Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7918: Lin Xuan shot! 1 punch!

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The people on Dragon Palace also got news.

They took a breath: Unexpectedly, Fairy Jinghong was so powerful.

They looked at Lin Xuan and let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, that day, Fairy Jinghong didn't attack the crazy god.

Otherwise, if the two really fight, the mad **** will definitely lose.

After Lin Xuan listened, there was no response.

His face is like a calm lake.

He said lightly: Let's go, let's speed up.

These people flew towards the depths of the ancient ruins.

After half a day, they stopped, and some powerful monsters appeared in front of them.

This ancient ruin is equivalent to a world, and it is not surprising that there are monsters here.

The monsters here are completely different from the outside.

This is the monster beast of the barren ancient period, known as the relic of the barren ancient period.

Their strength is very powerful, their physique is terrifying, and their blood is amazing.

Do it.

Lin Xuan looked forward and said in a deep voice.

Those people from the Dragon Clan around him shot out.

Jun Wushuang, Lei Lie, Jian Tianchen, Long Wu and others rushed over quickly.

The war broke out completely, earth-shaking.

Lin Xuan did not make a move, he watched from behind.

These monsters are not worth his shot.

However, for others, it is a very good training.

These geniuses of the Dragon Race are very powerful.

Especially Jun Wushuang, Lei Lie, Jian Tianchen and others, are top arrogances.

They took action and easily solved the monster in front.

Afterwards, they continued to set off.

But before long, they met more and more powerful monsters.

Not only on their side, but the other people who came in, have all met.

The people of the ancient gods can still contend.

The heavens and the world, the people of other clans, suffered heavy losses.

During the battle, many people were killed by monsters.

For a while, they were terrified.

Some people fled directly,

Only then did they know how strong the ancient monster beast was.

On the Dragon Palace side,

Jun Wushuang and others, one after another shot, like a broken bamboo.

The opponent in front is very powerful.

After a battle, they can still win.

After another long walk, they encountered a crisis.

This time, a giant python came out.

This is a black giant python with a length of 10 meters, which is not huge.

The black scales on his body, as well as golden patterns, are connected into one piece.

Extremely mysterious.

On his forehead, there is a black horn with golden runes.

With the breath of the giant python, the golden rune shone with indefinite light.

A shocking and destructive force is recovering.

This giant python killed Jun Wushuang and others.

When Jun Wushuang casts his king over the world, a mysterious figure emerges.

But by this giant python, easily patted flying.

let me do it.

Lei Lie snorted and roared to the sky.

He turned into a thunder dragon, destroying the world.

The terrible amount of thunder violence killed the giant python.

The giant python smiled contemptuously, and the horns of his forehead burst into light.

A golden lightning pierced the void and shattered the sky full of thunder.

Fly Lei Liezhen out.

Lei Li vomited blood, his face full of horror.

Unexpectedly, the Thunder controlled by the other party was so terrifying.

He is not an opponent at all.

Jian Tianchen also shot, his swordsmanship is extremely sharp.

Sword Qi descended from the sky one after another, but they were all blocked by the giant python.

The scales on the giant python bloomed with pitch black light.

Formed an armor-like power, blocking all attacks.

At the same time, with a sweep of her tail, she swung over like a heavenly sword.

Fight Jian Tianchen flying.

These people are all top talents.

Even they were defeated, and the others were not opponents.

People like Dragon Dance, Dragon Yin, etc., are also retreating steadily.

Damn, this monster is so strong.

He is obviously a giant python and his blood is not as good as ours.

Is so powerful,

Our dragon power cannot suppress it.

Jun Wushuang frowned tightly.

They are dragons, high above them.

Ordinarily, the snake clan had no resistance at all in front of him.

But this giant python seems to be an exception.

It seemed that the opponent was not an ordinary monster.

The opponent should be a mighty alien beast whose bloodline has mutated.

It's tricky.

Jun Wushuang and the others looked at Lin Xuan, hoping that the other party would take action.

Let me do it.

Lin Xuan walked out, the martial arts body on his body burst into a bitter light.

A punch blasted forward.

The black python in front was angry.

He found that Lin Xuan's cultivation base was weaker than those geniuses before.

Such a person, dare to shoot with him? Go to death.

He snorted coldly and spit out a black mist.

It flew over like a black cloud.

In these mists, there is a strong corrosive force.

Even if it is a great god, shrouded by this power, it will instantly turn into blood.

The young man in front of him, who had just become a great god, was definitely unable to resist.

Lin Xuan's figure was shrouded in black mist and disappeared.

With a trace of contempt in the python's eyes, he turned his head and stared at Jun Wushuang and the others.

He is ready to do it again.

But at this moment, the black mist rolled and a figure came out.

Quickly, I came to the giant python,

The python was dumbfounded.

Isn't this, the young man before?

The other party is still alive.

How did the opponent block, that corrosive force?

Little crawling snake, it's over.

Lin Xuan waved his fist and killed the python.

The fist fell, and the python roared in anger.

His body was blown out, and his scales shattered.

The demon blood spilled out instantly.

So strong.

Jian Tianchen took a deep breath, before he shot with all his strength, using his sword technique.

Also failed to break through, this giant python's defense.

But now, Lin Xuan easily injured the python with a single punch.

How strong is the opponent's power!

If the opponent shoots at him, I am afraid that a punch will be able to crush his sword energy.

Originally, he thought that his strength increased and the gap between Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan had narrowed.

But now it seems that instead of shrinking, it's bigger.

It’s not just his thoughts,

Lei Lie, Jun Wushuang and others were equally shocked.

They felt that Lin Xuan became more and more unfathomable.

far away.

In the void, there are some people,

These people are Long Xian'er, Zhen Shaoyang and others.

They also came nearby.

Before, they saw Jun Wushuang and others fighting, they were ready to watch the battle in secret.

Long Xian'er became nervous when he knew that Lin Xuan took the shot.

She wants to see, where is it now?

It has been a long time since the previous ranking match.

As a genius, she makes progress every day.

She felt that the gap between her and Lin Xuan would also narrow.

Perhaps even the strength of the two is almost the same.

However, when she saw Lin Xuan, that terrifying fist.

Her face became extremely pale,

The gap has widened again.


She gritted her teeth, her eyes flushed with jealousy.

How could the opponent's strength improve so quickly?

As for Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyue and others, they were extremely scared.

They dare not face the mad **** at all now.

Ahead, the giant python sent out an angry roar.

The power on his body made a roaring sound, erupting like a volcano.

The Law of the Great Dao flew even more, converging towards the black corner of his forehead.

The power of his whole body poured into that horn.

The black horns wear a terrible breath.

Especially the golden lines on it carry a trace of destruction.

The next moment, he roared, and a black light flew out from the corner.

With golden runes, like a peerless sword.

He rushed towards Lin Xuan fiercely.

Lin Xuan stretched out a finger, and a black light flickered on the fingertip.

The Art of In the next moment, the power of the two collided.

After only a stalemate, Lin Xuan's fingers shattered everything.

He tore open the other side's monstrous laws, moved towards the black python, and killed it.


The black giant python, too late to escape, was pointed at.

His huge body quickly split.

Especially the horn of the forehead was broken in half.

He was killed by one finger.

So strong.

Jun Wushuang, Jian Tianchen and others were extremely shocked.

In the distance, the hiding Long Xian'er stayed there even more.

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