Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7959: 1 sword slash the heroes

Two peerless attacks collided in the air, forming a destructive force that swept all directions.

Many people around were thrown out.

People from the Tianyang Protoss watched this scene nervously.

Someone said: "Can you stop it?"

An old man smiled and said: "Of course, two golden mirrors, together, can sweep the world."

"No matter how strong the Wushen body is, it is not an opponent."


The two brothers Tiancang and Tianqi raised their mouths again with a smile.

They found that the Valkyrie Body was indeed blocked,

Gradually, it was shrouded in golden light.

The phantom to the Valkyrie was shaking slightly.

To be honest, the two of them were shocked.

They thought they could kill each other instantly.

But wherever he wanted it, the other party could actually stop it.

I have to say that the opponent's physique is too strong, even stronger than before.

It seems that in the past three years, the opponent's strength has improved again.

But what?

No matter how strong the opponent is, he still has to lose under the golden mirror.


The two bit their fingers and let their blood fall above the golden light realm.

The mirror bloomed again, with monstrous light, and its power greatly increased.

The golden light in the sky, with **** runes, would completely cover Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly.

I have to say that the counterpart’s golden mirror is indeed very strong.

However, his strength is stronger.

He looked up to the sky and roared, displaying the Valkyrie seal to the extreme.

The Valkyrie Phantom stepped out, shaking the ground.

And the sword aura in his hand, even more mysterious metal appeared, this was a fragment of the big dragon sword.

Lin Xuan urged the Martial God Seal to kill Jin Guangjing.

A palm is slapped on the golden mirror.


The crisp sound shattered the world,

Many people's primordial spirits were shattered, and the seven orifices were bleeding!

Tiancang and Tianqi's two brothers were even more struck by lightning.

They vomited blood and looked pale.

What shocked them even more was that they found that the golden mirror in front of them had cracks.

When dealing with Divine Mind before, the golden mirror had cracks.

The crack is small, like a spider web.

The current crack is like an earthworm!

And, it continues to crack.

They are crazy: is this impossible? The other party actually broke the golden mirror!

Just kidding, what kind of body is this?

Even the Demon God Child can't do this!

Those other people were also blinded,

Their brains are blank.

Is the golden mirror cracked?

Before they had time to say anything, Lin Xuan continued to shoot, and Wu Shen Yin shot again.

Three times in a row, the golden mirror shattered.

It turned into countless pieces and scattered all over the place.

The sky was like a lightning strike, and his body was instantly torn apart, blood staining the sky.

Lin Xuan shot again, smashing another golden mirror.

Tian Qi also turned into blood mist.

All this happened in the blink of an eye.

So that everyone did not react, and the two golden mirrors were broken.

What is the situation? Everyone is stupid.

The physique of this crazy **** is too strong, right?

This is going against the sky.

Even Long Han was blinded.

The demon **** child also took a breath, with a look of surprise, the iron pan in his hand fell to the ground.

So strong, isn't it a Tyrannosaurus?

Ah, damn.

In the void, two clusters of blood mist condensed, and the two brothers Tian Cang and Tian Qi emerged.

They were pale and extremely ugly,

Was their golden mirror shattered?

They are crazy.

"Fight with you."

The two quickly came.

"Fight with me, rely on you?"

Lin Xuan sneered and used the Qingyun sword spectrum to split the two bodies in an instant.

The two fell to the ground and suffered severe injuries.

Lin Xuan was condescending, looking down at the two,

He reached out the dragon's claws and Leng Sheng said, "Go to hell!"

The two brothers Tian Cang Tian Qi were completely frightened.

Did they lose?

Was it a complete failure?

The mad **** is too strong, so strong that they can't resist.

"Stop, you can't kill us, we are the top arrogant of the Tianyang Protoss."

"You killed us, the Heavenly Sun God Race will not let you go."

As soon as the voice fell, a dragon's claw grabbed the heads of the two of them, and slammed them toward the ground.

With a bang, the earth turned into an abyss, and the two of them broke blood.

The two of them were also crazy, their strength swelled, and they wanted Lin Xuan to go to **** together.

However, in Lin Xuan's palm, there was a sword aura, like a nail.

He stared at the bodies of the two in an instant,

The strength of the two was pierced.

At this moment, they seem to have become useless, with no counterattack.

Feeling this invincible sword aura, both of them were dumbfounded.

"Who are you? Who are you?"

This sword aura is too strong and directly damaged their bloodline,

This is detached sword energy.

Could it be the legendary dragon sword?

They roared: "Are you..."

Before they finished speaking, they stopped abruptly.

Lin Xuan dropped the killer and instantly killed the two souls.


Tianyang Protoss, two Tianjiao fell.

The surroundings were quiet and terrible, and the blood rained down in the sky.

The fragments of the golden mirror fell on the ground, making a clinking sound.

Everyone's bodies trembled.

Those who are weak have long since retreated far away and dare not make any more moves.

Those warriors and disciples of the Tianyang Divine Clan knelt to the ground.

They cried bitterly, did their arrogance fall?

Kill the crazy **** and avenge the two Tianjiao.

Tianyang Protoss, the remaining hundreds of warriors, rose into the sky.

The blood in them burned, releasing an extremely terrifying force.

On top of their heads, there was a blood rune, connected into one piece, and turned into an ancient golden crow.


With a roar, the Primordial Golden Crow slammed towards Lin Xuan.

If you are stubborn and dare to take action, then let you all go to hell.

Lin Xuan used the Qingyun sword spectrum and hit the Dragon in the and immediately stopped the Primordial Golden Crow.

After that, he used the Qingyun sword technique, and the misty sword aura enveloped hundreds of people.

In the next moment, hundreds of disciples of the Tianyang Protoss screamed.

They fell to the ground, a sword mark appeared on their eyebrows, and the soul was instantly cut off.

Killing hundreds of Protoss disciples with a single sword can be described as terrifying.

All the warriors of the Heavenly Sun God Race who came to the Demon Abyss fell!

"Who wants to take action?"

Lin Xuan looked around,

The people around had numb scalp and backed away.

The people of several great protoss did not leave.

Long Han walked over again.

The warriors of the Dragon Race behind them joined forces to form a formation.

The power is even more terrifying.

On the other side,

People from the Profound Mind and Ancient Soul Clan also killed them.

The people of the Demon Race also shot,

The devil did not make a move.

Demon God child stared at the fallen Tianyang Protoss, grinning.

Some of these Tianyang Protoss turned into golden crows.

The demon **** child put these golden crows in the iron pot and began to make the soup.

He smiled and said: "Golden Black Decoction, a tonic, this time, you can have a big meal."

Those people around just feel dizzy!

This demon **** child is really unique.

"Aren't you doing it?" Long Han frowned and asked.

The devil said: "I said, I am not interested in the Dao of Destruction, I am more interested in this golden black soup."

"You fight, don't affect my meal."

Those powerhouses of the Demon Race were also speechless.

They also know that bear children are too young to like to play.

They said: "The son of God does not make a move, but we will not give up."

A powerful magic pattern appeared on them, ready to strike with all their strength.

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