Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7843: Long Xian'er's stubbornness

Someone wants to enter the battlefield of the goddess, too arrogant, right?

Isn't it that crazy god?

Is he going to die?

Lin Xuan was also taken aback, because he was not the one who started.

He has no plans to make a move for the time being.

He looked at the figure ahead and squinted his eyes: it was a bit interesting.

It seems that this woman is really ambitious.

It's Princess Xianer.

Zhen Shaoyue and the others also exclaimed.

They found that the figure in front was Long Xian'er.

Those other people also discovered: Who is this? Is it also a goddess?

She is not a goddess, but her identity and blood are not ordinary.

She is the little princess of the dragon clan and the younger sister of Long Tatian.

It turned out to be her,

I've heard of her a long time ago, and seeing it now is really extraordinary.


The goddess of Chaos and the goddess of Xuanbing are facing each other.

As goddesses, they are lofty and unruly.

They think that they are unique.

Now the two goddesses meet, it is like fire and water.

That's really **** for tat.

Now, there is a third person who wants to join them in the battle.

This makes them a little angry.

Apart from the goddess and goddess, who is eligible to join them in the battle?

The two turned their heads and looked, with supreme power in their eyes.

That is the power of blood, enough to crush everything.

With a bang, Long Xian'er was struck by lightning.

She felt that countless mountains had fallen on her.

Her body shook slightly.

She gritted her teeth, and a bitterness appeared in her eyes, and she moved forward again and took a step.


The world is shaking for it.

The law of the great road keeps rotating, and various phenomena of heaven and earth emerge in endlessly.

Long Xian'er blocked the coercion of the two.

She continued to walk forward and came near the two of them.

When those people around saw this scene, they were shocked.

Blocked, she actually blocked the blood pressure of the goddess.

Does this Dragon Fairy also have the strength of a goddess?

As expected of Long Tatian's younger sister, she is really strong enough.

Those people of the Protoss were also extremely shocked.

The name Long Tatian is not weaker than the son of god, the goddess,

Even more loudly.

In the last Protoss Ranking Tournament, Long Tatian was the first.

Now, Long Tatian's sister, will she rise up too?

The two goddesses were slightly surprised, and felt relieved when they thought of each other's identity.

They nodded slightly, and recognized the existence of Long Xian'er.

Long Xian'er stood beside the two goddesses and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, she made a decision, ready to challenge the goddess.

She could also see that when the goddess came out, who would fight for it?

Other people are not of the same level at all.

Whether it is Jian Tianchen, or Zhen Shaoyang, and those geniuses of other gods. In front of the goddess, they were all dejected.

In other words, no matter how strong other Protoss geniuses are, that is also the second echelon.

Only the goddess and goddess are the first echelon.

Long Xian'er is aloof, her pride does not allow her to fall behind.

She must enter the first echelon,

She walked forward.

In fact, she is also very nervous, wondering if she can succeed?

Unexpectedly, it really succeeded.

It seems that although there is a gap between her and the goddess, the gap is not big.

They belong to the same echelon.

There are even some secrets of trump cards, if she displays them, maybe she can still suppress the goddess.

Thinking of this, her confidence was restored.

The corner of her mouth raised again, a high smile.

Those other people really looked up to Long Xian'er.

Being able to enter the first echelon is really beyond everyone's expectations.

I'm afraid that no one in the room except the other party can do it, right?

Zhen Shaoyue said: This is the uncrowned god.

Zhen Shaoyang also sneered: I remember someone said that he had killed the son of God. Why don't you dare to do it now?

If you have the ability, you should also go to the first echelon!

Everyone looked at the crazy god.

Before the other party uttered wild words, it seemed that he didn't put the goddess and goddess in his eyes.

I don't know now, will the other party dare to challenge?

If you dare not, stop being arrogant.

Yeah, get out! Jumping beam clown is not qualified to stay here.

Is it difficult to join the first echelon? Are they strong? Lin Xuan looked speechless. These people are too ignorant, right?

The supreme coercion just now did not affect him in the slightest.

Today, Lin Xuan has mastered a variety of faculties.

Especially those runes, which made him mysterious.

What about these goddesses? He is still not afraid.

It seems that it is time to show off his strength.

Lin Xuan walked forward.

Those around him were taken aback: This crazy god, really dare to go!

I thought he was just talking about it.

Whether he can succeed or not? I respect him as a brave man.

Some people sneered: I don't know how high the sky is.

Who does he think he is? Is it Long Xian'er?

She is Long Tatian's younger sister, with a super bloodline and supreme talent.

What does this mad **** have?

I admit that he is also very strong, the top genius of the Protoss.

But no matter how strong it is, it is only in the second echelon.

There is an insurmountable gap with the first echelon.

This gap is natural.

People are born kings, crazy gods can't do it.

Go to death.

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyue, they also sneered.

Jun Wushuang was very nervous: Son, come back soon!

We don't need to be angry with them, what we have to do now is to prepare for the rankings.

Everything else is floating clouds.

She wanted to hold Lin Xuan, but she was a step late.

Seeing Lin Xuan, UU Reading is about to walk towards the battlefield ahead.

At this time, a figure walked out and blocked the way.

Just before, the tall man of the Chaos Protoss.

The tall man was condescending and said coldly: Boy, what are you?

Are you worthy to challenge Goddess?

If you want to pass, pass me first.

You can't even beat me, just obediently, get out!

Those other people are also talking about it.

They knew that the tall man was definitely the genius of the Chaos Protoss.

No one who can come here is weak.


The two goddesses ignored them at all.

They are the first echelon, they are aloft, they are born kings.

They dismissed the ants.

Long Xian'er cast a glance, then withdrew his gaze.

Now she is completely above the mad **** and others.

Lin Xuan looked at the tall man in front of him, disapproving, and shook his head.

Pass your level? What are you?

So crazy.

Those around were shocked.

The tall man was also angry, with a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

you wanna die.

From the beginning, he looked at the other party as unpleasant.

The arrogant attitude of the other party made him unable to resist and wanted to take action.

Later, the appearance of the goddess Xuanbing shocked the audience, so that no one dared to act.

Now that the mad **** challenged the goddess again, he couldn't bear it.

This time, we must suppress the opponent and let the opponent kowtow to surrender.

Boy, I'll give you a chance to do it, let's do it.

Once I make a move, you will have no chance.

Lin Xuan sighed: Why do people always jump out and look for death?

Let him take the shot first.

Well, in this case, he fulfilled each other.

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