Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7913: The ancestral land is back!

Qingyun Tower,

At this moment, the top of the pagoda is covered with runes.

All the power rushed to the top of the tower.

At the top of the tower.

The ancestor Qingyun was surrounded by the formation, and there was an extremely piercing light in his eyes.

In front of him, Ziqing was drowsy.

On Ziqing's body, there was a flying sword, which was mysterious and unpredictable.

This is exactly one of the inheritances exchanged from the world of God Kings.

Let's start.

The ancestor Qingyun took a deep breath, and the power on his body surged towards Ziqing.

And in every corner of these formations, there is an elder sitting cross-legged.

They are pushing hard and controlling the formation, and there is a glimmer of expectation in their eyes.

If successful, the ancestors will return to the top.

At that time, the strength of their family will be able to reach a higher level.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed,

Lin Xuan hasn't come out yet.

Qingfeng was also extremely anxious, and he reported the matter to the elder.

When the elder heard this, he was shocked and even came personally.

This elder is an old woman named Elder Green Snake.

She lived with a cane, white hair, and old eyes, and she looked towards the ancestral land ahead.

She frowned tightly: "Are you still alive? It's really unexpected!"

The person next to him is worried again: "Elder, he won't really succeed, right?"

Elder Qing Snake sneered: "How about success?"

"Even if he is really successful, then it will be more beneficial to us."

"He brought the Qingyun sword spectrum out, and we will kill him."

"Not only can he get his power, but also the Qingyun sword spectrum."

"At that time, our family can reproduce the glory of the year."

They continue to wait.

In an instant, a year passed,

Qingyun Ancestral Land,

Lin Xuan opened his eyes.

There was a cyan light in his eyes, flickering.

Qingyun sword score, he has completely written down.

This is a very terrifying sword technique. The Tsing Yi woman before, used the Qingyun sword spectrum.

Of course, it is only part of the sword spectrum.

However, the power is extremely terrifying, capable of breaking Lin Xuan's Martial God Body.

But now, Lin Xuan has mastered the sword spectrum.

Although he has just completed his training, he is matched with the great dragon sword and the strength of the Martial God Body.

The power of this sword spectrum will be even higher.

It's time to leave.

Lin Xuan stood up.

This time, when he came to Qingyun family, he was just trying his luck.

Unexpectedly, he was very satisfied with obtaining such a powerful sword book.

I don't know, how is the situation outside?

Is Ziqing's injury good?

If it's not good, he is ready to do something to help the other party heal his injuries.

After all, he was here and got such a big benefit, so it is right to help each other.

Boom boom boom!

The door of the ancestral land, slowly opened,


Qing Feng waited impatiently for his disciples.

But suddenly, the ancestral land opened,

They were extremely shocked.

Finally opened.

The disciples breathed a sigh of relief: "It looks like that guy should have failed."

"We can go in and take his power."

"He is too bad for him. He has been tested for a year, and he deserves to be the top genius of Dragon Palace."

"Come on, let's go in."

Qingfeng and others quickly rushed towards the ancestral land.

They stopped before entering the ancestral land.

They heard the sound of footsteps coming from the ancestral land,

They were all stunned.

what's the situation? How could there be someone inside?

Could it be that the kid is still alive?

Impossible, how could he pass the Qingyun test?

Who is in there?

Everyone was shocked.

Soon, in front of them, a figure appeared.

A young figure walked out of the ancestral land.

When seeing this figure, these people in Qingyun World were all stunned.

They found that it was really a mad god,

The other party is still alive.

Are you kidding me? Did the other party pass the test?

Countless exclamations sounded.

Their family has been tested every 100 years in endless years.

But all failed,

Unexpectedly, let an outsider succeed.

Qingfeng also clenched his fists, his palms filled with sweat.

He asked: "Have you passed the test? Have you got the Qingyun Sword Book?"

That's right.

Lin Xuan nodded, not hiding anything.

Everyone took a breath, they felt a dream.

The other party really got the sword score, that was their family's core secret.

Due to the failure to pass the test, this secret has been lost to their family for a long time.

They stared at Lin Xuan, their eyes red.

Many people took their swords and walked forward.

Soon, they surrounded Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Qing Feng's handsome face became a bit hideous.

He said: "It is natural to take you, take back the sword, and take away your power."

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so strong."

"We originally thought that you would die in the test and then collect your power."

"Unexpectedly, you actually passed the test."

"But, the result is the same,"

"You will be suppressed."

Hearing these words, Lin Xuan's face became completely ugly.

Before that, he was thinking about helping the Qingyun family.

But I didn't expect that the other party would avenge revenge.

Moreover, from the very beginning, the opponent intended to seize his power.

Qingyun test is not for the other party to repay him, but a trap.

It's just that his strength is too strong, beyond everyone's expectations.

So, he passed the test.

If he didn't have the Great Dragon Sword Soul, it would be difficult to pass the test.

And the result is fall.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's expression became completely cold.

"A bunch of ungrateful things, what about Ziqing, is she also involved in the plan?"

Lin Xuan felt angry.

"You will never see my sister."

"Also, it's not that we are ungrateful, but that you took things you shouldn't have."

"You ate the magic pill of the Seven Color God King, right? That is our pill."

"We are the inheritors of the Colorful God King, and we must get the power of the God Pill."

From Qingfeng's point of view, there is no doubt that the other party will die, and there are some secrets, so it doesn't hurt to tell the other party.

Lin Xuan was shocked: What? The members of the Qingyun family are the inheritors of the Colorful God King.

Is this incredible?

He did eat one, a divine pill refined by the Seven Color God King.

No one knew about this matter.

Unexpectedly, the other party knew about it!

Unexpectedly, this family is actually related to the Seven Color God King!

It's really unexpected.

"Well, all that is said is to make you understand."

"Do it."

Qingfeng waved his hand, UU read www. Dozens of figures around rushed over.

These are dozens of genius disciples, and together they will form a terrifying sword formation.

Cloud Sea Sword Formation!

What if the opponent is stronger?

Two fists are hard to beat four hands.

The other party is not the opponent of their family.

Dozens of sword auras danced between heaven and earth, turned into a sea of ​​clouds, and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was enveloped in an instant.


Everyone laughed,

Qingfeng is moving forward, drawing out the opponent's strength.

But at this moment, inside the formation, a palm came out.

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