Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7894: Humanoid soldiers!

Surrounded by the three masters, anyone can despair.

Even the top talents can hardly contend.

However, Lin Xuan was still not afraid.

He looked up to the sky and laughed.

Come on, let you see the real Valkyrie body.

The dragon veins in his body were circling quickly, and he used a magical power of the martial **** body.

The second generation of Dragon Sword descendants, created the Wushen body, not many supernatural powers,

However, there are.

Among them is a magical power called Dragon Blood Boiling.

Using this supernatural power can make the martial **** body burst out super power in a short time.

At this moment, what Lin Xuan displayed was the dragon's blood boiling.

Boom boom boom.

Lin Xuan has a cloud of dragon energy, blooming and burning, transforming into various dragon shadows.

Surrounded his body.

His body has become even more terrifying.


With a roar, he actually took the initiative to attack, the peerless dragon fist, sweeping all directions.

court death.

The three big masters on the opposite side were angry, one Tianjiao, and two senior figures.

They roared and killed quickly.

This time, they didn't keep any hands, and used their unique tricks.

The true God of Swallowing Tiger, the whole person turned into a black tiger.

He used the power of blood to the extreme.

The giant sword is the true god, the human sword is one.

That huge sword, unparalleled in ages, as high as ten thousand feet, quickly cut down.

The old man of the Xuanbing Protoss was even more covered with frost.

He seemed to have turned into the source of ice, and the endless cold wind blew out of him.

Can freeze easily, any great god,

Three powerful men, with all their strength, shot.

Lin Xuan and the three great masterpieces collided with each other, making a sound like earth-shaking.

His martial arts body, more and more bravery.

The sword is like a dragon,

He actually blocked the three faculties with one person.

Not only that, he was able to counterattack, he took the lead in killing the giant sword.

You are not my opponent when the human and sword are in one state. Your kendo is too weak.

Lin Xuan waved his arm and used his peerless swordsmanship.

With a boom,

The giant sword rolled, and on the long sword, the strong man of the ancient tribe was shaken out.

His body kept cracking, and the state of human and sword unity was shattered.

The cold wind in the sky fell on the Martial God body, all blocked.

The martial arts body is invincible.

Lin Xuan was like a man walking a magic weapon, killing the old man of the Frost Clan.

With a wave of his hands, the old man Hanbing was beaten back,

There is one last devourer left.

Lin Xuan did not dodge, letting the opponent swallow him.

Then, he also turned into a state of adult sword integration,

With a punch, he directly penetrated the black tiger.

The battle happened very quickly and ended very quickly.

Before long, the three figures screamed and fell from the sky.

When everyone saw this scene, they were shocked.

God, what did they see?

The mad **** swept the three powerhouses with one person.

Moreover, the three powerhouses were seriously injured,

Is this incredible?

How strong is the mad god, completely beyond the first watershed.

This guy will not be close to the second watershed, will he?

Is this the legendary Valkyrie body? too frightening.

I feel that he himself is a magic weapon.

Humanoid magical soldiers are all invincible.

The people in the distance are creepy,

The disciples of the Devouring God Clan and Demon God Clan have even more scalp tingling.

They don't dare to be arrogant anymore.

The three swallowing tigers are also crazy roars: how is it possible?

Did they actually lose?

When the three of them joined forces, they were instantly defeated by each other?

Shame, really shame.

I am not convinced.

Swallowing tiger roared, took out various divine pills from the storage ring, and swallowed it down.

He said: Everyone joins forces again.

Just now, he must have used the unskilled hole card, it is impossible for him to use it a second time.

That's right.

The other two old men also flew back.

Although they were seriously injured, they have many geniuses.

At this moment, they quickly swallowed the genius treasure and shot again.

The Great Sword God, looking up to the sky and roaring.

This time, he did not use the human sword to unite, but displayed another kind of magical power.

The huge sword in his hand quickly grew larger, covering the entire sky.

From the great sword, one mountain after another fell, like a sacred mountain.

Thousands of sacred mountains fell in the sky, and the void kept shattering.

The people around have numb scalp: Run away, this giant sword is really crazy.

They could see that these sacred mountains were formed by the condensation of sacred blood.

In other words, the True God of Great Sword was consuming his own blood crazily.

This is a lose-lose style of play.

This shows that the true giant sword is really crazy.

Swallowing Tiger drew a black whirlpool, which also enveloped the world.

Wherever the whirlpool was covered, all the power was swallowed.

The old man Frost also shot,

He condensed into a spear of ice.

This ice divine spear is only two meters long, but it has gathered countless strength.

It seems to be able to penetrate everything between heaven and earth.

They killed it again.

Lin Xuan was also angry, and the state of dragon blood boiling would not last long.

He is ready to fight quickly.

Apparently, one must beheaded to slay a world-class powerhouse to shock the Quartet.

He stared at the true **** Devouring Tiger, he was about to destroy the opponent.

With a roar, Lin Xuan rushed over again like a humanoid soldier.

With a wave of both hands, it turned into a tens of thousands of divine swords, knocking all the sacred mountains in the sky into flight.

At the same time, his figure kept dodge to avoid the ice spear.

In an instant, he was in contact with the black vortex.


Lin Xuan used the invincible power to cooperate with the eight sounds of the heavenly dragon to make a huge roar of dragon.

That voice turned into a vast ocean, colliding with the black whirlpool.

The sky fell apart.

Everyone only feels that the body and soul are going to be shattered.

They frightened their hind legs crazy, they were really stunned.

This crazy **** still has such power,

Didn't he reach the limit?

how is this possible? How can he still have power?

Even the true **** of swallowing tigers is blinded.

Just when he was dazed, Lin Xuan rushed over again, palms like swords, a sword opened the sky.


The black vortex was actually split in half.

This scene is really terrifying,

You know, the Swallowing God Race can swallow all power.

No matter how strong an attack is, it can be swallowed when it enters the vortex.

It is very difficult to hurt the Heaven-swallowing God Race.

But now, the whirlpool of the Sky-Swallowing God Race was actually split.

This shows that the power of the mad **** is too strong to swallow a tiger.

The figure of Tiger Devouring emerged from the whirlpool, and his body was also split into two.

The black blood of the gods kept dripping and turned into black holes after another.

He gritted his teeth: Damn it, I fought with you.

Those black holes, spinning fast, sending fast.

Lin Xuan used the martial arts body to display the Flying Fairy from the outside world, his figure disappeared instantly.

Falling from the sky,

A finger, like a peerless divine sword, was placed in the center of Gulhu's eyebrows.

The body of the swallowing tiger turned into a black hole, wanting to swallow this force.

However, he underestimated Lin Xuan's kendo.

This sword was really too strong, one finger penetrated the opponent's body.

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