Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7850: Crazy God actually extinguished the fire of God!

Tianyang Shenzi was also stunned.

Before, he thought the other party was interesting, but this was actually a kind of derogation.

He felt that the other party was a jumping clown.

But now he discovered that the opponent was not at all, and the strength of the opponent was beyond imagination.

Wutian was also surprised, a cold light burst into his eyes.

Did you miss it? Interestingly, the dragons are really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Long Xian'er, your dragon clan has such a master, why didn't you say it before?

Is it because you want to wait until the ranked match to attack by surprise?

Several people all looked at Long Xian'er.

Long Xian'er's face was even more ugly.

She was angry before, and she felt that the mad **** had embarrassed the dragon race.

But now, the mad **** easily got the **** fire order.

The opponent also entered the first echelon,

The other party did not lose to her at all.

What she said before was like a palm hitting her face severely.

This crazy **** slapped her in the face,

Her teeth are almost broken.

At the same time, she felt a hint of panic.

Emperor Zuo, Wu Tian, ​​the two can break through and reach the first step, making Long Xian'er nervous.

Feel the pressure.

But that's it.

However, the success of the mad **** made Long Xian'er an enemy.

They are true dragons, they are rivals to the mad gods,

The stronger the opponent, the more disadvantaged they are.

Before, she felt that the mad **** is a jumping clown, but now, the mad **** can threaten her.

How could it be like this? How could this waste be so powerful?

Long Xian'er was almost mad.

No, you have to hurry up to cultivate that mysterious sword god, and the remaining sword moves.

Can't hesitate anymore.

Only the emperor, who has known it for a long time.

The Emperor said: I said, he is very strong.


Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyue and others stayed there.

Their bodies trembled, and they were about to kneel there in fright.

The people they ridiculed were completely above them.

The opponent stood in the first echelon, which is incredible.

You know, when the mad **** came back, he didn't show much power.

Even, they felt that the mad **** was nothing more than that.

Although they were defeated by the opponent, it is no longer 200 years ago.

This crazy **** has been trapped for 200 years, and his cultivation has already fallen behind them.

They even guessed that the mad **** was abolished.

But now it seems that this is their wishful thinking.

The other party is always above them.

Think about what they said and what they did before. They are really like idiots.

The son is amazing.

Jun Wushuang was also shocked: it turned out that the other party was not bragging, and what the other party said was true.


There is hope for their five-element emperor dragon clan.

The goal they gave the mad **** before was just to enter the top 30,

As for entering the top 10, they have no hope at all.

They also know that the mad **** has lost 200 years.

According to the current situation, it should be no problem for Mad God to enter the top 10.

There are even qualifications to compete for the top 5.

Once successful, this is an extremely dazzling achievement.

At that time, there will be more people supporting the mad **** in the Dragon Palace.

In the sky, Lin Xuan held a divine fire order.

He did not pay attention to other people, but began to study, this magical fire order.

He found that Shenhuo Ling was weaker than he thought.

Is this really the fire of God?

Several other people have also studied.

Tianyang Shenzi said: The fire of God is extremely mysterious.

This is just part of the power of the fire of God.

As long as you can comprehend, the power of the great avenue above, or absorb the fire of God.

It will definitely help you to improve your strength.

Chaos goddess, Long Xian'er and others were also extremely excited after hearing this.

They also began to study the Shenhuo Ling seriously.

At this time, Lin Xuan asked: Are you sure, this is really the fire of God? Is it an eternal flame?

Why do I feel weaker than I thought?

Tianyang Shenzi raised his brows after hearing this.

The Goddess of Chaos also snorted coldly: a big tone.

Apart from other things, the Dao rune on this Divine Fire Order is mysterious and unpredictable.

It is worthy of the true God to spend a whole life studying and understanding.

You can't even say that?

Long Xian'er was also furious, and she was mad again.

She said: Mad God, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.

What if the opponent is in the first echelon?

The other party is nothing more than equal to her, it is impossible for the other party to be above her.

Long Xian'er was really furious when seeing the other party uttering wild words now.

Tianyang Shenzi was startled. He didn't expect that the other party would be suspicious.

He said: This is naturally, the legendary inextinguishable fire.

Believe it or not, you can feel it.

You can use all your strength to attack this flame.

I will tell you that it will never go out.


Emperor Zuo, Long Xian'er, Xuan Bing Goddess and others, frantically shot, attacking Shenhuo Ling.

Sure enough, I found that this magical fire order would never go out.

Even Wutian was emotional.

He condensed to form a black pot, using his own blood, wanting to swallow the fire of God.

However, I found that it was impossible in a short time.

Unless it takes a lot of time and a little bit of devouring, it is possible to do it.

Worthy of being the legendary, unquenchable fire.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a bit of light.

In the next moment, he pointed like a sword, and lightly waved it towards the Shenhuo Ling.

Above the fingertips, there is a big dragon sword, and the indestructible power flickers.

Slashed with a sword, the divine fire decree split into two, and the divine fire above went out.

Lin Xuan:...

Say yes, never go out?

other people:……

Between heaven and earth, fell into a brief silence,

Then there was a thunderous exclamation.

My god, what did I see?

He actually extinguished the fire of God!

Just kidding!


I must be dreaming. UU reading www.uukánshu. com

that is not true.

The disciples of the major Protoss around them were crazy.

Even Long Xian'er and others were dumbfounded.

Before, they tried their best to attack Shenhuo Ling.

It is also impossible to make the flames above the flames go out.

But now? Crazy God actually extinguished the fire.

This is a sacred fire that is said to never go out.

But now, in the hands of the mad god, it went out unexpectedly.

Isn't it incredible?

How did this crazy **** do it?

How could the opponent's power be so sharp?

Long Xian'er's face became extremely ugly, she found that the madness was unfathomable.

The opponent's strength may be higher than her.

Even the goddess of chaos and goddess Xuanbing were shocked.

Did the other party easily do something they couldn't do?

Wutian they are also blinded.

He stared at Lin Xuan tightly and asked: How did you do it?

Lin Xuan said: Is it difficult? It just swung a sword lightly.

I have long suspected that this is no longer the fire of God, and now it seems that it is true.

Is this a fake flame?

While talking, Lin Xuan secretly used the flame rune, and began to absorb the power of the surrounding divine fire.

Although this is not the fire of God, the power of this flame is very strong.

After being absorbed, the flame rune can be made stronger.

This kind of flame is difficult to absorb.

Even Wutian, the powerhouse of the Heaven-Swallowing God Race, couldn't absorb it in a short time.

Others are even more unlikely.

The flame rune that Lin Xuan got was extremely mysterious.

This is the fire rune in the 3000 world.

At this moment, he actually absorbed some.

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