Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7927: 6 dragons! War innate creatures!

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How terrible is the power of magic?

Lin Xuan used the technique of small destruction to the extreme.

The black breath, like hydrology, spreads in all directions.

Wherever he went, all the magical laws were shattered.

not good.

Those around, the warriors of the Chaos Protoss, their expressions changed greatly when they saw this scene.

They backed quickly,

The slow one was shrouded by the small destruction technique.

The body also began to shatter.

Those strong people flew into the distance with horror on their faces.

They dodge quickly,

Lin Xuan's second attack came again.

The first time was the small destruction technique, and the second time was the power of the Thunder Rune and Fire Rune.

The power of Thunder Fire is extremely powerful.

Coupled with the Martial God Body, it is invincible and sweeping in all directions.

Between the heaven and the earth, there seemed to be two Thunder God Swords, sweeping everything.

There is a small destruction technique in the front, and the Thunder and Fire Sword in the rear.

The two sides cooperate, and it seems that no one can match.

Countless warriors of the Chaos Protoss were lifted out.

Even those terrifying Dacheng Gods vomit blood again and again.

Jingyu was split by a sword.

The shocking wood and thunder, the two also flew upside down, their bodies trembled as if struck by lightning.

They can't imagine.

With so many people joining hands, can't it help each other?

How strong is the opponent?

Damn it, I don't believe it.

Shocking thunder roared frantically, regardless of his injuries, he killed again.

The Chaos Thunder on his body quickly condensed into a Thunder World.

He is like a peerless Thor, killing Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan did not dodge in the slightest, waved the Thunder God Talisman, and reached out with his big hand.

A big thunder hand, as if transformed into the claws of a thunder dragon, penetrated into the thunder world.

The thunder collision between the two sides resulted in a world-destroying showdown.

Chaos Thunder, although terrible,

Lin Xuan's Thor Rune has an even more extraordinary origin.

It comes from the mysterious three thousand worlds.

Thor's rune was like a broken bamboo, tearing open Chaos Thunder.

The dragon claw caught the thunder in an instant.

Drag him out of the Thunder World.

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw an incredible scene.

Even the people of the Chaos Protoss are stupid.

The extremely powerful thunder was suppressed by a palm.


Thunder snarled frantically, trying to escape.

The power in him kept breaking out.

He found that the opponent's physique was too strong, like a magic weapon.

From that palm, in addition to the thunder, there is also a trace of indestructible power.

Two forces fell into his body, madly destroying the meridians in his body.

For a while, he couldn't escape at all.

help me.

He can only ask for help.

Jingmu led people and quickly killed them.

Jingmu said: Put your power into the chaotic forest.

The disciples of the Chaos Protoss around, after listening, started to do it.

Countless chaotic auras poured into the chaotic forest.

The chaotic forest rolled violently, and came out from inside, several powerful figures.

These figures are extremely mysterious, people have never seen them before.

Those who watched the game from a distance exclaimed: Is it possible that this is an innate creature?

They swallowed wildly.

What are innate creatures?

Before the world is born, they already exist.

This is not a real innate creature.

It evolved from the power of chaos, and it was truly terrifying.

I'm afraid it's not much worse than the real innate creatures.

The number is very large, there are six in total.

Six innate creatures stand upright,

They stepped out, the mountains and rivers were broken.

With a palm out, the stars burst,

They attacked Lin Xuan forcefully.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and the dragon power on his body exploded completely.

Turned into a world of dragons.

Numerous dragon phantoms, towards the six innate creatures, killed them.

Hovering over them, like a chain, trying to bind them.

Jingmu and others, with all their strength to stimulate the blood.

They said: Useless, innate creatures, not what you can imagine.

is it?

Lin Xuan snorted coldly. After the power of Dragon Dao, he used the power of reincarnation again.

The six ways of reincarnation, with the breath of the dragon way, transformed into the dragon of the six ways.

I saw the phantom of the six-headed dragon on the body of the six innate creatures.

A phantom, extremely mysterious, like a dragon.

A phantom, a **** breath appeared on his body, with **** scales. Like the dragon of Shura.

There is also a giant dragon with black scales.

Like a demon dragon flying out of the demon world.

The six-headed dragon, combined with the power of the six realms, became more powerful.

The body of six innate creatures was torn apart in an instant.


The broken voice sounded, and six screams came.

The six innate creatures, huge bodies, began to shatter.

Turned into chaotic air, scattered everywhere,

Everything is shattered wherever it goes.

So tough.

Countless people were stunned when they saw this scene.

Those people of the Chaos Protoss were struck by lightning.

These six innate creatures were gathered by their great ways and blood.

Broken at the moment, they were backlashed, and they flew out.

Even Jingmu vomited blood and split his eyebrows.

There was a trace of horror in his eyes: How could it be like this?

How terrible the inborn creatures are, and they are numerous.

Even if the opponent can contend, he must do his best.

But now?

In just an instant, the opponent destroyed six innate creatures.

What kind of power is this?

Ahead, Lin Xuan snorted coldly: vulnerable.

He poked out.

The sole of this foot grew bigger in the air, as if it turned into a piece of heaven, and slew towards the Jingmu.

Jingmu only felt that there was darkness in front of him, and a huge black shadow fell from the sky.

He wanted to escape,

Before being backlashed, at this moment, his strength has not recovered.

He could not escape.

Can only passively resist.

He exhausted his remaining power and condensed in front of him, forming a chaotic lotus flower.

This chaotic lotus flower blooms, the chaotic atmosphere is flying, and the petals are scattered, mysterious and unpredictable.

It actually blocked the sole of the foot.

Jingmu breathed a sigh of relief.

However, in just an instant, an invincible force burst out from the sole of that foot.

It's like a divine sword, and all the petals are torn in an instant.

Then, the sole of the foot fell on him fiercely, stomping him down.


The earth trembled, endless cracks spread towards 4 weeks, and everyone was shaken by blood and blood.

They have retreated far away.

Can still feel a fatal crisis.

It's incredible. UU reading www.

They were dumbfounded.

The scene ahead is too strong.

Lin Xuan stands between heaven and earth, like a peerless **** of war.

One palm caught the thunder,

One sole suppressed the startling.

Two powerful true gods with 27 million **** patterns.

Lin Xuan used one person to suppress it.

At this moment, the world was terribly quiet, and everyone was frightened.

Those disciples of the Chaos Protoss were also dumbfounded.

how is this possible?

Is their such a strong lineup so vulnerable?

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