Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7943: Sweep 1 cut!

Long Hao was stunned. He did not expect that the opponent's strength was so strong.

He said, "Could it be that you got the Dragon Fruit?"

"Quickly, you all shoot together, grab this kid for me, I want to draw his dragon blood."

What if the opponent is stronger? There are so many masters on his side.

There are four people in the second watershed.

In addition to the previously injured black dragon, there are three beside him.

Hearing Long Hao's words, the three elders around him walked out.

They joined forces and killed Lin Xuan.

As the strong of the older generation, it is very embarrassing to join hands against a young man.

However, they had to listen to Long Hao's order.

In addition, this mad **** is indeed very powerful, if singled out, they are not opponents at all.

Let's make a quick decision and suppress the opponent.

The three old men rushed quickly,

One of the old men, Yulong, brought squally rain.

The other old man is Thunder Dragon,

The last old man is Yunlong.

Suddenly, the sky was full of wind and rain, the thunder was overwhelming, and it was more cloudy and mysterious.

The people around, backed crazy.

Just kidding, three world-famous elders join forces to sweep everything.

No matter how strong this mad **** was, he couldn't resist it.

If you change to the previous Lin Xuan, you really can't resist it.

But now? Lin Xuan has crossed the first watershed.

His strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

With a cold snort, he shot.

This time, not only the power of the Martial God Body was used, but also the peerless swordsmanship.

Lin Xuan waved his arm and used the Qingyun sword spectrum.

His figure became extremely ethereal, traveling between heaven and earth.

Every sword fell, it could hit one of the elders.

In a blink of an eye, the ten moves had passed, and Lin Xuan was not injured.

Instead, he kept shooting, making the three elders look like enemies.

Isn't it?

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

Can this mad **** fight the three world-famous elders?

How strong is he? Where is his limit?

Even the three elders were shocked.

Originally, they thought that the three of them could join forces to quickly suppress each other.

But where they can think of it, it is not what they think.

The opponent is too strong, and the opponent's body is too ethereal.

This sword technique is even more mysterious, so they can't prevent it at all.

They looked at Yunlong and said, "Can you spot him?"

Elder Yunlong nodded and said, "Yes, the power he uses is very similar to my Dao of Clouds."

"Don't worry, I will use Qianyun's hand to stop him."

"As soon as he shows up, you two will kill you immediately."

While talking, Elder Yunlong played his unique skill, Qian Yunshou.

In the clouds and mist, thousands of dragon claws emerged, covering the sky over the sky.

Lin Xuan's figure really appeared.

Seeing this scene, Elder Thunder Dragon and Yulong were overjoyed, and they quickly shot.

However, they were still a step late.

Lin Xuan suddenly made a move and displayed the ultimate move from the Qingyun Sword Book.

One sword cut off thousands of dragon claws and penetrated the body of Elder Yunlong.

Elder Yunlong was hit hard and flew out.

The attacks of Thunder Dragon and Yulong elders were empty.

After a successful move, Lin Xuan killed Leilong and Yulong elders.

War 20 moves.

He drew two sword marks on the two of them.

After the two elders withdrew, they were also injured.

"Do you have this strength? But so."

Lin Xuan said coldly.

At this moment, he is looking at all directions, like the supreme god.

The world is terribly quiet, everyone is dumbfounded.

The three true gods of the second watershed, joined forces to besiege, unexpectedly defeated!

One serious injury, two minor injuries.

This is a complete failure!

Lin Xuan looked at Long Hao and said, "Dare you arrogant in front of me with these people?"

"Today, I have to teach you a lesson."

He walked forward.

Long Hao backed away in fright, his face turned extremely pale.

He didn't expect that such a strong lineup could not help the opponent.

He wanted to escape.

In an instant, Lin Xuan came to him.

Long Hao exclaimed: "Help me quickly."

The other strong dragons rushed over.

"Crazy God stop, you can't move him, his identity is very unusual."

Even the elders rushed in quickly.

However, they are still a step late,

Lin Xuan slapped Long Hao on the face.

Long Hao was shot to the ground, and a slap print appeared on his face.

He was beaten up.

"You dare to hit me!"

Since childhood, no one has beaten him, and his parents are reluctant to beat him.

Now, the mad **** dared to hit him,

Moreover, slapped him in the face!

Lin Xuan shot, another clear slap in the face.

He said: "Yes, I will hit you, what can you do?"

After he finished speaking, he shot continuously and hit the opponent's face directly and swollen.

Long Hao's teeth are flying all over the sky.

Too awkward, it was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

As a powerful young master of the Dragon Clan, he is aloof with extraordinary blood.

However, now, he was madly slapped in public.

This time, it was really shameful!

The four elders joined forces and rushed over, but Lin Xuan directly grabbed Long Hao's head.

He said: "Who moved? I will let him go to dust."

The four elders dare not act rashly,

Although shameful now, it is better than losing one's life.

Let this crazy **** do it, as long as Master Long Hao is alive, there is hope.

Lin Xuan slapped the opponent 100 times, and Long Hao's face was completely rotten.

He fell there, unconscious.

Lin Xuan looked at the two figures ahead again, it was Zhen Jiuzhong and Zhen Wu.

The two men fell on their knees in fright: "Spare, spare."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I can spare your lives, but the death penalty is forgiven, and the living sin cannot escape."

You two, please reflect on it.

He punched out, smashing the two men's meridians.

The two fell to the ground, desperate,

They were actually abolished!

From then on, UU reading, they are useless, they have no power anymore.

It's worse than killing them.


With a scream, the two fainted directly.

The people around had numb scalp.

Two Tianjiao were dethroned, and a high-ranking young master was smashed into pieces.

Life is better than death.

There are still four powerful elders present.

Without these four elders, or that Lin Xuan is not from Dragon Palace.

It is estimated that these few Tianjiao will be wiped out in an instant.

Those people from other family sects retreated one after another.

They thought in their hearts that they wouldn't be able to easily provoke them in the future, this crazy god.

This is an ancestor, can not afford to offend.

Lin Xuan took Long Hao's storage ring and turned and left.

The elders of the dragon clan were silent, they did not do anything.

Long Hao was in the rear, roaring frantically.

He just woke up when he saw the storage ring being stolen, and he was angry and fainted again.

The four elders hurried over and took Long Hao and others away.

They entered the chariot and flew into the distance.

Those other people also sighed: Forget it, leave.

It seems that the Dragon God Fruit was obtained by the Mad God,

Even, it has been eaten by the mad god.

They have no chance at all.

Someone also said: "No, I remember, the **** son of the demon clan came in."

"Why didn't you see him?"

"He is coming, this crazy god, shouldn't get the dragon fruit?"

Someone also said: "I seem to have seen the **** son of the Demon Race two days ago."

"He seems to have discovered something new."


"You mean, besides the Dragon God Fruit, there are other treasures here?"

Everyone's eyes were red as soon as this was said.

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