Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7987: Accept your fate? I! Change your fate!

Life Fire is a very terrifying flame that no one can resist.

After Lin Xuan was hit, a group of mysterious auras appeared beside him, like a dream.

No, I was hit.

People of the Dragon tribe, their complexion changed greatly when they saw this scene.

Even Xiaoyaohou had a trace of despair in his eyes.

He stood up, he wanted to admit defeat.

In his opinion, no matter how strong the mad **** is, he should not be able to resist it.

And the mad god, with such a good talent, definitely cannot fall here.

He said, "Well, this battle has stopped."

"Crazy God lost."

Hearing this, the people of the dragon clan were in an uproar, and Jun Wentian sighed again and again.

However, they are still more worried about Lin Xuan's safety.

On the other side, the geniuses of the Star God Clan smiled.

It seems that the emperor is even more powerful.

Zhen Shaoyang snorted coldly on the side of the real dragon family.

"I already said that he is not an opponent of the Emperor."

"Next, I will do it."

He was ready to challenge Lin Xuan, stepping on the opponent's feet and exhaling.

At this time, Old Monster Sikong shook his head and said, "Xiaoyaohou, don't you know?"

"This fire of fate, there is no way to stop it."

"what did you say?"

After listening to Xiaoyao Hou, his complexion changed.

The others were also stunned.

what does it mean?

Old Monster Sikong said: "How mysterious and terrifying is life fire."

"Even the emperor can't fully control it."

"Moreover, he has reminded the mad **** before."

"He gave the crazy **** a chance to surrender, but the crazy **** missed it."

"Now, unless the mad **** can stop the fire, otherwise, his fate will only be wiped out."

How could it be like this?

Everyone was dumbfounded: if you fail, will you fall?

Then this end was too miserable.

When the water, the fire, their complexion changed greatly,

They said: "Elder, hurry up and save the mad son!"

Jun Wentian stood up and showed his control over the world, trying to stop the fight.

Old Monster Sikong said: "If you want to die, just do it."

"If you are hit by the command fire, you will definitely die."

"But I can't just watch the crazy **** fall." Jun Wentian still rushed over,

Halfway, he was stopped by Xiaoyaohou.

He didn't want to let the powerhouse of the dragon clan fall in vain.

He looked forward and said, "What if I shoot?"

"Neither can you, can you change your fate against the sky?"

Old Monster Sagong shook his head and sighed.

"Accept your fate!"

"In the face of fate, no one can resist."

The people of the Dragon Race were desperate, and even the people of the Star God Race had serious faces.

Although they won, this method frightened them.

The only ones who are happy are those of the real dragon family.

If it were not for Xiaoyaohou and the presence of many strong players, they would have laughed out loud.

But even so, the corners of their mouths rose unconsciously.

Even some people are happy.

Zhen Shaoyang and the others were even more excited: "Haha, this crazy **** is too idiotic."

"It looks like he will be wiped out without me."

A peerless enemy fell, and they were extremely happy.


Lin Xuan was enveloped by the mysterious life fire.

He did not fall like everyone thought.

Lin Xuan stood there unscathed,

He felt the power in this life fire.

He has a weird look,

This flame really has something to do with the land of fate!

I'm afraid I will die if I change to another person.

But it is a pity that Lin Xuan had been to the Land of Destiny and changed his fate against the sky.

This fate has no effect on him.

Others don't know, not even the Throne.

The throne at the moment, sitting on the throne, he waved his hand and flew forward.

He was condescending, like a master, he said: "I will master your destiny."

He also entered, in that dreamlike light.

In an instant, he saw Lin Xuan.

The scene ahead was different from what he had imagined.

In his opinion, Lin Xuan should struggle painfully and resist.

This is a resistance to fate,

However, this resistance was futile.

Throughout the ages, only a very small number of people have been able to change their lives against the sky.

And these people are all the existence that has swept through the ages.

Mad God definitely does not exist like this,

The opponent should fall in despair.

However, now?

The opponent stood there, unscathed, even expressionless.

what's the situation? Has it fallen?

The emperor walked forward, wanting to observe closely.

Just when he came to Lin Xuan, the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile.

Kick out, kick the throne out.

The emperor screamed, his body shattered, and flew into the distance like a broken kite.

He was blinded: "How is it possible? You can even fight back?"

The Emperor was really scared.

Just kidding, under the fire, the opponent didn't immediately disappear, it was already against the sky.

How could the other party still have extra power to attack him?

Lin Xuan said: "I'm sorry, your life is of no use to me."

After speaking, Lin Xuan walked forward,

The power in him exploded again.

It's like the rebirth of Valkyrie.


With another kick, the emperor was kicked out. How many bones were broken?

He is really blinded.


In the third move, he was kicked out of a dreamy light.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

what's the situation? The emperor flew out, and the sky was stained with blood.

Just kidding!

Is the mad **** making the shot?


The Star God Clan shook his head: "The mad **** has fallen, no one can contend with Old Monster Sikong also frowned, and then he said: "It's a fateful fire, sure enough. "

"The Emperor can't control it either."

"It looks like it should have been bitten by the fire."

It must be like this.

After listening, everyone nodded.

In the next moment, they were blinded.

They found that after the Emperor's seat flew out, Lin Xuan had also walked out.

The moment Lin Xuan came out, the world was quiet and terrible.

Everyone's eyes were almost staring out.

Old Monster Sikong and Xiaoyaohou, two half-step **** kings, were also blinded.

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and others were even more thunderous.

They ranted frantically: "Impossible, how could you still be alive?"

Lin Xuan encircled the surroundings, giving everyone a panoramic view of their expressions.

He smiled and said, "Sorry, I let you down."

"I'm safe and sound."

"This fateful fire is nothing but that."

The crowd swallowed wildly, they were really frightened.

What kind of method did this mad **** use to block his life?

Can the other party be able to counter his own destiny?

What a heaven-defying thing!

The people of the Star Gods were blinded, and Zhen Shaoyang and others were desperate.

But Jun Wentian and the others cheered.

Haha, great, the mad **** has nothing to do.

They were really scared to death just now.

Even Xiaoyaohou was relieved, but he was more shocked.

Even he couldn't resist the fire of life, did the other party actually block it?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed!

How did the other party do it?

Lin Xuan looked forward and stared at the emperor seat.

He said: "Your fate, I have already learned, then, it's time for me to fight back."

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