Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7887: Open the axe! Lin Xuan's sword!

Lin Xuan had seen the blood power of the goddess Xuanbing before.

Now I have learned again, the bloodline power of the Goddess of Chaos.

I have to say that the power of this bloodline really surpasses everything.

No one can contend in a battle of the same order.

Unless the realm is far beyond the **** son and goddess, he can suppress the opponent.

Otherwise, it's hard to resist,

Even his martial arts body was injured.

Of course, this is not to say that Lin Xuan's Valkyrie is weak.

After all, Lin Xuan's divine Taoism only has 18 million.

But this chaos goddess has 25 million.

The gap between the two sides is very large.

Lin Xuan was able to cross so many realms, and was equal to the opponent.

It's already very bad.


The chaos goddess is cold, she has come to Lin Xuan.

Beside her, the fire of chaos bloomed, and the runes of chaos rose and fell.

She looked down on the Eight Wastes as if the chaos ruled.

In the next moment, her palms became imprinted.

In the center of her eyebrows, the same condensed, forming an ancient rune.

As this rune appeared, the whole world trembled.

Behind the chaotic goddess, a mysterious scene appeared, which was a world-breaking scene.

Like an ancient picture scroll, telling the history of the heavens and the world.

Looking at the vision that day, everyone's scalp numb.

The world has not opened, I already exist.

The origin of the Chaos Race is terrible.

Known as the innate family.

Their blood is very scary.

The chaos goddess has the blood of the **** king, which is even more terrifying.

In her eyes, there was an astonishing light.

With a wave of his hand, in the ancient scroll behind him, a giant of chaos walked out.

Is the power of the king's bloodline?

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

Before, they had seen the goddess Xuanbing perform.

Now, the power displayed by the Goddess of Chaos is more terrifying than the Goddess of Xuanbing.

They were all worried for Lin Xuan, how would the other party resist?

The Chaos Giant stepped on all directions, walked out of the ancient scroll, and killed Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan used the Thunder God Talisman to resist.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering.

But at this moment, a figure emerged from the ancient scroll.

This figure is very vague, but in his hand, there is an axe.

A god-opening axe.

It is said that the Chaos Protoss is not only an innate family, but also a pioneering Protoss.

The ancestor of the Chaos Protoss, holding an axe, was opened to a world.

Now, the God Axe, the **** of openness, appeared again.

Everyone's scalp numb, awe in their hearts.


The Goddess of Chaos gave a cold cry, and the **** of open axe fell down.

Wherever he went, the sky broke and the earth broke, and nothing could resist.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly and waved his hands like two divine swords, transforming into a cross in the air.

Jian Guang cut to the front.

With a bang, it fell on the Chaos God Axe, making a sound like the sky.

Lin Xuan withdrew from the shock, his arms trembled slightly.

It is really terrifying to have the blood of the **** king, and the condensed formation of the **** axe.

If Lin Xuan used the martial arts body and matched the peerless kendo, he would definitely be able to contend.

However, he still couldn't reveal the identity of Lin Wudi.

He cannot use the power of the Great Dragon Sword Soul!

It seemed that he could only use another sword technique.

Lin Xuan thought about it. He had created half of the sword skills before.

Although this sword technique cannot integrate the power of the Great Dragon Sword.

He can merge the power of Thor Rune and the power of Destruction.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's eyes burst out with a biting light.

Let these people see what the real peerless swordsmanship is like?

Opposite the chaos goddess, she said coldly: It's useless, don't resist, you can't stop it.

After speaking, she pushed the Chaos God Axe again and fell down.

It was another blow, and the sky fell apart.

Everyone was worried about Lin Xuan.

They came out, Lin Xuan's martial arts body could not stop the opening of the **** axe.

Lin Xuan waved his arm, moved forward again, and cut the past.

The protoss shook his head: it's useless.

Long Xian'er sneered: You finally lost.

She was balanced when the opponent lost.

But the next moment, she was stunned, and she even stood up suddenly.

Those other people were also stunned.

They found that Lin Xuan's arm seemed to have turned into a divine sword.

A mysterious light was drawn in the air.

They are extremely familiar.

This is a peerless sword technique, the sword technique used by Long Xian'er before.

With a bang,

This sword fell on the God-Opening Axe.

The Kaitian God Axe shook slightly, and slashed beside Lin Xuan, piercing the heaven and the earth.

The roar is endless,

The people of the heavens and worlds were shocked.

They exclaimed: Peerless swordsmanship, he will display it.

Before, Long Xian'er used peerless swordsmanship to block the blood of the **** king.

I don’t know if this time, the mad **** can block the blood of the chaos goddess?

Long Xian'er's expression was so ugly that she did not expect that Lin Xuan would really show it.

Next, she saw Lin Xuan use that peerless swordsmanship, fighting against the God Axe.

It actually blocked the **** opening axe,

Long Xian'er collapsed.

She felt that what Lin Xuan showed was even more terrifying than her.

She was so jealous,

The people of the Chaos Protoss were also shocked.

Isn't it? This guy could actually block the God Axe.

It was beyond imagination.

The Goddess of Chaos frowned slightly,

The next moment, she bit her finger.

Let the blood of the gods fall again, pouring into the ancient scroll behind him.

She further displayed the power of blood. UU reading www.

From the ancient scroll, endless breath came out again.

Originally, this god-opening axe was waved by an illusory figure.

This figure, like a shadow, is very dim.

At this moment, that figure has changed.

An arm of the other party appeared in front of everyone as if crossing the ancient time and space.

Like Kaitian God Axe, it became extremely real.

Another blow,

The power of the God Axe has increased exponentially.

It shattered the peerless sword light in the sky, and flew Lin Xuan away.

Lin Xuan's arms were cracked, and the sword energy in the sky disappeared.

The goddess of chaos snorted coldly: I forgot to tell you that goddess is also divided into strong and weak.

The bloodline power I can use is much stronger than the goddess Xuanbing.

Your peerless sword, although powerful, can't stop my blood.

You are destined to lose.

How could it be like this? The people in Dragon Palace are desperate.

Can't even the peerless swordsmanship help the opponent?

It seems that the mad **** is about to lose.


The people of the Chaos Protoss laughed up to the sky, extremely proud.

People from other protoss are also talking about it.

Unexpectedly, the blood of this chaotic goddess is so heavenly.

The opponent is not a descendant of an ordinary **** king.

The king of God is above everything and above everything else.

God kings also have realms, but most people don't understand it.

Obviously, this Chaos Goddess's father and emperor is beyond everyone's imagination.

Lin Xuan used the magic trick to restore the scar on his arm.

He raised his head and looked forward, his expression extremely solemn.

The next moment, he smiled.

He said: Who told you? The power of this swordsmanship, only these?

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