Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7831: His kendo! Approaching Lin Wudi!

The gap between these geniuses is getting bigger and bigger.

Long Tingshan sighed.

To be honest, he himself was quite hopeful and helped Mad God.

However, he has no chance.

Long listened to the water and snorted coldly: "People, there is a gap in the first place, now it is normal to open the gap."

When he saw Long Xian'er, a smile appeared on his face.

He said: "What is your strength?"

Long Xian'er showed his strength, and Long Tingshui was extremely satisfied.

Not bad, not bad, as he thought.

In addition to Long Xian'er, Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and their strengths have also been greatly improved.

On the other side, the strengths of Lei Lie and Jian Tianchen also increased substantially.

Everyone has improved.

The few geniuses who followed Long Tingchan looked painful.

Their strength has also improved,

However, the improvement was too slow.

I didn’t even reach 1/10 of others,

They are all about to collapse.

If this goes on, they will definitely get cold.

While resting, these geniuses found Lin Xuan.

They said: "Crazy God, don't you worry at all?"

"That's right, or let's change to another elder together."

"I think it's good to listen to Elder Lei."

They knew that Lin Xuan and the true dragon clan were not dealing with each other, so they didn't dare to talk about Elder Ting Shui.

However, Elder Ting Lei is not from the Qinglong line.

They hope to unite the mad **** and join Elder Tinglei's men together.

"Yes, mad god, are you willing to waste time here?"

"Three years have passed, and the time for the rankings is very close."

"If we waste it like this again, we will undoubtedly lose when the time comes."

"I'm afraid I can't even survive the knockout."

Lin Xuan glanced at these geniuses and said faintly, "Have you not improved in strength?"

"How do I feel, this kind of cultivation method suits me well."

"In the past three years, my strength has improved a lot."

Several geniuses:...

Have you improved? Who are you lie to?

How can you improve your strength if you meditate all day?

Several geniuses were disappointed. To be honest, they looked up to the mad **** before.

Crazy God turned the tide, defeated the genius of the Protoss, and dared to challenge the big brother.

Do a lot of things they dare not do.

However, they found that after the mad **** returned from the deserted ancient area, he changed.

The other party is no longer the arrogant genius before.

Become weird and inexplicable,

Many people even said that the other party was abolished.

Before, these few geniuses didn’t believe it,

But now it seems that this crazy **** must have a problem.

Maybe it was really scrapped,

It is also possible that there is a problem with the brain.

The other party actually feels that this kind of cultivation method is good? This is obviously a waste of time.

They no longer paid attention to the crazy god, but looked at Jun Wushuang.

They said: "Wushuang, what do you think? Do you want to go with us?"

"I think it's pretty good."

Jun Wushuang whispered.

To be honest, during this time, she had some dreams.

She also felt that this method was a waste of time.

But for some reason, her strength has improved rapidly during this period.

In particular, she found that her great principles have become stronger.

Although I didn't understand the reason.

However, Jun Wushuang felt that it would definitely be beneficial to stay with Long Ting Chan and Lin Xuan.

"What? Would you like to stay here too?"

It's over, another crazy one.

Several geniuses were desperate.

Without the mad **** to take the lead, the remaining geniuses dare not say anything about leaving.

No matter how bad Long Ting Chan is, that is also the elder Qinglong, and it is still the existence they want to look up to.

If Long Tingchan is angered, they will end badly.

However, they didn't plan to, and they just waited to die.

They have to use their own methods to improve their strength.


The blue dragon lantern, once again transformed into a blue dragon phantom.

He said: "In the two years of Azure Dragon Fantasy Realm, your strength has improved a lot."

"However, the illusion is an illusion after all, and you have no life or death crisis."

"Some potential, you can't realize it."

"Next, you will go to the barren ancient area for a real contest."

"This time, you will face life and death."

"Get ready and set off in three days."

Everyone took a deep breath and began to prepare.

Those geniuses breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally they can leave here and go to the deserted ancient area. They will practice in their own way.

Three days later, everyone set off for the deserted ancient area.

As soon as they entered the desolate ancient area, these people walked in different directions.

Jun Wushuang followed Lin Xuan, looking at Long Xian'er.

She whispered: "This Long Xian'er is really strong."

"She has improved very quickly during this time."

"I once saw her make a shot in the Azure Dragon Fantasy Realm from a distance. It was really terrifying."

"I'm afraid I'm going to fight her, I can't even survive three moves."

"You have to be careful! She is Long Tatian's sister. If she meets during a game, she will definitely not keep her hands."

Hearing this, Lin Xuan's eyes flickered.

Long Xian'er? He seems to have never regarded the other party as an opponent.

His opponent is Long Tatian.

In this ranking match, it should be those gods.

Longxian is strong, but he hasn't paid attention to it yet.

But others don't think so.

Even Jun Wushuang felt that Lin Xuan felt the pressure, so he was silent!


Jian Tianchen walked towards Longxian.

When he came to Long Xian'er, he said, "Princess Xian'er, I heard that you want to create your own swordsmanship?"

"Yes, I have this plan."

Long Xian'er remembered the conversation between her and Long Tingshui three days ago.

Three days ago, she had just come out of the Azure Dragon Fantasy Realm, and her strength has greatly increased.

The displayed power also made Long Tingshui satisfied.

However, Long Tingshui told her something new.

Long Tingshui asked her: "What do you think of the law of water?"

Without even thinking about it, Long Xian'er said, "The law of water is good."

"Using softness to overcome the rigidity, four or two against a thousand catties, the defense is also very strong."

This is the consensus of everyone.

However, Long Tingshui said: "You are right, but it is not comprehensive."

"Water seems weak, but this is only one side of it."

"Water is still the sharpest weapon."

When hearing this sentence, Long Xian'er's first reaction was not to believe it.

Are you kidding me? Why is the water sharp?

Then you are optimistic.

The dragon listened to the water and used his own law of water.

A water sword appeared in front of him,

A sword slashed forward.

This sword split the world,

Long Xian'er's body trembled.

She can feel the horror of this sword.

The sharp aura on this sword was too terrifying, beyond her imagination.

It feels sharper than the law of gold and the law of thunder.

Is this really the power of water?

Long Xian'er also has the law of water, she wants to create her own sword of water.

She looked at Jian Tianchen and said, "Yes, I want to create my own sword technique."

"What do you need? Tell me, I have certain accomplishments in kendo. I can help you."

"I hope you will come to me to learn from you after you have mastered your swordsmanship."

"no problem."

Long Xian'er nodded, and the two changed their sound transmission bells, and then left.

From behind, Jun Wushuang saw this scene and said to Lin Xuan again: "I heard that Jian Tianchen's talent in kendo is very scary."

"In the past few years, his swordsmanship has improved rapidly."

"Some people even say that his kendo talent is very close to Lin Wudi."

"If you encounter it again, you must be careful."

Lin Xuan's expression was also very strange after hearing this.

Is the opponent's talent for swordsmanship close to him?

To be honest, he doesn't care,

No one can match his kendo.

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