Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7821: Our Highness, above Long Tatian!

Zhen Qianjue said, "Princess Xian'er, or let's go."

what did you say?

Princess Xian'er was stunned,

Let her go?


Zhen Qianjue also sighed. Although unhappy, what can he do?

This is not their place, this is the Nether Castle!

The opponent is here and has an absolute advantage. In real fights, they have no advantage at all.

Moreover, the other party has already given compensation, waived the bill, and also sent a gift, which is considered to be a step down.

In addition, the ancestors behind this nether castle have hands and eyes open to the sky, and most people dare not offend them.

Even the Protoss did not dare to provoke each other easily.

Thinking about going, Zhen Qianjue is ready to leave.

Of course, this Liangzi has been settled, and this enmity will definitely be avenged in the future.

Long Xian'er was unwilling.

Are you kidding me? Halfway through the banquet, let her leave, isn't this slap her in the face?

Just now, how arrogant she was, how many people were flattering her?

Isn't it because of her noble status and extraordinary status?

Now there are people who want to overturn her identity, how can she bear it?

She said: "I won't go to the Earth-Step Hall, I will stay in the Heaven-Step Hall."

The old butler snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the surrounding people in battle armor rose into the air.

At the same time, in the 4 weeks of the Heavenly Order Hall, many formations appeared.

These formations are extremely terrifying, even the Peak True God, it is difficult to resist.

not good.

Zhen Qianjue's expression changed drastically.

They felt a fatal crisis.

They said: "Don't do it, let's leave."

After speaking, Zhen Qianjue and several elders came to Xian'er.

They said, "We have to go."

If Long Xian'er disagrees, they will forcibly take each other away.

Long Xian'er was extremely unwilling. She gritted her teeth and asked, "Who is it? Dare to steal my limelight?"

"No comment." The old butler shook his head, and then said: "Everyone, please leave."

"The young man is hungry and is waiting for dinner."

Everyone took a breath.

Listen to the tone of the old housekeeper, next, a young man is coming.

That must be some **** son!

Many people from the Protoss are extremely puzzled.

The son of God does have this method, but they have not received any news.

Feeling the gazes of Long Xian'er and others, they shook their heads and said, "Not the **** son of our family."

Who is that?

Everyone is curious.

Which son on earth can make Netherworld Castle even offend Long Xian'er?

You know, Long Xian'er has an extraordinary status, and offending Long Xian'er is equivalent to offending Long Tatian.

That is the **** king of the future!

People in Nether Castle, as long as they are not lunatics, will never easily offend, a future **** king.

Unless the people who come next, their status is extremely guarded.

It is even possible that there is a **** king standing behind.

Long Xian'er did not expect that the other party would actually dare to do it.

Her body trembled with anger, and he said, "Well, I remember you."

"Nether Castle, right? You wait!"

She left angrily.

She also did not go to the ground floor hall next to her, but left the Nether Castle directly.

People from the real dragon line snorted coldly, and they also followed.

When she left, Zhen Qianjue still said coldly: "You will regret today's decision."


The old butler spoke lightly.

Now that he had torn his face, he didn't need to give the other party a smile.

They have an extraordinary status in the ancient castle,

And Dragon Palace, the situation is complicated.

This time, they were just offended.

They don't care.

Those other people also left one after another.

The Heavenly Order Hall immediately became quiet.

At the same time, two figures walked over, it was Nether Ancestor and Lin Xuan.

The old butler respectfully bowed, and said, "Your Royal Highness, please come in."

Ahead, Long Han left with the Dragon Clan.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked around. He saw a young figure walking into the hall.

When he saw this figure, he was struck by lightning.

He felt that he was familiar with that figure,

In his mind, he had a name.

Mad god.


Mad God has disappeared for 200 years, and it is absolutely impossible to come out.

It's even more impossible to live.

Long Han shook his head frantically.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was a bitter light in his eyes.

He was going to take a closer look.

But he found that the young figure in front had already entered the Heavenly Order Hall.

"Long Han, what are you doing?"

Ahead, Zhen Qianjue asked coldly.

Long Han hurriedly followed, his expression extremely weird.

The people around were angry, and these powerful dragons swore that they would take revenge.

Long Xian'er didn't say a word, but there was killing intent in her heart.

She swears that one day, she will step on the ghost castle under her feet.

She wants this old housekeeper to die.

Also, the mysterious son who robbed her of the limelight this time, she wouldn't let him go!

You are waiting! What happened today, I will return it 10,000 times in the future!

Those from other clans were also shocked.

Although they dare not say anything, everyone is extremely puzzled.

Even, secretly began to exchange speculations about the identity of the mysterious son.

Several Protoss people have already left.

They returned to the family and prepared to ask, is it the **** son of their own family that they have taken action?

After leaving the old castle, Long Xian'er let out a cold snort, which turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared.

Those people from other clans also saluted one after another, and then left separately.

It won’t take long to think about it, and the news will spread all over the world.

Long Xian'er was completely ashamed this time.

On the way back, Long Han said: "Elder, I just saw an acquaintance."

Zhen Qianjue did not respond.

Is it time to talk about this? What I am thinking about now is how can UU read save face?

Long Han thought for a while, and continued: "I seem to have seen the mad **** and walked into the heavenly hall."

"what did you say?"

Zhen Qianjue stopped abruptly, and the others stopped one after another.

The people of the dragon clan were all dumbfounded: "What happened again?"

Zhen Qianjue stared at Long Han and said, "Say what you just said again."

Countless eyes fell on Long Han.

Long Han could only bite the bullet and said, "I seem to have seen the mad **** and walked into the Heavenly Order Hall."

These words were like a thunder that stunned everyone.

After a moment of silence, everyone roared: "This is impossible."

Zhen Shaoyu roared frantically: "You must be mistaken."

Zhen Shaoyang also said: "The crazy **** is dead, how can he be alive?"

Zhen Shaoyue also sneered: "Even if he is alive, but what is he?"

"How can he be qualified to enter the Heavenly Order Hall?"

In Long Xian'er's eyes, it was murderous.

Mad God, she heard the name again,

She asked: "Are you sure, are you crazy?"

Long Han shook his head: "I'm not sure, I only saw a back view."

Only for a moment, but I just feel familiar.

Long Xian'er said, "Would you like to go back and have a look?"

The other elders were taken aback.

Are you kidding me?

They just jumped out of Longtan, but they don't want to go in again.

"Long Han must be dazzled, the crazy **** is dead, it is impossible to be alive."

"Yes, even if he is still alive, he doesn't have the ability to enter the Heavenly Order Hall."

Long Xian'er retracted his gaze and snorted coldly.

She swears that after going back, she must use all the strength in her hands.

Find out the mysterious son.

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