Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7921: Tianhu! Sneak attack!

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It turned out to be like this.

It's not how strong the mad **** is, but the other party's luck.

Many people shook their heads,

The people of the Tianyang Protoss also gave a cold snort.

Fairy Jinghong frowned upon hearing this.

She asked: You said, Mad God was here just now? Where is he now?

He has entered the ancient ruins.

Are you in?

Fairy Jinghong looked at the ancient palace ahead.

She waved and said: Come with me.

She took the people of the Chaos Protoss and flew forward.

Soon, he also entered the palace.

Let's go too.

Those other people rose into the sky one after another.

People from the Tianyang Protoss left a message.

As long as Tianyang Divine Child comes nearby, he can feel it.

Subsequently, these people also walked in.

Long Xian'er and others also went in one after another.

After entering, they felt that the palace was more mysterious and scary than they thought.

Inside the palace, there are many side halls.

Act separately.

So many partial halls, enough for them,

There is no need to fight yet.

These people began to find their own goals.

Fairy Jinghong took people and flew all the way forward.

She wants to find the mad **** and suppress it.


Lin Xuan and others were the first to come in.

After arriving, they saw countless side halls.

Lin Xuan said to Jun Wushuang and the others: Act separately, then reunite.

it is good.

Jun Wushuang and they nodded.

Lin Xuan flew forward, he entered, one of the side halls.

After entering, he found that it was decorated like a study room.

On the wall, there is a picture scroll showing the vast starry sky.

Lin Xuan glanced carefully.

The next moment, he felt that his soul was spinning around.

As if time and space are reversing, heaven and earth shake.

He seemed to be involved in this picture.

not good!

Lin Xuan's complexion changed, and the light of reincarnation burst into his eyes.

The power of the reincarnation eye swept out, swept everything and resisted.

He blocked the power of stars in the sky.

But at this moment, among the stars, there was a trace of black mist flying out.

These mists are exactly those mists outside the palace before.

These mists rolled quickly and formed a black fox.

Floating in the air.

The fox's teeth and claws are dancing, and his eyes are even more mysterious and profound.

Dark Fox.

An extremely terrifying monster.

The dark sky fox uttered a weird roar.

Then, three tails appeared behind them, shaking constantly.

A mysterious force flew out and slammed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly: Seeking death, six reincarnations.

With a wave of his palm, six worlds appeared beside him.

One of the worlds was extremely dark, and from inside, many demons emerged.

It is the demon world.

The figures of these demons flew out.

Just like the black sea, it moved towards the dark sky fox ahead and killed it.

The dark sky fox shouted, the black mist on his body condensed.

First, a black armor was formed, covering his body.

Enhanced defense.

Afterwards, his claws swayed fiercely, like a weapon of a magic weapon.

Easily tore open the void and killed those demons.

The battle between the two destroys the world.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly when he saw this. The monster beast would dare to be an enemy of him?

He waved his hand and shouted coldly: Devil Knife.

Countless demons condense quickly.

Subsequently, a more terrifying magic shadow was formed.

This magic shadow is extremely huge.

With a wave of his hand, he grabbed a black long knife from the void.

Cut it down with one knife.

This knife was extremely terrifying, enough to kill everything between heaven and earth.

The claws of the dark sky fox were cut off instantly.

Not only that, but the armor on his body was also hit, making a roaring sound.

His body rolled violently.

Suddenly, his body was cut, split in half, and turned into a billowing mist.

He let out a scream, and then the mist disappeared.

The four weeks of starlight disappeared, and Lin Xuan seemed to be back in this study.

He looked around and never saw the shadow of the dark sky fox again.

He snorted and began to explore the study.

Finally, he put his gaze on the picture scroll again.

He was ready for some enlightenment,

This picture is by no means simple.

While Lin Xuan was fighting here, Jun Wushuang and others were also quickly collecting treasures.

Some of them entered the formation, and some met some puppets.

In addition, I met some mysterious monsters and fought with them.

Other **** races and people from the heavens and worlds also rushed over quickly.

For a while, the entire palace was extremely lively, with roar everywhere.

The palace is very vast. Everyone just heard the roar, and there was no conflict yet.

The situation changed after Fairy Jinghong came in.

Fairy Jinghong searched all the way, she was looking for the figure of the crazy god.

However, after searching for a long time, she did not find it.

The people around her said: That crazy **** must be a coward, he dare not come out to see you.

Yes, Fairy Jinghong, there is no need to find him, it's a waste of time.

Let’s search for the treasures here.

Fairy Jinghong was not reconciled, and in the end, she could only take second place.

She was going to ask some Dragon Race people first.

These people who grabbed the dragon clan would not come out without believing in the mad god.

Finally, they met Jun Wushuang and others.

When Jun Wushuang saw Fairy Jinghong, his expression changed and he turned and left.

Fairy Jinghong snorted: Where to go?

With a wave of his sleeve robe, sword energy flew out, covering Jun Wushuang.

not good.

When feeling this power, Jun Wu's double-sided color changed drastically.

She did not dare to be careless.

King over the world.

Behind her, an illusory figure came out, sweeping across the world, contending with the shocking sword energy.

The two sides collided, earthshaking.

The mysterious figure shook violently, and Jun Wushuang's blood rolled over.

She knew that Fairy Jinghong's strength far surpassed her.

She must blaze a trail to escape.

Otherwise, she will definitely die.

Thinking of this, she merged with the king-like figure behind her.

A tyrannical force burst out from her.

She tore up the void and escaped to heaven.

Fairy Jinghong was slightly surprised when he saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, there was also a sharp aura on the opponent.

As expected to be the genius of the Dragon Clan, he was really strong enough.

But so what?

The other party was in front of her, unable to escape at all.

With a flick of her finger, a sword gas flew out again.

This sword aura, carrying the light of chaos, breaks the ground.

It hit Jun Wushuang in an instant.

Jun Wushuang was struck by lightning, her body was pierced, and the sky was stained with blood.

She flew out, vomiting blood.

Fairy Jinghong stepped out and came to him in an instant.

With a wave of Xiu's robe, Jun Wushuang flew away.

A woman beside her hurriedly shot out a pagoda and suppressed Jun Wushuang.

Fairy Jinghong ordered: Continue to look for people from the Dragon Race. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Soon, they met Lei Lie, Jian Tianchen and others.

The people of the Chaos Protoss said: Why don't Jinghong Fairy you take it, we can take it.

These people took action and started chasing Lei Lie, Jian Tianchen, Long Wu and others.

During this period, people from all heavens and all realms changed their expressions when they saw this scene.

People of the dragon race were hunted down!

Who will do it again?

When they discovered that it was Fairy Jinghong who did it, they took a breath.

It looks like the dragon is going to be unlucky.

Some people laughed and said: Who made him so arrogant? Dare to offend Fairy Jinghong.

This time not only the mad **** will be unlucky, but the entire Dragon Palace will be implicated.

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