Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7858: Mad God is the son of luck!

Long Xian'er snorted coldly, ignoring the matter of the crazy god.

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and others also laughed.

Before this mad can enter the first echelon, they are frightened, nervous, and crazy.

Now it's alright, the opponent was eliminated, and he couldn't even enter the ranking match.

They finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even began to gloat.

Next to him, not far away were people from the Demon Race.

Mojie glanced at the ladder, and then was stunned.

I rely on, what's the situation?

He stood up suddenly, his eyes staring out.

After coming down from the ladder, he began to recover with all his strength, until just now, he opened his eyes.

He wants to see, how is the situation on the ladder?

However, it didn't matter if he looked at it, he was dumbfounded, even frightened.

The other members of the Demon Race were also puzzled.

What's the matter? It was so surprised that Mojie could be surprised.

You know, Mojie is the arrogant of the second echelon.

The strength is second only to those **** children and goddesses.

What can surprise the other party is definitely not simple.

They too, looking towards the ladder.

The next moment, they were dumbfounded, their eyes staring out.

Not only them, but the people of the Tianyang Protoss, seeing this scene are also stupid.

People from the Star Gods said: I’m not dreaming!

The people of the heavens and ten thousand realms were even more shocked.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Even the world is terribly quiet.

Feeling this strange breath, Long Xian'er frowned slightly.

What's the matter?

She was number one before, surpassing the goddess.

The people around are not surprised, right?

Is there anything more shocking than she won first place?

She didn't believe it.

These people are really ignorant.

However, when she found Zhen Shaoyang and others next to her, she was also stunned.

Zhen Shaoyang and the others, trembling, were about to kneel on the ground.

what happened?

Long Xian'er frowned again.

Zhen Shaoyang and others, who are also in the second echelon, are so shocked?

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyue, their faces were extremely pale.

Their voices were a little trembling: Princess Xian'er, look at the ladder.

What happened to the ladder? Long Xian'er frowned slightly.

Zhen Shaoyue almost cried and said: Princess, take a look.

I saw it, an incredible scene, and I suspected that I was in illusion.

Long Xian'er became more curious in her heart.

She snorted coldly: I want to see what happened on the ladder?

She is currently the first person in the ladder test.

She didn't believe that someone could steal her limelight.

She finally raised her head and headed towards the ladder.

The next moment, she was taken aback.

Then, her eyes enlarged,

The smile and pride on her face disappeared.

Instead, there was a touch of shock and disbelief.

The next moment, she said angrily: This is impossible.

What did she see?

Above the ladder, the mad **** has reached the 73rd floor and has surpassed her achievements.

Are you kidding me?

Before, she had consumed a lot of energy in order to reach the 72nd floor.

Even, they played some hole cards.

After leaving the ladder, she immediately rested and recovered.

No longer pay attention to things on the ladder.

In her opinion, it is no longer worthy of her attention.

But now?

Crazy God actually surpassed her, and Crazy God stepped onto the 73rd floor.

This made Long Xian'er, five thunderstorms,

Her pride seemed to be stepped on again.

Fake, it must be fake!

How could the waste of the mad **** reach the 73rd floor?

How is it possible to surpass her?

Damn, something went wrong with the ladder, right?

Zhen Qianjue was also blinded.

Before, he vowed to say that the mad **** was lucky, and then he was out of luck.

Damaged strength will be eliminated.

However? The reality slapped him hard.

Not only did the mad **** not be eliminated, but instead surpassed Long Xian'er and became the number one now.

How could it be like this?

The people of the real dragon clan are crazy,

The mad **** before, walked like a snail.

Who can imagine that the other party has gone so long?

Jun Wushuang was also dumbfounded, she said: Elder, you slap me.

Look at me, are you dreaming?

Jun Wenzhen really slapped her, and then asked: Does it hurt?

Jun Wushuang was so painful that tears came out, she said: It hurts.

Not an illusion, not a dream, the mad **** actually did it.


Water one, fire one, they laughed.

They are not qualified to participate in the ranking competition, and at this moment, as spectators, they are very excited.

They said: I knew that the mad son is unparalleled in the world.

It is ridiculous that you dare to underestimate the mad son.

The mad son is too handsome.

I have already said that Young Master Mad God is definitely the arrogant of the first echelon.

You still don't believe it.

Believe it now?

The people of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan are excited.

Their shouts seemed to upset the world.

Other places are terribly quiet.

Especially those of the Protoss, it is also extremely shocking.

The goddess of Tianyang, the goddess of Chaos and others were equally dumbfounded.

The record of the mad **** was beyond their expectations.

The emperor said: I have known for a long time that Mad God is very strong.

They were also extremely shocked.

After the initial shock, the people of the heavens and worlds cheered.

Another day of arrogance, turned out.

This dragon is too strong, right? Two Tianjiao, both boarded the 70th floor.

Already surpassed, other goddesses and goddesses.

This is going against the sky!

The next finals are getting more and more interesting. I really look forward to madness.

Above the ladder, Lin Xuan was expressionless, the 73rd floor, is it very high?

His goal, but Long Tatian's record, UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

He must break Long Tatian's record.

Lin Xuan did not forget, he challenged Long Tatian,

Today, there are only 500 years left.

After 500 years, he will fight Long Tatian decisively.

No one is optimistic about him, then he is now breaking Long Tatian's record.

What Long Tatian did back then, he can do it.

What Long Tatian couldn't do back then, he can also do it.

Lin Xuan continued to walk forward.

The people around were shocked, and the true gods at the peak were also dumbfounded.

No, he wants to continue?

Is he going to hit the 80th floor?

He doesn't want to challenge Long Tatian's brilliant record, right?

The people in Dragon Palace were shocked, wondering if this crazy **** could succeed?

They look forward to it.

He is absolutely impossible to succeed.

Long Xian'er snarled frantically: My brother is unparalleled in the world, unparalleled in all ages.

What is he?

Look, he can't even go up to the 75th floor.

Yes, that's right.

Zhen Shaoyang and others also ranted crazy,

They cannot accept this fact.

Zhen Qianjue even said: luck, it must be luck.

Damn, is this crazy **** the son of luck? How could his luck be so good?

No luck, what else does he have?

I don't believe that his luck has been so good forever.

No matter how they roar, the mad **** still moves forward.

Soon, the mad **** came to the 75th floor,

Stepped out and came to the 76th floor.

Long Xian'er was silly there, and she was slapped again.

The people of the heavens and the world were shocked, and the people of the Protoss were also nervous.

This mad **** will not create a record again, will it?

He won't be the second Long Tatian, right?

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