Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7907: Peerless 1 sword! cut!

The fire of Li Tian is a very terrifying sacred fire.

It is even more terrifying when displayed by Huo Tian.

A wave of flame sword aura descended from the sky, each of which can penetrate through the ages.

When the people around felt this scene, their scalp numb.

Worthy of being the genius of the previous generation, it is really strong enough.

This time, Huo Tiance made an all-out effort, wondering if Crazy God could resist it?

Lin Xuan raised his head and looked at the sky, his mouth raised, and he sneered with disdain.

Swordsmanship is not what you use.

With a wave of his arm, it was like a divine sword, bringing thousands of sword energy.

These sword auras are extremely bright and fierce, and they have never moved forward.

There was also a breath of magic runes on it.

This is exactly the peerless sword technique that Lin Xuan created back then.

A hundred years later, this swordsmanship has taken a step further, and its power has become even more terrifying.

Thousands of swordsmanship, turned into a peerless sword, slashed forward.

When those people around saw this scene, their complexion changed drastically.

Even Long Xian'er trembled.

She felt that this sword was terrifying to the extreme.

As if turned into, the only one between heaven and earth.

Some geniuses are more excited, this is the swordsmanship pioneered by the mad son.


In an instant, the two people's unique skills collided in the sky.

Just like two ancient universes colliding, the void collapsed instantly.

On the earth and nearby palaces, a series of formations emerged, covering the void.

The peak elders of the Dragon Clan even took action and guarded everyone.

There was no worries about the future, the people around them all stared at the sky.

In the sky, the two sword auras collided in an instant.

Both of these are not only sword aura, but also flame sword aura.

At this moment, the duel is really a needle-point vs. Maimang.

Lin Xuan's sword was too strong, like a raging sword, shattering the sky of Litian sword energy.

Afterwards, cut towards Huo Tiance.

Huo Tiance didn't even react, and was smashed into the air by a sword.

His body split again and turned into a blood mist, and the blood of the gods stained the world.

The people around were stunned. They looked at this scene, their brains blank.

They originally thought that there would be a terrifying duel.

But, where can I get it? It turned out to be a spike.

Huo Tiance was defeated, so thoroughly.

The people of the Tianyang Protoss collapsed. They dare not imagine that the geniuses of the previous generation were just defeated?

How strong is the mad god?

Could it be that his combat power is above 27 million Shinto texts?

How many realms did the other party cross? Fighting!

Is this a monster?

Even if it is a **** child, it is impossible to cross so many realms, right?

Those people from other Protoss also took a breath.

They came here for the same purpose, which is to test the mad god.

Look at the other person, what point has it reached?

The opponent is stronger than they thought, they are like a big enemy.

This news must be reported back to the family.

The people in the Dragon Palace are extremely excited: the mad son, too strong, too handsome.

Do you want to continue? Lin Xuan looked forward, and Fang asked lightly.

The face of Huo Tiance on the opposite side was hard to see the extreme.

Originally, he wanted to suppress the opponent, but wherever he wanted to, he was hit in the face severely.


He was ready to fight the opponent.

He just stood up, he shook his body, half-kneeled on the ground, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His face became extremely ugly: what's going on?

His injury did not fully recover,

This is impossible.

The opponent's sword has a super fire power.

His bloodline supernatural power is equally terrifying, and it stands to reason that it should be restored.

He probed it, and the blood was destroyed by some black aura again.

What kind of breath is this?

He was stunned,

Lin Xuan sneered.

That sword, besides possessing the power of the Vulcan Rune, it also possesses the power of the technique of destruction.

Although very weak, it is not something the other party can resist.

Especially when the opponent is seriously injured. These forces of destruction will destroy the opponent's blood and vitality.

Sure enough, Huo Tiance felt that his state was getting worse and worse.

If this continues, he will be wiped out.

He gritted his teeth and said: Mad God, you wait.

After speaking, he turned and left.

Brother, wait for us.

Those people of Tianyang Divine Child also followed one after another, and they fled.


Those people in Dragon Palace all laughed.

They won this battle, and they won beautifully.

Lin Xuan raised his glass again and said: Let everyone see the joke, I will toast everyone again.

Behind Lin Xuan, a figure appeared.

A supreme figure standing upright, like a peerless **** of war.

This figure grabbed towards the void.

The palm of his hand flew into the universe and grabbed a galaxy.

With a light wave, the water of the galaxy will be refined.

The water of the galaxy filled the sky accurately flew into the wine glasses of everyone.

Lin Xuan said: Taste the wine of the stars.

Raise your hand to pick the stars, refining heaven and earth stars.

This method is terrifying.

Where is the toast? This is to shock them.

Everyone looked at the wine glasses in their hands with mixed feelings and shocked expressions.

Next, no one dared to challenge the mad **** anymore.

The banquet was over for a few days,

Everyone left.

They are so excited,

Mad God is so powerful.

What strength did the **** son of Tianyang and the **** of demon reach in the ancient temple?

It's really exciting.

In the next few months, some mysterious aura appeared in the heavens and worlds.

Especially the land of God and the land of Jiuyou, there are some ancient powers emerging.

The people of the heavens and worlds are excited.

They know that every time the world changes, it brings great opportunities.

If you can catch it, you will fly into the sky.

Even those Protoss are extremely concerned.

They also know that this time, I am afraid that a new Protoss will come.

At that time, I am afraid that some fights will be inevitable.

The world of great controversy.

Everyone is practicing frantically, preparing for the next changes.

In an instant, a year passed,

This year, Lin Xuan has been consolidating his realm.

His strength is much stronger than a hundred years ago.

If now, participate in the Protoss Ranking Tournament again, UU reading he can easily sweep everything.

Of course, he also knew those geniuses back then, especially the goddess and goddess.

The talented bloodline is very terrifying. In the past hundred years, the strength should have also improved by leaps and bounds.

Lin Xuan still had confidence and was above them.

On this day, a message came from Dragon Palace.

A new deserted ancient area was opened, and a mysterious palace appeared.

It should be a relic in the ancient period.

I am afraid that there are countless treasures inside, and good luck against the sky.

The people of the dragon race were extremely excited after hearing this.

They did not act rashly, but sent people to continue to investigate.

Not only the Dragons, but the people of other Protoss also got news.

Those people from the heavens and ten thousand realms also went there one after another.

This is a great opportunity to soar into the sky, and they will never miss it.

Those top geniuses have already begun to prepare.

Tianyang Divine Clan, Tianyang Divine Child opened his eyes.

His strength is much stronger than before.

He has merged with a trace of God's fire.

A hundred years ago, the Protoss Ranking Tournament, although he was able to cast God's Fire. However, not long after he had just obtained it, he could only use part of his power.

Can only be used as a hole card.

But now? This sacred fire has almost become a part of his own power.

His blood and physique have undergone earth-shaking changes.

He completely surpassed before.

If he encounters a mad **** again, he has the confidence to defeat him and step the opponent under his feet.

Hearing news from the family, there are ancient ruins from the barren period.

Tianyang Shenzi is ready to go.

He knew that many people would go, and that crazy **** would definitely not miss it.

At that time, he will defeat the opponent to relieve his hatred.

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