Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7835: Solve the mad **** first? Cast the rune!

Jun Wushuang wanted to find the mad god, but after looking around, he didn't find where the opponent is.

She sighed: Forget it, stay with her for safekeeping.

Give it back to the other party at the next party.

During this period, she can comprehend the power on the sword mark.

Maybe, her strength can be improved quickly.

Thinking of this, Jun Wushuang trembled with excitement.

"Zhen Shaoyue, you wait, next time I meet, I will definitely take revenge."

Lin Xuan went to the depths of the deserted ancient area.

Before, he deduced the sword, the law wanted to merge with the runes.

He deduced some swordsmanship, but he was not satisfied.

It seems that it is not the time yet,

Let's get a good grasp of these runes first!

When his understanding of these runes reaches a higher level, it is not too late to create fusion swordsmanship.

On the other side,

Long Xianer's creation of swordsmanship was not smooth.

She has no clue, she wants to pursue perfection.

She must create the strongest sword technique.

These days, she went to many places.

As she walked, she suddenly realized that she had returned to the original point.

This is where they met before.

Why are you here?

Long Xian'er frowned slightly, she was about to leave.

But at this moment, she was taken aback, and she found that the atmosphere around her seemed to have changed.

The breath here is different,

In her eyes, there was a bitter light, and she looked around.

The next moment, she took a breath,

She found that there were some sword marks around.

These sword marks are extremely mysterious, some of them have disappeared.

But some remained.

When seeing these sword marks, Long Xian'er's heart suddenly jumped.

These sword marks seem to be incomplete, as if they were in the process of creation.

Someone is here, creating peerless swordsmanship!

Long Xian'er's heart was beating wildly,

Her brain is blank.

She is also creating swordsmanship.

If she can, comprehend the swordsmanship here.

Maybe it can be integrated into her swordsmanship, completely creating his own swordsmanship.

Thinking of this, she was ecstatic.

She began to carefully explore the sword marks around.

The more I look at it, the more scary she feels.

The kendo of these sword marks, and its mystery, far exceeded her imagination.

Who left the sword marks here?

When we met here before, there was none.

After taking them to the party, who came here again?

Is it the sword mark left by Jian Tianchen?

Long Xian'er thought for a while and found it impossible.

Although Jian Tianchen is a genius in kendo, his kendo attainments are not so strong yet.

It should be a sword **** more terrifying than Jian Tianchen.

Who is it?

It should not be from their dragon clan.

Which Protoss is the strong?

In other words, it is not a young man, but an extremely terrifying old monster.

Long Xian'er had many guesses in her mind, but she was not sure.

In the end, she didn't think much about who he was.

She began to go crazy, comprehending the sword marks here.

After she remembered all these sword marks, she took action and destroyed this place.

With a boom,

This place turned into an abyss.

All the sword marks disappeared.

After doing all this, Long Xianer's mouth raised a smile.

She turned and left.

Lin Xuan didn't know that the incomplete sword technique he created was discovered by Long Xian'er.

Also regarded as a treasure by Long Xianer.

Even secretly practiced.

At this moment, he came to a new mountain range, and Lin Xuan continued to cultivate here.

Before long, he stopped.

Looking at the void ahead, the light of reincarnation appeared in his eyes.

Behind, the phantom of the blue sky and white crane appeared,

Lin Xuan showed the eye of heaven.

He found that the void had left some shadow marks.

Is anyone here?

Is a powerful true god, and there is more than one.

Look at the breath, not from their Dragon Palace, who is that?

Lin Xuan was curious, and he followed.

With the powerful eyes of reincarnation, Lin Xuan followed all the way.

Finally, he saw several figures.

Even, I heard a few people talking.

These few people actually want to do something to the genius of the Dragon Race.

It seemed that he wanted to hit the dragon genius seriously.

It should be for the next Protoss Ranking Tournament.

Those who want to come here should be from the Protoss.

"That crazy god, I haven't found it for the time being, but I have found Jun Wushuang's whereabouts."

"First abolish this Jun Wushuang, and then do something with others."

"The most important thing is to find the mad god. He is a great threat to the son of God."

Several mysterious people moved quickly, and they flew towards a valley in the distance.

There is where Jun Wushuang is.

at the same time,

Qianlong Pavilion,

When Long Tingshui received a message, his expression changed.

He stood up and said, "No, go to the deserted area."

"what happened?"

Long Tingshan asked.

Long Tingshui said, "According to the news from my subordinates. Some Protoss has already begun to act and are ready to attack our geniuses."

"Who is so mean?"

Long Tingshan's complexion changed.

Long Tinglei was murderous, he turned into a thunder light, soaring into the sky, disappearing.

This time, even Long Ting Chan was not calm, he also rushed over.

The 4 powerful Azure Dragon elders slew towards the deserted ancient area.

Beyond the valley,

Several mysterious people approached quietly.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of them.

Several people were shocked, have they been found?

Who is it? Can find them so easily

Is it the elder Qinglong coming?

Their scalp is numb,

No matter how strong they are, they are no match for the elder Qinglong.

It shouldn't be, their action was very secretive.

"Who sent you here?"

The figure in front said lightly.

Several mysterious people were startled.

When they saw clearly that there was a young man ahead, they were stunned.

When they saw clearly that there was a mad **** in front, they looked even more weird.

Soon, someone laughed: "You can't find a place to step through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it."

"I was thinking where to find you, but I didn't expect that you would come here to die."

Solve the mad **** first.

Several powerful true gods rushed over quickly.

These people are not young people, and some have lived for endless years.

They joined forces, really terrifying.

Lin Xuan took out a scroll and crushed it.

The scroll formed a spatial vortex, enveloped several people, forming a spatial battlefield.

After coming to this battlefield, Lin Xuan had no scruples.

Just to show off the magic rune that I have recently practiced.

Lin Xuan raised his hand and played a Tianlong Talisman.


A phantom of a dragon rushed straight, and instantly shot a mysterious person flying.

The mysterious man vomited blood and his body was torn apart.

how is this possible?

These mysterious people have been blinded.

They are extremely powerful Dacheng true gods, much stronger than these young people.

The combat experience is even richer.

But unexpectedly, he was hit hard as soon as he came up.

What kind of power does this mad **** exert?

Why have they never seen it?

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