Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7837: Elder Qinglong, angry!

Long Tingshan asked, "Do you really know nothing?"

The battle took place outside the valley, and there was more than one God who fell. This kind of battle is bound to be earth-shattering. How could you not feel it?

Jun Wushuang was also dumbfounded: "There is a peerless battle here? Why doesn't she know at all?"

She honestly said: "Elder Qi, I really don't have any feelings."

"If it weren't for the elders to come to me, I wouldn't know that there was a battle outside."

Long Tingchan glanced at Void and said, "She shouldn't lie."

"I feel that this place seems to have opened up another space, such a powerful space power."

A powerful space, a true god?

Several Qinglong elders frowned. They seemed to have never heard of such a strong one.

Could it be possible that there are ancient powerhouses who have recovered?

But why help them?

According to the information they received, these mysterious people are here to deal with the genius of their Dragon Palace.

Is it possible that this space master has something to do with their Dragon Palace?

After thinking about it, several Qinglong elders didn't have a clue.

They explored the battlefield again, looking for clues.

After half a day, several Qinglong elders gave up.

They found that the person left no clues.

It seems that it is impossible to know who the other party is.

This incident reminded them.

Unexpectedly, someone would be so cruel.

I want to do something against their genius before the Protoss Ranking Tournament.

It is absolutely impossible for this matter to end so easily.

Let those people bear the anger of their dragon race.

Next, they recalled all the disciples and gave these disciples a life-saving jade pendant.

Once you encounter danger, you can crush the jade pendant and summon the elder Qinglong.

At the same time, they also used the power of Dragon Palace to start searching for opponents.

This matter should be done by several other Protoss.

They will definitely not let each other go,

The people of the Dragon Race began to fight back.

The other dragon geniuses were also shocked.

what? There are peerless masters, come to assassinate them, is it terrible?

Has anyone fallen?

When they heard no one had fallen, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Elder Qinglong said: "Be careful, there seems to be a strong one here."

Hearing this, Long Xian'er frowned.

She had long guessed that besides them, there should be masters.

She had met before, someone was practicing swordsmanship, and she had a deep understanding from it.

Unexpectedly, this time there was another mysterious master who secretly helped them.

Is it the previous one, that mysterious sword god?

Regarding this matter, Long Xian'er did not say.

These people, after receiving the life-saving jade pendant, left again.

Jun Wushuang was a little excited. She was not practicing in retreat, but was going to find some monsters and practice her hands.

These days, she has been comprehending the sword marks on the stele.

She feels a lot.

She felt that her attack power had greatly improved.

For the next period of time, she kept shooting against the ancient monster beast.

Killed several powerful wild ancient monsters one after another.

One of the battles was earth-shattering and attracted people nearby.

Jian Tianchen was practicing nearby,

He felt that someone was fighting. He didn't care about it. When he felt the sharp breath, he was stunned.

He rushed over quickly.

Who is doing it? Is it Long Xian'er? Has the opponent created swordsmanship?

After he arrived, he was stunned.

He found that it was not Long Xian'er who did it, but Jun Wushuang.

This made him extremely surprised.

He is unfamiliar with Jun Wushuang.

He only knew that Jun Wushuang was the arrogant of the five-element emperor dragon clan, with good talent.

But it can't be compared with them.

He hadn't paid much attention to the other party before.

But he didn't expect that this person who was ignored by him would have such a powerful combat power.

He took a breath towards the ruins of the battle below.

He felt a trace of strength and sharpness in those ruins and cracks.

It's like being opened by the Excalibur.

He rushed down instantly and asked: "Did you do it before?"

Jun Wushuang was taken aback.

When she saw that Jian Tianchen was coming, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Is one's own.

She said: "Yes, I was doing it, didn't it bother you to practice?"

It's really the other party!

Jian Tianchen was extremely surprised: "Your attack power is so powerful."

"Did you hide your strength before?"

"No, it's just a breakthrough recently."

Jun Wushuang didn't say anything about the stele, but her strength improvement cannot be concealed.

She lied that she felt something, and then she found an excuse and left.

She was afraid that Jian Tianchen would discover her secret.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Jian Tianchen frowned.

He always felt that the other party was hiding something, but he couldn't tell.

He stayed in the ruins of the battle for several days, carefully comprehending the atmosphere above.

The more he realized, the more shocked he was.

In the end, he practiced directly here to see if he could enhance his sword skills?

the other side,

Long Xian'er was very tangled.

She had gotten the mysterious sword **** before and left some sword marks.

She was shocked.

Originally in her plan, she wanted to take a good look at these sword marks, UU read www.uukanshu. com then, create your own swordsmanship.

Later she found out that she couldn't do it.

She was deeply affected by these sword marks.

The sword technique she created couldn't get rid of the shadow of these sword marks.

How could it be like this?

She was a little frustrated.

Couldn't she create a better sword technique?



Forget it!

Longxian roared wildly, she wanted to forget those sword marks.

However, the more she wanted to forget, the deeper the memories in her mind.

In the end, she was almost gone.


She spit out a mouthful of blood, her face turned pale.

After gritting his teeth, Long Xian'er felt that in a short time, he could no longer create his own swordsmanship.

Otherwise, it will definitely be affected.

Damn it, I didn't expect the scar of that mysterious sword **** to be so terrifying.

It had such a big impact on her.

Lin Xuan didn't know these things.

I don't know, Long Xian'er almost got into a madness because of some of the sword marks he made.

At this moment, he did not make any more moves.

Still practicing silently, the technique of small destruction, and a few magic runes.

At the same time, he asked the old butler to investigate the news of those gods.

All the great protoss have **** children, and at present, in Dragon Palace, the **** children have not awakened.

On the side of the Demon Race, there is a **** child, the bear child.

Lin Xuan knew each other and knew that his bloodline was extraordinary.

In addition, there are the **** sons of the Chaos Protoss, but they have fallen when they pass through the Tianhe River.

Those **** sons of other gods, he didn't know.

He knows the Emperor, the Demon Crazy and others, these people are also very powerful, but after all, they are not the sons of God.

I don't know how terrible those gods of the gods are?

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