Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7806: The talent of God's child!

what? Under ten thousand years old!

Upon hearing this, Xiaoyaohou and Mo Dinghou, their faces became extremely ugly.

This time, all they brought were geniuses, and the weakest were the Dacheng Gods.

It is impossible to cultivate to this state for 10,000 years.

You know that before, in the ranking match of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, it was also a person under 300,000 years old.

Most of them are close to 300,000 years old.

Ten thousand years old, too young.

In addition to the son of God, with the blood of the king of god, he can cultivate to the realm of true **** at the age of ten thousand years

Other people are simply impossible.

This time, among the people they came, there was no Son of God.

In other words, can no one enter?

"Huh, I don't believe it."

Some people do not believe it, try again.

However, no one was able to enter, and even one was injured by the law.

Everyone is really desperate,

It seems that it can only return without success.

Forget it, let's get the Yuhua Qingjin first, let's talk about it!

Xiaoyaohou, Mo Dinghou and others are ready to leave.

Two mysterious half-step **** kings rose into the air.

They will not let each other take away the feathered green gold.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, but at this moment, a figure walked towards the passage.

This figure is Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan looked strange when he heard the condition before.

Ten thousand years old?

He just fits,

His age is under ten thousand years old.

Everyone knows that he is young, but no one knows, how young is he?

To be honest, Lin Xuan's age was much younger than these people imagined.

This time, other people could not get in, but he could.

Seeing someone still tried, the two mysterious half-step **** kings sneered.

I didn't care about it at all.

The people of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa and the Demon God Race also shook their heads and sighed.

They took a look and found that it was a mad god, but so what?

The mad **** is strong, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to counter the rules left by the **** king.

The other party can't get in.

Lin Xuan quickly came to the passage.

Step out,

His figure entered the passage and disappeared.

what's the situation? People?

This sudden change stunned everyone.

The two half-step **** kings were dumbfounded, and their eyes were almost staring out.

They rushed over, came to the side of the passage, and probed carefully.

Found Lin Xuan's figure, disappeared.

He went in!

This is impossible. Is his age under ten thousand years old?

Just kidding, how can people under ten thousand years old come here?

Are you looking for death?

Or does he have the blood of the Son of God?

The two mysterious figures were really stunned.

Don't say it was them, the people of the two great protoss were also shocked.

Mojie, Mo Wangyue, they were stunned: How could the other party get in?

The madman was also stunned, and he looked in a daze.

He murmured: Is it the other party's age, under ten thousand years old?

Hearing this, everyone gasped: Just kidding!

The mad **** eliminated the demon lunatic and others! How could it be so young?

But if it is not under ten thousand years old, how can the other party enter the channel?

They are really blinded.

Mojie and the others shook their heads frantically, and they didn't believe that they were too young to kill them.

Even Mo Dinghou was taken aback. He looked at Xiaoyaohou and asked, "Crazy God, is he the Son of God?"

Xiaoyao Hou shook his head, he was pretty sure that Mad God was not the **** son of the Dragon Race.

To be precise, the opponent is not even a member of the Protoss, the opponent is a person of this era.

Not even the most common ancient bloodline.

However, the other party’s talent is too bad,

This is definitely a talent at the God Child level.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyaohou became excited.

As expected, he was a genius he fancyed, and he did not disappoint.

He laughed and said, "Although the mad **** is not a child of god, he has the talent of a child of god."

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar.

Mo Dinghou's expression also changed: Too bad!

Mojie and others couldn't accept it, they were all stupid there.

The people at Xiaoyao Villa were excited, they stared at the passage and talked a lot.

I don’t know, what treasure is there? Can Mad God get it?

The two mysterious figures were also shocked.

It's no wonder that he is so young to have the talent of a **** child.

The next moment, they snorted: "What about going in? He doesn't want to come out alive."

"What do you mean?"

Xiaoyaohou's expression changed: "Is there any danger in it?"

The mysterious figure snorted coldly: "The horror here is beyond your imagination."

"Let's tell you so, let alone the true god. Even if you two half-step **** kings can really go in, you will not be able to come out alive."

Could it be that only people of the God King level can come out?

When thinking of this possibility, everyone was stunned.

Wouldn't the crazy **** go in without a doubt?

"There is another possibility." The two mysterious people said with a smile: "If he becomes a mortal. Then naturally he is not restricted by this law and can come out."

Become a mortal?

Has the cultivation base been abolished? Are you kidding me?

Xiaoyaohou's face was extremely ugly.

Those other people were also in an uproar.

The disciples of Xiaoyao Villa were all blinded.

How do you feel even more dangerous after entering?

Isn't it a treasure inside? It's a trap?


Mojie, Mowangyue, they laughed triumphantly.

It turns out that this is a big This crazy **** is really idiot. Jump into the pit yourself.

Now it’s good, either die or be abolished,

In short, this crazy **** is over.

They were all defeated by the mad god, desperate for a while.

They felt that there was no hope to surpass the mad **** in the future.

Now that the crazy gods are so far, they are naturally happy.

The madman sighed, but he didn't want anything to happen to the mad god.

He still wants to fight the mad **** again, and he wants to win back upright.

Now it seems impossible.

"Okay, I've told you so much nonsense, we are impatient, you guys get out of here."

Two mysterious powerhouses, once again shot,

The war broke out.

Lin Xuan didn't know what was happening outside, nor did he know the danger of this passage.

He entered the passage,

Not long after he walked, he discovered that light appeared in front of him.

He couldn't help speeding up,

Finally, he left the passage.

There are new changes ahead, as if a world of its own.

The mountains are clear and beautiful, as if you have come to the fairy world.

Lin Xuan turned his head and looked around, and found that the passage behind him had disappeared.

He was taken aback for a moment, and didn't pay much attention.

He walked forward and looked at the space curiously.

This place is very mysterious, with ancient atmosphere, a bit like his ancient place.

In the distance, there are some green hills,

There are also some lakes and forests around.

After passing through the forest, Lin Xuan stopped, and in front of him, he found a tree.

This tree is not so tall, just like an ordinary willow tree.

However, its leaves are golden.

On each leaf, there is a rune.

It's like a rune of heaven, unusually mysterious.

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