Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7803: Sweep the demons!

Lin Xuan's strength exceeded the imagination of these people, and everyone was shocked for a while.

Xiaoyao Hou relaxed a lot, and the frowning brows were also stretched.

He took out a purple gourd, opened it, and took a sip of wine.

His mood has become very good.

Mo Dinghou's face was as black as the bottom of the pot.


Thousands of calculations, I did not expect that there is such a genius among the other young people.

He can only put hope on the peak battlefield, and hope that over there, he can expand his advantage.

However, he still underestimated Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan is more than just defeating the devil, what he has to do next is even more amazing.

Lin Xuan turned his head and looked at the other gods of the Demon Race.

Soon, he stared at Mo Wangyue,

He walked forward.

Mo Wangyue jumped down, she shook her head and said: I am not your opponent.

She wanted to escape,

Lin Xuan stopped her in an instant.

Lin Xuan said lightly: "You can admit defeat and leave the battlefield on your own initiative. I will spare you once."

"what did you say?"

Mo Wangyue's face was extremely ugly.

She is a tall girl of heaven, no one has ever dared to speak to her like this.

Now, someone dared to threaten her,


However, she dared not do it.

The opponent had just defeated the demon lunatic, and his momentum was extremely strong.

Do you just give in?

Just kidding, where does she put her face?

Mo Wangyue stared at Lin Xuan, and suddenly, she smiled.

She said: "I admit that you are very strong. You have defeated the lunatic, beyond everyone's expectations."

"But you have a limit when you are strong."

"Before you had a battle with the devil, you should go all out."

"You don't have much power left, right?"

As he talked, Mo Wang became more excited.

She felt that she was right, the other party should be the last one.

In this state, do not find a place to hide, and recover well. The other party dared to come over, and it was arrogant enough to shoot her.

No wonder you dare to be called a mad god.

However, the other side's path is over.

She smiled and said: "Just now, I was really taken aback by your aura."

"But you can't fool me at all."

"Even if you are a genius, but you don't have any strength anymore, what do you use to fight me?"

"Just let me defeat you."

Mo Wangyue stepped out one step, and an extremely terrifying light emerged from her body.

A crescent, a black crescent appeared on the center of his eyebrows.

And in her hand, it appeared, a black full moon scimitar, extremely sharp.


Without any nonsense, Mo Wangyue quickly killed him.

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Isn't it? Demon lunatics are defeated, Mo Wangyue actually dared to do it."

"Listen to Mochizuki, this crazy **** doesn't have much power."

"It turned out to be like this."

The people of the Demon Race also laughed.

This mad **** must pay for his arrogance.

I have no strength?

Lin Xuan looked very strange, looking at the rushing figure, he slapped his hand up.

Valkyrie palm.

With a bang, the full moon scimitar was shot and flew out, and Mo Wangyue flew out.

Half of her face was badly photographed.

She was blindfolded, covering her face, dumbfounded.

How could it be like this?

How could the opponent's strength and quantity be so strong?

Lin Xuan retracted his palm and said faintly, "Your imagination is very rich."

"Who told you I'm out of strength?"

"Impossible! Bluffing, you must be bluffing."

Mo Wangyue roared and rushed over again.

She exerted all her strength.

Her strength is indeed very strong, at the same level as Mojie.

Now he is doing his best, even better than Mojie.

But no matter how strong she is, she can't beat Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan used the martial arts body, with a few moves, the Demon Wangyue was shot and flew away.

Another punch smashed Mo Wangyue's body.

Mo Wangyue was severely injured and screamed, her face full of horror.

The other party really still has power, how could it be like this?

The opponent fought the demon lunatic for so long, and his strength did not weaken at all.

What kind of evil is this?

She was really scared, turned around and fled.

How could Lin Xuan let the other party escape?

He wants to eliminate everyone.

He rushed over quickly and stepped in the air.

A terrifying dragon shadow appeared under his feet, and instantly smashed the world.

Mo Wangyue's body shattered again.

"Give up, I give up."

Mo Wangyue can only admit defeat and leave the battlefield.

If it continues, she will definitely die.

The people of the Demon Race have collapsed, and they are another top arrogant, have they lost?

Their younger generation, the top three, were all eliminated.

Moreover, it was eliminated by the same person.

They looked at Lin Xuan with deep horror in their eyes.

Lin Xuan looked at the others and said lightly, "Who is next?"

The people of the Demon Clan trembled: Is the opponent going to make a move?

Lin Xuan said, "I will give you a chance. Take the initiative to give in, and you can suffer less pain."

"Otherwise, if I take the shot, you can't bear it."

"Damn it, kind of fight me."

Some strong men roared crazy.

Lin Xuan glanced at these people and ignored them.

These people's cultivation bases are all higher than him, and they cannot take the initiative to act on him.

This is also why Lin Xuan dared to make a move.

It can be said that the rules of this battle are very beneficial to him.

Next, Lin Xuan shot.

The other Demon Clan disciples are not his opponents at all, and they are constantly eliminated.

In an instant, more than a dozen people were eliminated.

The demons have all collapsed, and if this continues, they will undoubtedly lose.

Even at the peak of the battlefield, they all win, but in the end, they will still lose.

Mo Dinghou's face was extremely ugly.

In his eyes, fire seemed to burst out, and his body was trembling with anger.

He couldn't help but want to shoot, and slapped this crazy **** to death.

However, he couldn't make a move. Xiaoyaohou, who was next to him, kept staring at him!

Seeing the smile on Xiaoyaohou's face, Dinghou was even more mad.

He couldn't wait to step on the other side's face with his big feet.

He now knows that he was pitted.

He gritted his teeth and said: "You have known that he is strong, so you have set the rules of the battlefield. People with a high level of cultivation are not allowed to do it."

Xiaoyaohou smiled and said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"People with a high level of cultivation are not allowed to do it. This is a genius to protect both of us."

"Not just for the mad god."

"Don't you think the demon lunatic and others will be slapped to death by the peak war god?"

Mo Ding Hou vomited blood, the reason was grand-sounding, he really couldn't fault it.

He could only snorted heavily.

In the end, Mo Dinghou directly closed his eyes and didn't want to look at it again.

The people of other demons are also desperate.

The younger generation, the geniuses of the demons, have all been eliminated, not one left.

Only the people of Xiaoyao Villa were left on the young battlefield.

Xiao Yang, Xiao Yu and other geniuses looked at each other, they were like dreaming.

Not long ago, they were desperate for a while, ready to fight back.

However, in the blink of an eye, the situation reversed.

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