Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7910: Divine King!

The elders around, quickly agreed.

"Don't worry, ancestor, we will send someone to find it."

"I will definitely get Ziqing back."

Their line is a line of the Qing line, which belongs to one of the seven lines.

And their seven veins are the descendants of the Seven Color God King.

Their ancestors of the seven veins were all disciples of the King of Seven Colors.

Inherited the power of the Colorful God King.

However, the core strength of the Seven Color God King, the God King inheritance, they did not get.

This time, the world of the king of gods was opened, and they sent people there.

Among them, Ziqing is the most promising one.

Ziqing's blood is extremely extraordinary.

Although the other party is from the same line of youth.

However, since he was a child, he tried to integrate the power of the purple line.

It was really successful.

In other words, Ziqing possesses the power of 2 veins.

This is very rare.

It can be said that apart from this skeleton, Ziqing is the only person who can merge the power of the two veins.

Ziqing must not fall, they must find it back.

Several elders left from above the pagoda and returned to the palace below.

They gave an order to let their disciple, the warrior, go find it.

Even these elders personally led the team and went out to search.

Although they are not the ancient **** race, they are also the ancient race, and their strength is very terrifying.

The Qingyun world they are in is full of geniuses.

At this moment, the overwhelming search will surely be able to find Ziqing's whereabouts.

And on the other side,

Lin Xuan followed Ziqing and flew to Qingyun World.

During the period, he also learned about the situation of Qingyun World.

This is an ancient tribe with a pretty good background.

Although it is not as good as the ancient gods, it is much stronger than the other clans.

In their world, there is no peak-level true god, the strongest is also a great true god.

There is more than one Dacheng God who has reached the second watershed,

Of course, there will be no more than three.

In fact, Lin Xuan was not too worried, as long as there was no God King, his life would not be in great danger.

Even the true **** of the pinnacle, shot him, the big deal, Lin Xuan entered the more ancient world.

However, facing the **** king, it will not work.

With the strength of the **** king, it is estimated that he will be suppressed without opening the world of Henggu.

Fly flying, suddenly, Lin Xuan was taken aback, he looked forward.

He said: "Your people are here."

Lin Xuan could feel that there was a lot of power in front of him.

The power of these people is very similar to the breath of Ziqing.

Think about it, it should be the other party's tribe.

Ziqing was also slightly taken aback.

It didn't take long before she saw that there were really many people in the distance, wearing green robes, flying.

On them, there was a flash of blue sword energy, which shuttled in the void.

Before long, the two sides met.

The leader is a handsome man in a green robe, his name is Qingfeng.

When he saw Ziqing, he was relieved.

He said, "Sister, you finally came back."

"Do you know? The elders of the family are all worried to death, even the ancestors are worried about you."

Is even the ancestor alarmed?

Ziqing's complexion changed, and she said: It was my fault.

Some dangers were encountered during this period, but fortunately, they were all resolved.

"Who is this?"

Qingfeng saw Lin Xuan and was taken aback.

"This is the mad son, my savior."

"I am going to invite him back to the family and repay his life-saving grace."

When they heard this, the members of the Qingyun family were also surprised.

Is Ziqing's life in danger? Is it too dangerous?

Fortunately, the mad **** saved the opponent.

They looked at the mad **** with gratitude, and Qing Feng even said, "Master, please."

Next, the group returned to the family.

The family members were relieved to learn that Ziqing had returned safely.

At the same time, they recalled those outside.

Ziqing briefly talked about her experience.

When I heard that it was a member of the Tianyang God Clan, they were shocked.

That is, the real wild ancient **** race.

Thanks to the mad **** son, otherwise, this time it is really dangerous.

"Come here, go to prepare the banquet, we have to treat him well, Lord Mad God."

They are extremely grateful,

Even, they have already begun to prepare gifts.

Ziqing even found her grandfather.

She said: "I have promised the mad son, let him go to the family's ancestral land."

Ziqing's grandfather is a true **** with terrifying strength, and he is close to the second watershed.

After hearing this, he said: "We can't be the Lord about the ancestral land."

"I have to tell the ancestors,"

"But don't worry."

"After you came back, the ancestors were very happy, I think there should be no problem."

After the banquet, Lin Xuan was taken to the nearby palace to rest.

And Ziqing followed her grandfather and several other elders to see the ancestors.

Soon, they came to the top of Qingyun Tower.

They were outside and said respectfully: "Old ancestor, Ziqing is back."

"come in."

An old voice came from inside.

A group of people went in.

Soon, the ancestors also learned about Ziqing's situation.

His brows frowned: No wonder he was able to destroy his kendo clone, which turned out to be a member of the Protoss, and was shooting.

When I heard the story of the mad god, the ancestor was also surprised.

He looked down,

The next moment, he was taken aback for a moment, then he stood up suddenly.

The elders around were all dumbfounded: "Old ancestor, what's the matter?"

Skeleton said: "That crazy **** possesses the aura of a colorful **** king."

"He deserves it, the treasure of the Colorful God King."

When this word came out, those around him were shocked.

Skeleton felt carefully, and then he exclaimed.

"It's a pill made by the king of gods, he actually took a pill."

"I must get his power."

The ancestors were extremely excited.

"No way, old ancestor."

Ziqing next to her changed her face.

She said: "The mad son, is my savior, you can't do anything to him."

As soon as the voice fell, the skeleton glanced at Ziqing, and suddenly Ziqing fainted.

Several elders were startled, and the skeleton said, "It's okay, she just passed out."

"She is too young to know how important the power of the **** king is."

"If I can get the power of the **** king, I can further recover."

"Maybe, it can also reproduce the Seven Meridians in the world."

"At that time, we will be able to compete with the real wild ancient gods."

"We will also become the masters of the The people around them are excited after hearing this.

Standing on the pinnacle of heaven and earth, this is the dream of every warrior.

And now, there is an opportunity, that is, to seize the power of the mad god.

The power of the Colorful God King belongs to them.

"Hurry up and find a way, and at the same time, open the Qingyun formation."

"This time, if I can succeed, maybe I can be born again."

Having said this, he stared at Ziqing, and there was a bit of light in his eyes.

This is an excellent container, coupled with the power of the Colorful God King, he will definitely be able to return to the top.

At that time, he will be able to study the inheritance left by the **** king!

Although it is only a partial inheritance, it is enough to benefit him endlessly!

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