Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7871: Shattered 1 out! Who is fighting!

Wutian couldn't accept it at all, he felt like a dream.

He snarled wildly: impossible, fake, absolutely fake!

Die to me.

The power of the blood in his body exploded, and with all his best efforts, he delivered another unparalleled blow.

This time, it condensed into a black pot, and rushed forward again.

However, as soon as he approached Lin Xuan, he broke into pieces.

Wutian received a backlash and flew out, vomiting blood.

Many cracks appeared on him.

Those other people were also dumbfounded.

Even Tianyang Shenzi and others frowned.

Crazy God, how did it actually do it?

They only saw that the mad **** waved his sleeves, and the law of swallowing was broken.

When is the Law of Devouring so vulnerable?

They cannot understand.

However, those half-step **** kings were shocked.

This little guy, the power he exerts is so terrible, it seems to be a burst of power.

He could control such a powerful force of destruction, it was beyond expectation.

The half-step **** king of Dragon Palace grinned,

Crazy God gave them more and more surprises.

The half-step **** king on the swallowing **** clan side gave a cold snort.

This kind of power is enough to shatter everything, and Wutian might be defeated.

That's right, what Lin Xuan used was naturally a small destruction technique.

This destruction technique is extremely terrifying,

Once this technique comes out, everything will be shattered.

No matter how strong the law of swallowing is, it is also vulnerable to the art of destruction.

Next, Wutian shot again,

However, they were all defeated by the small destruction technique.

In the end, half of his body was shattered and turned into blood.

Frightened him, can only admit defeat.

The outcome is divided,

Wutian lost, and the mad **** won again.

The people of the heavens and worlds were shocked,

The people of the major protoss were also shocked.

This result was beyond everyone's expectations.

It seems that Crazy God can not only enter the top 10, but also has the opportunity to hit the top 5.

Those **** sons and goddesses are also facing great enemies.

If they encounter this kind of power, how can they resist it?

They asked their ancestors.

The Half-Step God King told them: This is a kind of breaking power. Although strong, it is not irresistible.

You just need to be clear that the power of the law is not strong or weak.

There are only those who use it.

Just like you, attack me with no amount of power.

I stand still, and none of you can break my defenses.

Although the power of the mad **** is strong, it is not invincible.

Hearing this, the gods and goddesses were relieved.

It turned out to be a force of destruction, but it turned out to be conquered.

Having said that, the faces of the people from the Swallowing God Race were extremely ugly.

It can be said to be as difficult as ever to contend with this power.

I'm afraid they don't have a chance for the people of the God Race.

Even the strongest Wutian on their side was defeated, and the other geniuses were not opponents at all.

Wutian's face is even harder to see the extreme.

Before vowing so hard, now, I was slapped in the face by reality.

He finally realized the feeling of Zhen Shaoyang and others.

Too frustrated!

Zhen Shaoyang and others were shocked.

They still want to see the defeat of the mad god, but now it seems like a dream.

Seeing the mad **** coming back triumphantly, they hurriedly bowed their heads.

Congratulations, son.

Jun Wushuang and the others are extremely happy.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: This has just begun.

Look, I will win a streak all the way and get the first place directly.

Jun Wentian and others, this time it is rare that there is no dissuasion.

They think it's good to be more confident.

The next game is still exciting.

However, it was much weaker than that of Lin Xuan.

Everyone can't bring up any interest.

Finally, a few days later, a game made countless people excited.

Even Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes.

The people of the Dragon race were excited again.

This time it was Long Xian'er who shot.

Long Xian'er stood up, fluttering in white, with his chin raised. Like a fairy, he came to the ring.

She looked around, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

It is estimated that her opponent will surrender directly.

Others also speculated, not knowing who the opponent is?

At this moment, another peerless figure stood up.

Countless people were stunned: isn't she, she wants to take action?

The dragon people were also stunned.

Long Xian'er turned his head and looked around, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a dignified touch.

Lin Xuan smiled: There was a good show.

It turned out that this peerless figure who stood up turned out to be the goddess of Xuanbing.

This is a true goddess, with the blood of a **** king.

Definitely one of the most powerful Tianjiao.

Now, Long Xian'er has encountered a difficult battle.

People of the true dragon clan became worried: how could they meet a goddess?

The half-step **** king said: Isn't this normal?

Ranking tournaments are points tournaments, and the two sides will meet sooner or later.

The people of the Dragon Race took a deep breath. Even so, they were still extremely worried.

After all, no one wants to face the goddess.

The goddess Xuanbing's body was filled with a monstrous cold breath.

She walked forward,

At each step, there is an ice lotus blooming.

When she reached the ring, the place she passed had already turned into a world of ice and snow.

Everything is withered.

That chill made the people around watching the battle tremble,

Frost was about to form on many people.

Isn't it terrible? The strength of this ice is enough to seal everything.

Xuanbing goddess, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com came to the ring.

She said coldly: Finally there is an enemy worthy of my all-out effort.

Long Xian'er, I hope you don't let me down.

Long Xian'er took a deep breath, and she said coldly: I will defeat you.

She offered the Zixia Immortal Sword.

The other party is a goddess, so what? The other party is unparalleled, so what?

She will definitely win.

She is Long Tatian's younger sister, she is the hope of the Dragon Race.

She will not lose.


With a roar, she waved the Zixia Immortal Sword and slew towards the front.

Sword Qi was like a flash of lightning, and it came in an instant, in front of the goddess Xuanbing.

Cut down in the air.

The goddess Xuanbing did not dodge at all.

The cold breath on her body condensed and turned into an iceberg standing in front of her.

In the next moment, Jian Qi fell on the iceberg.

With a bang, the iceberg shook violently, and countless ice and snow flew.

Start to freeze everything.

The purple sword energy was instantly frozen, turned into ice cubes, and fell from the sky.

The goddess Xuanbing took out a fan and lightly fanned it.

The endless wind and snow flew past, as if turned into an ice phoenix, sweeping the world.

In an instant, the place where Long Xian'er was located was enveloped.

Around Long Xian'er, an endless ice city appeared, and she seemed to have fallen into the ice and snow cage.

She snorted coldly, and a true dragon phantom appeared behind her.

The dragon's claw swept across the four directions, breaking the ice.

She rushed out.

She also cultivated the Five Fang True Dragon Art.

The true dragon she condensed was more than five times stronger than Zhen Shaoyue.

After breaking through the ice cage, he pushed forward with all his strength.

Together with the fairy sword, he once again slammed forward.

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