in his hand burst out with a biting light.

   fisted forward.

   Mo Ying was taken aback, and it was a bit interesting to be able to break through his magical powers.

   This young man is an incredible genius.

   But, so what?

   He is ready to take it seriously.

   But when that fist came in front of him, Demon Shadow's complexion changed drastically.

   He felt that an overwhelming force swept over him.

   He actually felt a fatal crisis.


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