Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7949: Progenitor


A metal-like sound sounded like a golden horse.

When everyone heard this sound, they were a little confused.

Is this someone attacking, eating the worm?

who's that? Recklessly?

What should I do if I irritate God Eater?

Don't shoot anymore.

They ranted frantically,

Some people even turned their heads.

However, I didn't find out who was making the shot.

Lin Xuan was also shocked: Didn't crush it? What a strong defense.

You know, how strong his Valkyrie is.

With his current strength, one punch can hurt, the second watershed person.

However, it was impossible to crush this god-eater.

It was beyond expectation.

The next moment, an extremely awful light burst into his eyes.

On his palm, a monstrous sword aura appeared.

The invincible sword energy, combined with the powerful divine body, once again slew the god-eater.


The body of the Divine Devouring Insect shattered, and the golden light on his body became dim and turned into a cloud of blood.

The Devouring Worm has fallen.

"It looks like it's my sword aura, even more powerful."

Lin Xuan was very satisfied with this,

Those other people were dumbfounded.

They said: "Someone is still attacking the God Devourer."

This time, everyone turned around frantically, and they were stunned.

They discovered that only one of the two Divine Devourers who had chased them was left.

They were stunned.

Someone said: "Who is it that caught another God Eater?"

It was also said: "I just heard it, a broken voice."

"It's not someone who killed a god-eater, right?"

Are you kidding me?

The people around didn't believe that the powerful true **** holding the artifact could not hurt the god-eater.

Who can kill it?

Even the strongest genius here, Long Han, is just a frozen god-eater.

However, he couldn't kill the opponent either.

"But, I clearly heard a broken voice."

The few people around, what else wanted to say, the living fossil said: "Hurry up."

They speed up again,

Finally, they got rid of the last god-eater.

They stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

The dragon's living fossil said: "These god-eaters are very powerful."

"Even the strong in the second watershed cannot destroy them."

"However, it is still possible to contend against them."

"Of course, we are also lucky. These god-eaters are not ancestors."

"The legendary ancestor insect, but even the body of the **** king can be crushed."

After everyone heard it, their scalp numb: This god-eater is terrible.

Having said that, there were still dozens of warriors who gathered together and whispered quietly.

"I did hear the broken sound just now, did you hear it?"

One of the warriors said,

The other warrior nodded. He said: "Not only did I hear it, but I also smelled it, a breath of blood evil."

"It should be the blood mist formed by the Divine Devouring Insect, after the body was broken."

"Could it be that we, the hidden master, can kill the God-Eater?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid no one will believe it."

Dozens of people talked.

They looked at Lin Xuan and asked, "You should have heard it too, right?"

They remember that Lin Xuan was near them.

Lin Xuan looked a little weird, and suddenly, he grinned.

He said: "It's more than I heard it. I crushed the Divine Devourer."

Several people looked at Lin Xuan, dumbfounded, and then they shook their heads.

Just kidding, this guy's breath is not strong, how could he have beaten the god-eater?

Yeah, who do you think you are?

They rolled their eyes.

"Is this guy a lunatic? Forget it, ignore him."

A few people are not discussing, but start to rest.

Lin Xuan sighed, "No one believes the truth these days."

He really crushed a god-eater!

Everyone rested for a while, ready to set off again.

Suddenly, there was a sound of earth-shaking roar from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, endless rays of light flickered, the void shattered and turned into ruins.

A vast force swept in.

When feeling this power, Long Han and others were all stunned.

They stood up and looked into the distance.

Not only them, but everyone who came in was shocked.

A series of exclamations sounded: What a terrible power, enough to destroy everything.

"Is it possible that the art of destruction has appeared?"

"Much like the power of Destruction Dao, it seems that someone has discovered the existence of Destruction Dao."

"Let's go, hurry up and have a look, you must get the technique of destruction."

Countless figures rushed towards the vision of heaven and earth ahead.

On Long Han's side, everyone also rose into the air and flew into the distance.

And in front,

There are a group of powerful demons, and the aura on them is extremely terrifying.

The one at the front is a boy, a bear kid.

A few powerful artifacts floated beside him, and the devilish energy on his body rushed into the sky.

He frowned and said, "What a powerful seal, open it with me."

It turned out that it was the bear children and others, the powerhouses of the Demon God Clan who made the move, forming a vision of heaven and earth.

They seem to have really discovered the power of destroying the Tao.

Those other people are also rushing madly.

Lin Xuan followed the crowd, his eyes flickering.

Finally discovered the technique of destruction, he must get it.

If he gets it, his strength can still be improved.

When the time comes, he will be more confident against Long Tatian.

Suddenly, a ray of light volleyed over.

This is a huge knife light, extremely terrifying.

When it fell, the people around only felt that the soul was split.

Even Lin Xuan's expression changed.

This knife was directed at him,

This is the sword of the soul, with infinite power.

It enveloped him in an instant.

Lin Xuan's body flew upside down and hit the building in the distance.

Boom boom boom!

There was a sound like the sky, and the void was shattered, and thousands of cracks appeared.

The other people were so shocked that they turned their heads and looked.

There are people injured.

"Isn't this the kid who bragged before? Why would someone attack him?"

"Follow him, we can't help this kid, the guys are very strong."

Even Long Han and others frowned slightly, and they turned their heads and looked.

The living fossil next to it said: "It's from the soul race, don't worry, we will continue to set off."

They didn't know Lin Xuan, and there was no reason to rescue him.

More importantly, they must reach the place of vision as quickly as possible.

They must grab the technique of destruction.

Soon, those people flew away,

There were more than a dozen figures flying over.

These people, wearing ancient Taoist robes, were murderous.

There is an extremely powerful soul breath in their eyes, and they are from the soul race.

The leader is the third uncle of the soul clan.

He said coldly: "Don't hide, you are a mad god."

"You can fool others, but you can't fool us."

"The power of our soul race is so powerful, we can see through everything."

"Your breath has long been sensed by us, and hand over the power of the Dragon God Fruit."

Has it been discovered?

Among the ruins, Lin Xuan stood up, his face was extremely solemn.

He said coldly: "You have to pay the price if you dare to attack me."

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