Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7963: The world dragon family is 1

Xiaoyao Mountain Villa is located in the deserted ancient area of ​​Jiuyou Land.

Said to be a mountain villa, in fact it is extremely vast, bigger than a real world of stars.

In the villa, there is not only Xiaoyaohou alone, but also many of Xiaoyaohou's disciples and servants.

On this day, Xiaoyao Villa was extremely lively.

The warriors of the dragon race gathered together to meet Xiaoyaohou.

Lin Xuan followed Jun Wentian and others.

As the true **** of the pinnacle, Jun Wentian was extremely nervous at this moment.

No way, this time it was decided whether to win over a half-step **** king as a backer.

For them, the next development is too important.

It can be said that it can play a key role.

This month, he searched countless star worlds to prepare gifts for Xiaoyaohou.

He really found it, a nice gift.

After I want to come to Xiaoyao Hou, I will definitely be happy.

In addition to Jun Wentian, there are also some elders.

These elders were extremely excited one by one.

Lin Xuan and Shui Yi, Huo Yi, the young genius is there.

The elders warned Shui Yi and others, saying: "After entering the villa for a while, be sure to observe the etiquette."

Shui first class, nodded quickly.

The elder looked at Lin Xuan again, and said, "Crazy God, in a moment, you will also keep your temper."

"Even if you can't win Xiaoyaohou, you can't, let Xiaoyaohou be angry and disgusted."

Lin Xuan looked weird: Am I arrogant?

Several elders rolled their eyes: If you are not arrogant, there will be no arrogant people in this world.

The water next to him asked, "By the way, Elder, we don't need to prepare gifts?"

Jun Wentian said: "You are juniors, you don't need to prepare gifts, we can do it."

"Let's go."

They landed downward.

At the door of Xiaoyao Villa, there were chariots parked.

The ancient chariot, with the breath of time.

From inside the chariot, one figure after another came down.

These are the true gods at the peak, extremely powerful.

With a stomping, the heavens and all realms will tremble.

However, at this moment, in front of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, the true gods of these peaks were extremely respectful.

Don't dare to have the slightest presumptuous.

Behind these peak war gods, there are other ordinary elders standing.

And some top talents,

The cultivation base of the Dacheng God, the first becoming true God, can be seen everywhere.

These people walked towards Xiaoyao Mountain Villa with gifts.

At the entrance of the villa, there were two rows of figures wearing cyan armor.

They are from Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, and they are also from the Dragon Race.

These people have a chic breath.

Standing at the forefront are two middle-aged men.

They are the descendants of Xiaoyaohou, and their strength has reached the peak true god.

The two of them personally greeted everyone.

The one on the left is called Xiao Tianyun, and the one on the right is called Xiao Tianlei.

Jun Wentian quietly introduced Lin Xuan and the others.

Then, he walked over and greeted the two of Xiao Tianyun.

After a few people chatted, Jun Wentian waved his hand and said to the people behind him: "Have you not seen the two seniors?"

"I have seen two seniors."

Everyone saluted.

Among them, there is a woman who is extremely extraordinary, and she is more noble than those of Shuiyi and Huoyi.

Her name is Jun Wushuang,

She is Jun Wentian's granddaughter.

"Wushuang came over and met two seniors."

Jun Wushuang walked out and saluted again.

Xiao Tianyun and Xiao Tianlei, the two smiled and said, "Wen Tian, ​​your granddaughter has an extraordinary blood."

"It is possible to surpass you in the future, and you can be considered a successor."

"Senior, I'm sorry." Jun Wushuang was very proud.

Jun Wentian laughed, "Her blood is good, but not top-notch."

"I will introduce another person to the two,"

"Crazy God, come here."

Jun Wentian waved his hand,

Lin Xuan walked out and saluted.

Jun Wentian said: "This is the top genius. Both the strength and talent are above Wushuang."

Jun Wushuang sighed in his heart. Although he was very upset, he had to admit that it was a fact.


Xiao Tianyun and the others were also surprised, their eyes fell on Lin Xuan.

Can Jun Wentian praise this way, think it should be extremely extraordinary.

However, it didn't matter at all, they were stunned.

They found that Lin Xuan did not seem to have an ancient bloodline.

Jun Wentian said: "The mad **** is a person of this era, and he is also a person of the dragon clan."

"Later joined our Dragon Palace."

"The ancestors once said that the dragons in the world are one family."

"Although the mad **** does not have an ancient bloodline, he has dragon blood and is extremely talented."

Xiao Tianyun and the others were surprised: People of this era!

Then there is no such a transcendent bloodline as them.

The opponent was even stronger than the genius of their wild ancient gods.

The other party must be unique,

They can't see through each other.

This crazy **** is very mysterious.

Xiao Tianlei was even more shocked. He asked, "You are cultivating like a martial arts technique, right?"

That's right.

Lin Xuan nodded, he didn't hide it either.

I can't hide it.

It's really Valkyrie!

Xiao Tianlei was shocked.

Xiao Tianyun also frowned: This kind of magic trick is very difficult to cultivate and very domineering.

Only one person can practice in an era.

He asked: "Are you the only one practicing in this era?"


Lin Xuan shook his head: "There is another person who is practicing, called Long Tatian."

"Now, he is close to the realm of God King."

Hearing this, Xiao Tianyun and the others were dumbfounded: Then you dare to practice?

Isn't this looking for death?

In the future, this Long Tatian will definitely seize the Martial God Body of Mad God.

Isn't this just making wedding dresses for people?

Is this crazy god's brain flooded?

The disciples behind him also looked strange.

"Hey, everyone, please come in."

Xiao Tianyun said no more.

No matter how talented this mad **** is, what about it?

There is no future, not worthy of attention.

Lin Xuan did not give too much explanation.

Does his choice need to be explained to others?

One day, he will prove to everyone that his choice was not reckless or wrong.

He will defeat Long Tatian.

Lin Xuan and his party entered the villa.

After entering, Xiao Tianyun sighed, "It's a pity."

In this era, it is not easy to have such a genius against the sky.

However, he does not cherish it.

On the other side, Jun Wentian and others comforted Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan said, "Don't worry, senior, I'm fine."

"Nothing can affect my martial arts path."

Jun Wushuang next to him said: "Actually, it's still too late for you to change a magic trick now."

"Thank you, but I don't need it."

Lin Xuan shook his head.

Jun Wushuang frowned slightly, she also felt that Crazy God was too arrogant.

She is also a top arrogant, she does not think that Crazy God can beat Long Tatian.

However, there is no way, people in your own line just support each other.

She is also powerless.

Most of the strong geniuses of the Dragon Clan are here, and the villa is very lively.

In addition to the Dragon Palace, some other gods also arrived.

These people also come to congratulate,

At the same time, they have another purpose.

That is, explore the state of Xiaoyaohou.

People from the ancient real dragon line are also here.

Hundreds of ancient chariots flew in the sky, very spectacular!

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